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Everything posted by Degus

  1. And they have said many times, not gonna happen. Change main, maybe, swap 1 for other nope. Also, most hardvore players made their main to get a benefit from the dual to boost main. That was removed. We always knew we couldn't do oly on dual so complaining about it years later is kinda silly
  2. What he said. People play for different reasons, the auto hunt for me is just an added bonus for xp while I sleep/work. When L2 was really hardcore, I would of liked it then, ohh well. Bots? Won't be a problem for ya, there are still great people and fun clans out there, give it a go, can't hurt. Never take someone else's word for spmething YOU might enjoy.
  3. Yes, wake up with not enough vit left to use storm scrolls, it's off
  4. Get off the GM buff band wagon, you want buffs just to DC? my god, I'm starting to feel bad for these guys! You're just gonna bytch about dc'ing while having GM buffs if ya get them, damn, go out side!
  5. Servers running worse then ever
  6. not an acceptable answer after such a large upgrade
  7. and at 110 you'll spend the rest of your mmo game playing by yourself, cool deal if thats what you're into
  8. Some of those "no-lifers" are retired, they already put in their time and deserve time off. I agree the way chests spawn is dumb, but don't be mad people can retire earlier or are older then you.
  9. your right, I'm wrong, lets get these stupid buffs now rather then when it's actually fixed, and we all pay buddy, my runes are ticking down just like they are advertised.
  10. that's exactly what I wouldn't do, alll but the chronos part
  11. man, somethin is wrong with you.....
  12. for some, there is nothing left to do but keep on top of ranking, removing their only fun is a bad idea, ftp people aren't hitting 120
  13. maybe they aren't bots! bypassing the 3 client limit is breaking the rules also, but you are asking them to investigate bots, and I know for a fact, tons of those camera's are NOT on programs, so maybe they have been investigated already, sorry to inform ya.
  14. Drop cake, get dc, log in, cake never buffs when back in
  15. Can you please just bring it down till you fix this shit? Keeping it up can only be slowing things down with all the tickets flowing in
  16. I hope the ones crying for compensation get 8 hour GM buffs and those waiting patiently for them to work the bugs out get 80 hour GM buffs. IT'S NOT DONE YET!!!!
  17. I demand GM buff too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and my own washroom.......................
  18. usa no every time dropping party cake has caused dc 2 out of 2 tries, small test, anoying when party leader afk!
  19. what makes you think the rest of us want that crap, 500 bril rose and storm for all 105+ added : not tradable
  20. I apologize deeply, from the bottom of my heart. happy now?
  21. participation trophies for everyone!!! ps ya got +100% party bonus, want milk and cookies too? or a tissue?
  22. don't argue with that troll, you can't win. the guy 24/7 macro will NOT level faster then the guy who spends a few hrs a day playing live and setting macro up for a little extra while you sleep.
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