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Everything posted by Nevermind

  1. @Juji, this is absolutely unacceptable. A lot of people were killing elementals for months and now you've reset counter to 0? Do you realize what is 7, 8, 9 weeks of _real time_? If you are good in arithmetics you can say it is around 2 months (sometimes more, as sometimes these raids fail). I would appreciate if you could fix that unintentional reset during obviously needed emergency maintenance. Thanks in advance! -NeverDwarf
  2. Those recipes are not obtainable anymore. I have them recorded, so if you need craft them on Giran server - mail NeverDwarf ingame. -NeverDwarf
  3. PL Armor keys will be from Shindebarn (1.276% — 1.562%) (drop), PL Gaiters keys will be from Shindebarn (14.97% — 18.45%) (spoil), (0.1% — 0.5%) (drop)
  4. It could be related to routing if they are using some kind of reverse NAT - where you are provided different IPs based on the location or round robin or weather on Mars and then they deliver packets to and from real server.
  5. You didn't say "Yes, please transfer". It is reasonable to expect that they didn't.
  6. They don't need to "walk in giran", they have database and all transactions are logged. It is more than easy for them to return items and punish scammers. They just don't want to. -NeverDwarf
  7. @Juji does that mean that you are deliberately misleading customers into thinking that it is discount, while in reality it is quite opposite? I think there are some laws in US which could make companies responsible for false advertisement and misleading customers. -NeverDwarf
  8. I wonder if we still can get an update on this @Juji? Thanks in advance!
  9. You have to be reasonable in "conspiracy" theories. There is just simply no logical explanation on what NC wanted to improve by introducing 10 client limit - it is either they completely unaware and computer-illiterate and do not know anything about the game they are managing (including how bots work) (hard to believe) or they deliberately punish legit players. As 10 windows clients could not have affected bots in any way (except slight delay (I think it was around 4 hours?) to adapt to changes) and there is no any other reasonable explanation on why would NC want to introduce that limit - no other goals you could (theoretically) achieve except a) reduce number of bots (was obvious to anybody it won't work); b) make harder for legit players to farm adena to pay their shots and other expenses - this would boost adena sales. P.S. I mean it is too much and too systematic - actions by NC which punish legit players and benefit bots - to apply Hanlon's razor here. It is way too systematic.
  10. "If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck." Every single change NC made recently (except very few) is directly benefiting (or not affecting/affecting temporarily) bots, but seriously punishes legit players. Based on analysis of changes NC made (except introduction of L2 Coin shop, but still, now they reduced drop l2 coins 3x) I'm 95.00% sure NC (or, to be correct - certain NC staff) gets their cut from various adena selling guys. -NeverDwarf
  11. ...not to say that after recent watermelons event price for A gems in this event is quite ridiculous
  12. I terribly sorry, but official language we use here on forums is English.
  13. This 'scam' scheme is as old as L2 itself. But it is not a scam, it might be questionable, bad, but not scam. And back in days NC did everything they could to prevent this - they added character name, level and clan to the trade interface - it is now your responsibility to check this. Also, use one or all of the following tips: Initiate trade from the character which has item(s) Do the trade NOT in Giran Use paymail/mail Block characters who repeatedly send trade requests Surprisingly I never fell into this trick since I've started playing back in 2005 (or 2004?). -NeverDwarf
  14. 1. Agree, at least old good subclasses. 2. No. We do understand that you guys want to autofarm raids, but you've already got what you wanted - upgrade of epics to your levels. Enough is enough. If you want RB levels upgraded - go to Live - this is how current BS named "Live" started. 3. Agree, this would be an ultimate fun! 4. Agree. 5. Agree, auction house is a good thing to have, or standard thing for many illegal servers - offline shops - when you disconnect - character continues to sell/buy/craft. Additionally - implement official way to get information on market prices (though auction will solve this). 6. It is mainly okay - the hardest part is just 65-72, other than that - everything seems fine, but A grade shadow is too much and kinda breaks 'rules' - it could be +++ D, C, B, etc weapon. Quests - it would definitely help to have these quests, but again - what you are saying - is what they have on Live, if you want Live - go play there. In classic exp should be painful (with autohunting it is not as painful as it was in good-old-days 10-15 years ago). But I get why you need this to be sped up - for farming trains 7. Could you provide a link? 8. Agree, there is only weapon/heavy/light mastery on 86 for me, no new golem, no craft mastery/critical craft upgrade or some new interesting skills. 9. Agree, but probably something which wouldn't be so crazytownish 10. Agree, Kamalokas or something like that would be nice to have. 11. Agree, some of items almost impossible to obtain ingame. From myself - will add: 12. Put recipes/mats you've deleted when upgraded/changed zones to some other mobs so that people could craft items.
