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Everything posted by Lego

  1. Well it's up to them, imagine that adding those items as perma for sale will affect their income , so less events that can bring something valuable, people will participate less in events ( being tired getting potions ); however wait they will be added soon ! Meanwhile ...
  2. @Juji, @LIME when the Olympiad games list bug will be fixed? people have reported this issue continuously but seems not solved. As well when weight penalty bug will be fixed? since causing problems when changing dual class?
  3. Lego


    Depends what you want to do in game, you want PVP most likely Yul is the most desired class for this action, especially Dark Elf/Trickster class; Tyr' s as well proven as overpower as well since last updates . You want PVE same archers are best to farm, + adena farm. You want to fish make Feoh or support class Healers/Iss/ Tank are classes barely used as they are useful in mass PVP only. You will find less people playing what they like (as me) despite low abilities of their characters. PS: Moonlight Sentinel for life !
  4. I hope they will not return, from what I understand the major servers have already stopped them for good.
  5. Lego

    Say hello to LIME!

    Hello @LIME, welcome to world of L2. We(the players) would like some more info about you please, like if you play the game or know the game, if you are going to be in the game or just on forum etc... don't be shy have no fear Lego is here
  6. QQ not at all i stopped investing in L2 store events months ago, i'm not biting the traps of the lovely shiny items they display. As i said in my previous posts NCwest it's a scam and no longer a credible company. I already play a different game thx for your tip
  7. The chance will be somewhere @ 0.0000009% to get a ruby/ red cat eye 5 i guess
  8. Hope everyone is ready for another round of Scam Night Market "promotion "
  9. Amin bots will starve to death! Thank you @Juji for taking our advice and disable the horror called Greedy RMT Chests. I hope you will disable them for good ! Now the server will be light/normal again.
  10. As i was expecting the miracle did not last for long we experience again delays and lag! @Juji aware of this?.
  11. Thank you! finally something good for players ! I'm surprised, I think it's gona' snow soon !
  12. I'm totally agree with you in the aspect of the server with one small modification not NCsoft, we talk about NCwest. I highly doubt that NCsoft knows what's happening on NCwest, how disappointed the customers are, how many bugs, 3rd program etc... I do agree that this greedy chests are beneficial for a lot of players, as for me as well, but when you have players like x, y, z that PK, cage you to steel your drop i call that abuse, harassment, which NCwest does not understand that this actions, and are unable to recognize them as a form of abuse. More than agree with PK system, it's absolutely useless, does not affect anyone i can make 1 bil PK's with absolutely no problem. Amin !
  13. 1st Who has been killing all Greedy Chests on Naia when all this madness chest "competition" started? And who was PK'ing random people just because there where farming in the areas box were spawning? 2nd you, x, y and z were adjusting the price from Jewels as you pleased making you profit for later so you can sell adena for RM, all server knows that 3rd This bots have showed up for a particular reasons, 1. To cut your "anarchy" and the toxic tactics that poisoned this server for years, stopping you for scamming people in AH 2. To show players of Naia that boting is real and it's allowed and i'm talking about both sides 4th I hope NCwest will stop all this greedy chests and stop this madness 5th and last if i were you i would stop even making comments on forum, coming from a person that previously been banned for using 3rd program Peace !
  14. A miracle does not last long....
  15. PLEASE FIX THIS UNPLAYABLE LAG !!!!! @Juji do something it's unacceptable !
  16. Bro why you cry ? The only things to do is STOP BUYING NCOINS. NCwest is a business, if they have income they will not care about their costumers. When people will stop investing in L2 store we will be listened for sure; however this game has been destroyed long time ago and it's a waste of time. Meanwhile accept the sweet scam events
  17. You did not had enough of the previous scam event need another?
  18. I encourage all players to start RMT big time and invest 0 $ in L2 Store, when their income will drop under the sea level they will give us some attention
  19. You think you will get any explanation? @Juji wake up ! Your server works like an old lady that goes to her grave ! PS: STOP THIS SCAM EVENT AND LIST ONLY THE ITEMS THAT ACTUALLY DROPS, STOP LYING TO US NCWEST
  20. NCwest became long time ago private server, RMT flows, bugs ++++, impossible items restored, prices in L2 store are very expensive and the rewards nonexistent, Lag and disconnects are on daily basis, @Juji is here only with the name (no info to community, does not deal appropriately to complains, gives no explanation when ppl are asking something). Certain program works and they know it works and they allow this by doing nothing. Restoration policy being abused every day, certain people getting impossible items. So why ppl complain about a bugged siege event ? Expect more to come, this NCwest lost the control of server, lost credibility, it's a waste of time. Peace, Lego out
  21. Ok Greedy Greedy Greedy, very good source of adena if you are smart and fast enough. I see a lot of people complaining about someone's stream, that he go there fast, killed box fast, people need to think before talking. I looked at that guy's stream and i see not problem, it took him 24 sec to port and kill. Ofc he is lvl 119 with a lot of power can kill boxes in 1 shoot. 24 sec it's actually a lot, i personally can do better. The alert he gets is no more or less than a game feature which people have no knowledge of it ( so better read before accuse). I don't defend the above accused streamer but my question is : How many computers this guy have that he can box more than 30 chars (that is what the GM'S should check), as well taking in the account that previously he has been banned for the use of Zranger. Furthermore we all know that bot works for Naia and it has the future of login unlimited numbers of accounts, as well i'm pretty sure that they have already developed scripts for Greedy chests since someone whouhou manages to kill a box in 4 seconds (i have video for that). So to blame is our beloved NCwest for not having any anti cheat programs, enabling this game to be fair. So in the conclusion if you don't the like how the server goes you know where is the exit button.
  22. Well best thing to do is to sell NCoins >get adena>>>buy the items required. Playing events it's a casino gamble, most of the times doesn't worth playing.
  23. Fore sure not worth the investment
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