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High lag, please community post your ping


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Blizzard servers 160 / 210 MS ( WOW, DIABLO 2, DIABLO 3) ( lag on click minimal )

Tera NA Servers 160 - 240 ms ( lag on click minimal )

Ogrefest 170 - 260ms ( lag on click minimal )

Lineage 2 Gludio server ( lag on click HIGH, 1/2 second or more to react )


something happened this last weekend, any gm answer please, im sure im not the only one with this

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22 minutes ago, Khania said:

Blizzard servers 160 / 210 MS ( WOW, DIABLO 2, DIABLO 3) ( lag on click minimal )

Tera NA Servers 160 - 240 ms ( lag on click minimal )

Ogrefest 170 - 260ms ( lag on click minimal )

Lineage 2 Gludio server ( lag on click HIGH, 1/2 second or more to react )


something happened this last weekend, any gm answer please, im sure im not the only one with this

Where are you playing from?

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90% of players from Argentina are with EXTREME lag since last friday.

Any GM please? Did you change something?

until Friday morning I had 200ms wich is ok for mmorpg. But since friday 11am or so, we all have extreme lag. Resource monitor from windows indicates between 430-500ms thats insane.

IPS is Fibertel Argentina.

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I'm also from Argentina, and experiencing the same issues while playing Lineage.

I've been playing with a few friends for some time now, and since last friday the ping has been really high.

We have 3 different ISP's, and all 3 of them have the same issues. 

Don't know if its a fiber issue at country-level or some node that is having issues and is part of the route to the servers.

I can provide a traceroute via PM if necessary.


BTW, ISP's are Fibertel, Telecentro and Movistar.

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