  15. Just regular standard subclasses as it was in original _real_ classic L2.
  16. Weapon tickets can be used only starting lvl 54.
  17. In the missions window click on the "Raid" tab.
  18. Oh, now 10 window limit makes more sense - NC wanted to punish legit players, while allowing bots to earn more items (as bots do not care about window limit) Basically - slightly modified random craft from Essence: Random Item Creation System - Using this system, you can get various random items at the expense of production points. - The production points scale is automatically replenished if a certain item falls from a monster, just as you can use any item that a character has. - The maximum number of production points is 99; when overflowing, the used items are not taken into account. - You can refresh the list of random items by consuming production points. - When updating the list of items, the character receives 2 Blessings of Saiha. - Due to Coins L, you can block up to 3 slots, which will not change when updating the list of items. - You can lock the slots a certain number of times. - The cost of obtaining an item is 1,000,000 adena, the probability of falling out of any of the 5 items is the same.
  19. I'm seriously starting to think that we should skip NCWest and go directly to Korean HQ and report issues to them, as I have a feeling that NCWest is providing misleading information to their HQ in the efforts to earn money in one way or another (including shady ones, as almost every action NC takes benefits bots/bot authors and not legit players). Good things so far (and I really appreciate - this is great): - L2 Coin shop - Non-p2w Aden Tour event, allowed ppl to sell stuff (like enchants/dolls) to get money for equipment/shots. - Seeds event - kinda okay, allowed ppl to get A gems to put Runes into their A weapons, but RB part was 1-man event Bad things so far: - Introduction of 10 windows limit which was nothing but pointless. Bots don't care, legit players suffer or have to buy another PC and still will be able to run - L2 Coin drop reduction at least 2x
  20. @Juji any comment on my post on 10 windows limit, which turned out to be completely useless (as expected) to fight against bots, while added headache to legit players? Thanks in advance! -NeverDwarf VIP10+++
  21. Hello everyone, especially @Juji I hope this message finds you well. It seems that after Wednesday, July 1st update L2 Coin drop was mistakenly reduced by the factor of 2 at least. If before on the same spot, same party, same killrate, I was getting around 10-12 L2 Coins per hour, now I roughly getting 5.7 coins per hour (averaged this - 86 coins / 15 hours). Could this unfortunate mistake be fixed ASAP? Thanks in advance! P.S. Also, while we are here - does VIP drop bonus affects L2 Coin drop rate? If not - probably it should? -NeverDwarf
  22. Open a ticket with them or email to support@ncsoft.com - they seem to answer relatively quickly. They will help you with your PIN.
  23. Why there should be? 1. There is no USA in Lineage 2. 2. Korean Independence day is 15th of August -NeverDwarf
  24. But part of these upcoming quality of life changes you've implemented during last maintenance - reduced L2 coin drop rate at least 2x - now I'm not getting more than 6 coins per hour, while before maintenance I was getting around 12? Am I right in my assumption? You seem to really care about your customers, I have to admit! These coins are only causing problems for customers, so NC helped them by reducing drop rate! Good job! What would be these quality of life changes you've mentioned? Remove adena drop alltogether? Modify even more zones so that even more recipes and/or parts/mats won't be obtainable anymore? Remove dwarven craft? Reduce XP rate 2x? Remove XP alltogether and add XP/SP scrolls to Ncoin shop? All of the above would be real quality of life improvement! Thank you in advance! -NeverDwarf
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