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Hardware repeat macros - will you get banned?


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So I used to use simple loop macros on my mouse for multiboxing and hunting. Never AFK and never for long periods of time (usually a few mins toggle on/off).


What's the stance on hardware macros now, used in the context above (not afk), considering it's a part of the game now and people are fine to use them afk?


There used to be a post on the old forum that was very vague and about 6 years out of date (please don't bother linking to be clever), I always understood it was ok as long as you're not using it for hours and hours or go afk.


Official updated stance please.

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No, it is bannable. You cannot use a 3rd party software to automate gameplay even if you are AFK or not. That being said, with the state of the game as it is, no GM is going to check on you and players are doing it all the time, with both 3rd party gamepads and in game macros. No one cares anymore, just do what you feel comfortable with.

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3 hours ago, Auburn said:

No, it is bannable. You cannot use a 3rd party software to automate gameplay even if you are AFK or not.

Source ??

As far as I remember last official word was that it is safe to use gamer mouse/keyboard as long as it only does stuff you could do yourself too.

For example:

  • If you have a button on your mouse to activate a macro to take heal pots until you press the button again: okay
  • If you use some 3rd party-software that detects when your HP is going down and starts to use the pots automatically: ban

But an official word/update on this would be good.

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1 hour ago, OmenOfSteel said:

Source ??

As far as I remember last official word was that it is safe to use gamer mouse/keyboard as long as it only does stuff you could do yourself too.

For example:

  • If you have a button on your mouse to activate a macro to take heal pots until you press the button again: okay
  • If you use some 3rd party-software that detects when your HP is going down and starts to use the pots automatically: ban

But an official word/update on this would be good.

This is exactly how I've always thought it worked, especially now that loopable macros are built into the game!


4 hours ago, Auburn said:

No, it is bannable. You cannot use a 3rd party software to automate gameplay even if you are AFK or not. That being said, with the state of the game as it is, no GM is going to check on you and players are doing it all the time, with both 3rd party gamepads and in game macros. No one cares anymore, just do what you feel comfortable with.


I've also heard this too. Although I've never heard of anyone being banned for macro keyboards pressing buttons, just people who were using 3rd party software.

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You're not going to get an official reply to this.

It could get you banned it could never be a problem. The only thing you know for sure is that using a hardware based macro opens another chance for you to be banned. It's up to you if you want to take the risk with your accounts.


EDIT : As stated above the macro repeat system is working quite well and should be good enough for you.

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as some people are lazy and don't bother to check the old forum where this topi was discussed many times here we go..



long story short anything that's not ingame macro can get your account closed so use hardware repeat macro's at your own prudence

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@Ferine, as you typed this question, you for sure knew the answer already, so? you wont get a free pass from any NCWest staff member about this, so please dont play the naive.

Using ingame loop macros is one thing, but using 3rd pt software to activate it it's totally different case.

All in all, up to you if you wanna put your character in risk to be banned.

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