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Everything posted by BlackIce

  1. So Yul only get Dragon Weapon for ~4 days out of the entire 2 week event? It's not like Yul's don't experience any delay, it's just not as bad as melee. 3 coupons seems overboard. 2 coupons at least gives them 7 times to use a dragon weapon. Every other day as where melee get it every day.
  2. I guess that also means the Dragon weapon event for archers doesn't really start until Friday, right?
  3. @Hime @Juji Am I reading this correctly? Archers need 3 coupons, but you only get one coupon a day AND you only get the cube for 14 days. That means that archers will really only get a Stage 1 Dragon for 4 days only???? Something about that doesn't sound right.
  4. No, not dual ISS. ISS second main alternate character to level with your first main/dual character. Agree to some extent that you should like your dual, since you have to spend time leveling them. But he makes a good point that you only really need a dual to get those certificates PDQ. Otherwise, why level a dual at all? You could just roll another alternate character.
  5. Restoration ticket requests must be hundred miles long if they are allowing this. Wow.
  6. Wow, my skill crits look pathetic compared to that. Game goals.
  7. LOL! You are definitely new here. L2 is mainly a game based on constant repetition. You're lucky you didn't start this game back before soul shots were automated. Depending on situation a dual is usually all you need with an alt ISS for prophecy buffs. But I know lots of people that have dozens of alts to help with farming dailies and events. Take Rim Kamaloka. I know a guy that does it every day on 10 Yul alts. Anything to increase his chance of winning something.
  8. Check the dagger forum. The info is probably there. https://forums.lineage2.com/forum/18-rogue/
  9. They said that we were going to get Red Libra during the summer, which changed to late July, then later said August-September maybe. A company should deliver on its word, yeah.
  10. I was talking to a high level guy who told me that he got 4 boxes every day, but never won anything but the fragments. If that is the same for most people, this is a terrible event.
  11. A guy asked me to join his party for Helios. He warned me that I might die, because Helios has a really powerful strike attack and my exalted gear may not be enough. But he could rez me before he killed the boss. He just needed 5 people to enter. In exchange for me joining he also offered to help me with quests that are hard for me to do solo. Anyway, long story short, we go in, I do die and get rezzed, but the guy basically solos and kills the boss in like 3 minutes. If Helios is that easy to kill, why do you need an entire party? I don't get it. Are other raids, group instances and daily quests like that?
  12. Thanks for responding. How do you buy a clan? Doesn't that open you up to possible scammers?
  13. Prolly should have put this in question forum, but more people come to discussion forum. Pardon faux pas. What is the best way to raise a clan quickly? I want to start a clan and get it to levels where I get additional buffs, stat bonuses, passive boosts and such. Unfortunately I don't see a thread that shows what to do to get to those high levels for a clan. Anyone have a guide or are willing to share your thoughts? Thanks!
  14. Here's the thing: the difference between a STR +5/ CHA +5 and a P. Skill Power STR+3/DEX+3 is going to be so small that you might not really notice it all that much in combat. Yes, for archers increasing DEX and Skill Power is preferred over just STR and CHA, so I would go that route. But if you already have STR +5/CHA +5, keep it, unless a P. Skill Power dye falls into your lap for really cheap -- like during an event, which is when I got mine..
  15. No, it's limited to Heavy, Light (Leather) or Robe appearances and you can't mix them up.
  16. The Appearance Stone disappears. It's just a skin, so once you overwrite it, it's gone.
  17. It's whatever you can negotiate. I usually see Dragon weapons Stage 1 in the 460B - 480B range in sell shops. That doesn't mean that's what they actually sold for, though.
  18. Honestly, it's time to get rid of the bleeping Zariche and Akamanah swords. Toss the bleepers in the ocean, never to be seen again. The only purpose they serve is to line the pockets of the same rich people/clans every day. People that turn around and try to find new ways to exploit them. Bleep that, get rid of them!!! Or better yet, pay me 5 billion a day for never being caught by either of the swords. Power should go to the survivors, not the killers. Killers should die and rot in Hell. You shouldn't reward them.
  19. They can make it very simple. If the item was purchased through the L2 store, or obtained through an event, especially a paid event, then 99% of the time it should be tradeable to another character. If they want to exclude La Vie En Rose jewels and other items that already have a way of reboxing and transfer -- although expensive as hell -- fine. If they want to turn this into a cheap paid service, I'd be ok with that. If they want to limit how many times you can buy a transfer ticket in a year, I'd be fine with that, too. But at least give us the option. Right now I have a Taurus Agathion charm with BR sitting on a character gathering dust. And why is that character gathering dust? Because the Devs made changes to the class that made it all but excruciatingly painful to play at high levels. If they can screw us over like that, then they should bend over backwards to help us transition to another class. That includes letting us transfer everything that can be moved to the new character.
  20. Yes, please, more defensive items that I can put on my archer and nuker. We are squishy. Wait, instead of adding another item that only the rich can afford, just make armor augments. You can have another free event, only instead of trying to kill the unkillable mobs, we crack open walnuts with an L2 nutcracker and out explode Armor augmentation Life Stones. Totally random results, like other augments. +15% P.Def/M.Def. on my circlet. +50% All "Ignore P.Def/M.Def" skill enchant resist on my tunic. +80% Archer resist for my stockings. +20% PVP defense which stacks on both gloves and shoes. Think of the possibilities!!!
  21. @Hime @Juji This is a legit question. I have one of the older agathion charms that I would like to transfer, either to another character on the same account, or to one of my other characters on a different account. Can this be done, and if not, why? When I think about the logic, this should be possible. Support should be able to move older items that are no longer available, especially if it's a rare item that still has efficacy and use, but won't be sold ever again in a future promotion. And it wouldn't require much work. Unlike Restoration, you don't have to check history, or see if I have available token. It also doesn't have the kind of impact to the game or economy that weapon restoring does. I'm guessing it can be done by support with minimal steps and effort: See agathion on dormant character, copy/delete it, go to receiving character, create/paste agathion in inventory, log off accounts, done. I'd do myself if you'd just set up the Dimensional Merchant with that functionality. I'm sure other players feel the same.
  22. That was my point. He said that gear, not class, determined outcomes. I was pointing out that it's deeper than that.
  23. After doing the event every day I've won...drum roll...Nightmare fragments. I have 1,240 at the moment. What have you won? Any great prizes?
  24. It's both. A tank in end-game gear still doesn't own all classes or xp as fast as an archer in end-game gear would.
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