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Cursed Sword Akamanah/Zariche

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If we can’t have an active GM in game to verify bots and ban... 

Having these transformations available would be helpful to combat the bot problem.  Please add that to the discussion with the DEVs.  If we can’t be policed by an admin, let us police ourselves in this way.  I personally PK 5-10 bot ponies daily when I’m in the wasteland on a lowbie account.  But that only works for an hour, before they resummon.  Higher levels can only be mob trained, but they’ll come right back to the same spot shortly after.

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44 minutes ago, Shakespear said:

If we can’t have an active GM in game to verify bots and ban... 

Having these transformations available would be helpful to combat the bot problem.  Please add that to the discussion with the DEVs.  If we can’t be policed by an admin, let us police ourselves in this way.  I personally PK 5-10 bot ponies daily when I’m in the wasteland on a lowbie account.  But that only works for an hour, before they resummon.  Higher levels can only be mob trained, but they’ll come right back to the same spot shortly after.

Do you really think someone having Zariche would hunt bots?
They would only kill 10 to lvl up Zariche and then go for players cuz ppl are jerks.

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9 hours ago, Cally said:

Do you really think someone having Zariche would hunt bots?
They would only kill 10 to lvl up Zariche and then go for players cuz ppl are jerks.

Typically how it goes on the live servers. Usually they go for the lowbie players because the high level ones can fight back.

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43 minutes ago, Pooflakes111 said:

They should renable drop items on death so we can have a reward for training them.


Yeah no drop on PVE death was always dumb so that's why it was removed. It's a "sword" that cuts both ways as the botters would train real players out of their area. High level players would use it to grief lowbies. Seriously it was stupid with parties refusing to invite people unless someone the leader trusted would vouch for them and more. It just enabled a more toxic environment in general.

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On 12.04.2019 at 10:38 PM, Pooflakes111 said:

They should renable drop items on death so we can have a reward for training them.


what kind of drop you wanna get from dead bot? moonlight set or NG weapon from 15lvl quest? turning on drop from pve death will stimulate just jerks who start stun pullers during aoe farm.

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On 4/14/2019 at 4:41 PM, Pooflakes111 said:

Sure,not hordes, but most aren't in hordes. You don't even need fake death, you just log out, log back in, then stun the bleeper.

First of all, you need free mobs. Which won't happen in bot-infested areas. Which means you don't want to stun bots. Which means you want to stun non-bots.

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On 4/13/2019 at 5:20 AM, Krissa said:

Won't work against hordes of pony bots per mob.

What would somehow work is pay to play model.

Oh wow are you serious?

Because every pay to play mmorpg has bots galore including this game when it was pay to play....

On 4/15/2019 at 1:34 PM, Krissa said:

First of all, you need free mobs. Which won't happen in bot-infested areas. Which means you don't want to stun bots. Which means you want to stun non-bots.

If they wanted to kill bots they'd just make a throw away character to kill the bot's ponies. Kill the pony and most bots will be dead fairly quickly..

So you're probably closer to the truth.

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On 11/4/2019 at 8:25 AM, Shakespear said:

If we can’t have an active GM in game to verify bots and ban... 

Having these transformations available would be helpful to combat the bot problem.  Please add that to the discussion with the DEVs.  If we can’t be policed by an admin, let us police ourselves in this way.  I personally PK 5-10 bot ponies daily when I’m in the wasteland on a lowbie account.  But that only works for an hour, before they resummon.  Higher levels can only be mob trained, but they’ll come right back to the same spot shortly after.

Imagine you fighting versus a waterfall that will never stop falling over you... DO you really think akam... or zari... will solve the problem? Totally fail, it will be fun (been there done that) but then you get tired and bots keep coming over and over.

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4 minutes ago, Treyvn said:

i dont wanna policing the game i want to play the game lulz


help an alliance of vendors to make raids to sell items,
help an STAFF that does not maintain its game,
it is almost the same

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4 hours ago, Tool_of_Society said:

Oh wow are you serious?

Yes, that's why I said "somehow".

4 hours ago, Tool_of_Society said:

Because every pay to play mmorpg has bots galore including this game when it was pay to play....

It looked that way back then, yes. But compared to the current situation, it had almost no bots.

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2 hours ago, Krissa said:

Yes, that's why I said "somehow".

It looked that way back then, yes. But compared to the current situation, it had almost no bots.

