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Einhasad golden coins


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Buy less event items with Ncoins and they might consider it ;)
I am looking for that day, when the Einhasad store will appear here until then, let's all stay afk & do PVE since gear requirements for PVP are only for the 5% of the server.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Any info on this?

I think we deserve an answer, whatever answer (yes, no, soon, next year, never).  Doesn't even need to be that accurate.

Just as a sign that you care enough about your players to write a few words about an issue that would have a great impact on their characters - an update they see implemented an all other regions, which gives them a legitimate expectation that it would come to their servers eventually.

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On 5/15/2021 at 5:05 PM, Akashha said:

Any info on this?

I think we deserve an answer, whatever answer (yes, no, soon, next year, never).

As if the rare answers we get are ever accurate. So much for that "permanent" addition of greedy chests, right?

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On 5/6/2021 at 2:55 PM, DNP said:

When are you planning to implement them? Don't you think it's time for nc west to sell permanently rare items on l2 store?  @Juji

Well it's up to them, imagine that adding those items as perma for sale will affect their income :D, so less events that can bring something valuable, people will participate less in events ( being tired getting potions :D ); however wait they will be added soon ! Meanwhile ...



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Lv5 jewelry in 2021 was supposed to be common items.  Compared to other EU, UK and KR servers.  If they put the coins.  I wouldn't be worried about the Greedy Treasure right now.  They took away the Greedy harmed the way to earn adena in game.  invite some friends to play here they gave up.  With the super high values of the items.  Many took advantage of bots and gained a lot of adena and went up faster and faster.  What happened?  They thought nothing of taking the greedy and hurt the rest of the players.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There are 3 ways to enjoy the game.
1. Buy latest Blessed Exalted Pack, Destiny Pack and Prestige Pack and only do dailies and hunt afk.
2. Open Visa/Mastercard and put as much money as possible to gear quickly. Approx 30.000 dollars should get you setup so you can go to Siege and still be 1 hit. (irony)
3. Uninstall the game and play something else.


I really like the game, but other than Hunting zones, dailies, siege, Dimensional siege, the occasional PVP (1 hit vs 1 hit), the game is pretty much dead because of the required money someone must inject to actually start playing competitive.

Those who are around for more than 3 years, 5 or even 15 years, have other reasons why they stay...

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