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Everything posted by Degus

  1. you're not following me, and need a lesson on false numbers.
  2. I don't know any of this as fact, but it seems far more likely then no 1 cares.
  3. see, you are right, they are reporting the 2000$ profit, bear with me here, this is where it gets good, THEY DO NOT REPORT THEY WOULD OF MADE 5000$ IF THE SERVER WASN'T RUNNING LIKE CRAP! There, no 1 is lying, but the truth is not being told either. Korea ignores, juji goes back to bed.
  4. not sure what ya mean, believe any report ya want, we fudge numbers too. I can say I am spending 1/1o what i would if things were operating correctly. I am also sure I'm not the only 1.
  5. well, there's probably a reason you "worked" in and don't still work in. Remove the part (lie) they don't have any say and tell me what you type still makes sense. Money man, if you tell your boss you can double his profit, they always listen! Stop believing they don't! 1 simple lie got juji off the hook w/ sooooo many people, the ones that believed him only though.
  6. It can't last like this, no way, at this rate, by the time Korea learns, damage will have been done. I'm not even talking about events here, straight up server quality and customer service, I can truthfully say, I have never seen this bad a service anywhere, at least Comcast tries!
  7. Wrong, no way in hell any of this is being forwarded to the guys at the top counting beans!!! They (juji and his team) don't know what they are doing and realize they will all be replaced if the boss finds out. Business is about money, not giving us a good experience. Look deep, they are reporting over packed servers and sales are good enough to not throw up red flags for low numbers, so business as usual. Please don't apply at my shop if that is really how you see thing work. Even your scenario shows the problems never got from PR's boss to NCWEST boss. PR???? joking right? this forum is their main source of advertising, clearly there is no PR here anyways. "Now you have to give them an answer." no, you don't! ya tell them get to work, and when they get paid the same, they stop caring.
  8. This really hurts lower tier toons that actually wear +3's, I mean, in the past you were guaranteed a +3, now you need to gamble and could potentially failing for more money then people bought it for in the past, again, getting harder over time rather then easier! I been waiting a lonf time for this event, now I'm not so sure I'll buy in, especially with the way the servers being managed. GG
  9. You don't actually believe that right? I feel bad for people that buy into that conspiracy. Money talks, Juji doen't
  10. No they don't, your simple mind has been brain washed into thinking they worth porting out of your xp spot to get, you want more people to log in to give useless characters a buff to level their mentees faster? by your own admittance, you have 0 lag therefor deserve that much compensation.
  11. @Juji come on man, how do you guys go home at night leaving this the way it is?
  12. trust me, you don't wanna play dagger right now
  13. @Jujitake a screen shot of the 2 posts above me and sent them to your boss, you did a poor job explaining our issue
  14. why remove the option trade unopened boxes for +3? only game that gets harder for new people over time then easier? Does forcing someone to gamble seem ethical to you guys? Do you even nkow what I'm talking about?
  15. Juji asked for the wrong thing, and that thing is working as intended, he needs a better translator I think, go back and read the post, he's not talking about the right problem.
  16. May I ask why you need red libra so bad? For the first 12 years of game there was no such thing, now people can't seem to go 3 months with out it. What part of this am I missing?
  17. because the majority want a working game, not compensation!
  18. another person that thinks throwing money at a problem fixes it, lemme guess, another 107 iss?
  19. Then leave dude, your negativity adds nothing to these conversations. I read your posts and to me it's clear you don't enjoy the game. You also don't know how to play it, why put yourself in a position to get hit for 2kk damage, to try prove a point? So transparent you are. If it's too expensive for you, leave, simple. I won't laugh at you like others will for thinking 8k is a lot of money to invest in a hobby you can play for years. The game can be extremly fun and rewarding if you want it to be, stay clear of toxic people like this guy, in game and in rl. p.s. idk why YT quit, I'll ask him, cuz I see him playing every day!
  20. The game isn't meant to play by yourself, if you wanna play support, you'll need an active clan/cp and you'll need to play. There are people still playing this game, ya just need to look for them, and if you're looking to afk macro 23/7, it's gonna be hard to find people like that. The people saying months for 105-107 are the people to stay away from. Any1 crying for GM buffs, just stay away. Healer is the worst, until ya need them and then are thankful they are there. I would be much higher level except I realize this and sacrifice my xp to get the levels they need. At minimum you need prestige, consider that your subscription. Good luck!
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