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Everything posted by Degus

  1. it's only because people have greater jewels, will mellow out soon
  2. its not even that cool, only thing that makes it worth it is the vit maintain buff, think everything else is available in game
  3. more mobs will just bring more bots, gotta get rid of useless toons, enough with the fishing/mentee's! what does fishing have to do with a pvp game, never understood this. Prestige should get jump 2 the front asap
  4. Forum have a new troll I see, let me remind you, no 1 cares about you, no one! Look how long your post is and literally contributed 0. Did you pay for that degree to tell ya servers run better after restart? Cuz none of us knew that, nope, no one. Servers are running like crap and a 2 hour queue is insane. Get up early to see if I dc, smart! Squeaky wheel gets the grease, your wheel has seized.
  5. Im happy 4 you, the lag is so bad for me right now I need the greater jewels to kill at the speed I did a few days ago, something is still wrong
  6. we got free greater ruby/red cat in hope of not noticing the lag.
  7. except that ya could easily remove the app, I think it got too hard to start adding flames and whatnot to the older weapons that no 1 uses so they took the easy way out and made it so they don't have to. that's my guess
  8. mine are working fine on all my toons and my cp has had them up 12+ hrs straight now. make sure you aren't over riding them with something like vital stone skill edit: thats prob it, and the scroll has a 9 minute cooldown so when you over ride it, you cant cast another one.
  9. so read it next time and don't ask others to do your work, PUNCH
  10. Someone is confused, could be me, the single item you're calling out is ONLY for people who bought durring that time, the rest of server boosts are for every one, that's how I read it.
  11. I bought them, doesn't mean I opened them, I can prove if don't believe
  12. At least let us sell the useless compensation so we recover actual MONEY from your mistakes. That is by no means compensation!
  13. great for you, how is it "compensation" if it's something the person doesn't need or even want, in fact, if anything, it actually just more clutter, for some.
  14. Good question, and I dont want 2 more stupid "not so rare" accessory packs sitting in my wh taking up more space!
  15. was sorta a joke, although, if it did roll back, I would of been twice as high for what I wasted
  16. Roll back the server 3 weeks so every1 gets everything back what they lost, it's only fair
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