No it had every bit as much. The only difference is that there were a LOT more areas at any given level that you could go to for effective leveling/adena. Basically every "major" player on the server botted. I would say outright every major player but I'm sure there were a handful that didn't. It was a bit of a game in a game to find the botting spots of the "leet players". Also back then the bot owners were far more aggressive about killing players so they would move out of the bot's area. If you messed with a bot train most likely some very high level characters would show up to kill you or train you. IT didn't matter much though because you could always move somewhere else to level up. When Necros/Catas were added it made the situation even better for the manual players because that gave you all kinds of opportunity for leveling and adena making. I miss the real old seven signs because with that system I had fun grinding huge AoE trains underground with my dorf via poling (with a SE cause VR actually worked back then). Sometimes farming with randoms but usually alone. The farming of green/blue/red whatever things that dropped which could be converted into Ancient Adena for sale to the rich people was a solid source of money that allowed me to get decent gear despite not having a CP or a clan to carry me through Raid bosses. Since I didn't bot I was always behind on levels compared to the "leetsauce" players (much like today on classic) so clans were never really interested in me.

Meanwhile when I played world of world of warcraft years ago (there was no free trial etc) you would find +30 something level 1 characters floating in the air to form up URL addresses for gold selling sites and they would be up there floating forming different addresses in every single major city all day long with the same characters for weeks. That's hundreds of paid accounts just to make some gold advertisements on one server.

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13 minutes ago, Tool_of_Society said:

No it had every bit as much. The only difference is that there were a LOT more areas at any given level that you could go to for effective leveling/adena. Basically every "major" player on the server botted. I would say outright every major player but I'm sure there were a handful that didn't. It was a bit of a game in a game to find the botting spots of the "leet players". Also back then the bot owners were far more aggressive about killing players so they would move out of the bot's area. If you messed with a bot train most likely some very high level characters would show up to kill you or train you. IT didn't matter much though because you could always move somewhere else to level up. When Necros/Catas were added it made the situation even better for the manual players because that gave you all kinds of opportunity for leveling and adena making. I miss the real old seven signs because with that system I had fun grinding huge AoE trains underground with my dorf via poling (with a SE cause VR actually worked back then). Sometimes farming with randoms but usually alone. The farming of green/blue/red whatever things that dropped which could be converted into Ancient Adena for sale to the rich people was a solid source of money that allowed me to get decent gear despite not having a CP or a clan to carry me through Raid bosses. Since I didn't bot I was always behind on levels compared to the "leetsauce" players (much like today on classic) so clans were never really interested in me.

Meanwhile when I played world of world of warcraft years ago (there was no free trial etc) you would find +30 something level 1 characters floating in the air to form up URL addresses for gold selling sites and they would be up there floating forming different addresses in every single major city all day long with the same characters for weeks. That's hundreds of paid accounts just to make some gold advertisements on one server.

The reality is that during the pay to play era the gold farmers were actively using stolen credit cards and stolen game cards to pay for their bots. By the time NCsoft figured out that the charges were false the account had already served it's purpose. I always figured a good chunk of the sellers were just straight stealing CC info from buyers for this purpose too.

One of the game cards I bought at the nearest best buy had already been used despite being sealed new in the box.. NCWest made things right though and the way the conversation went lead me to believe this wasn't unusual at all... It only happened once which isn't bad considering I had 4 accounts I was buying cards for every couple months.

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2 hours ago, Tool_of_Society said:

No it had every bit as much. The only difference is that there were a LOT more areas at any given level that you could go to for effective leveling/adena.

Not in my experience (Hindemith C4 and later through all the server mergers till the end of p2p).

2 hours ago, Tool_of_Society said:

When Necros/Catas were added it made the situation even better for the manual players because that gave you all kinds of opportunity for leveling and adena making. I miss the real old seven signs because with that system I had fun grinding huge AoE trains underground with my dorf via poling (with a SE cause VR actually worked back then).

Do you realize that if the lowbie catas were added now, you would find no room with free mobs at all?

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31 minutes ago, Krissa said:

Not in my experience (Hindemith C4 and later through all the server mergers till the end of p2p).

Do you realize that if the lowbie catas were added now, you would find no room with free mobs at all?

I started playing in closed beta and even then there were people botting. It was commonly known that the servers were going to be wiped before open beta/release so I was surprised by bots running around. As stated on my servers all the top clans botted and/or had bot trains they ran for adena. Also as stated the gold farmers were far more organized and would kill you if you were in their spot or messing with them.

Do you realize that you're talking about a fraction of what was available in the era I was discussing? There were bot trains back then too but there was enough space you could find a cata/necro that had clean areas for gathering mob trains.  It's almost like NCwest wants to severely limit the amount of leveling space to force conflict or make the game seem more populated or something..

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On 4/18/2019 at 12:43 AM, Tool_of_Society said:

Do you realize that you're talking about a fraction of what was available in the era I was discussing? There were bot trains back then too but there was enough space you could find a cata/necro that had clean areas for gathering mob trains.

Do you realize that there is nothing but the login queue that would limit the amount of bots on the f2p server if you add new easily botted (like cata/necro) locations to the game?

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