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Everything posted by GreenVelvet

  1. @Massacre i think that cloak dont like you.....better cod it to me....soon it will be +7
  2. 13-2-20 "gold" day for you Mystikal next full drop will be in 1 year
  3. They not need to test anything , they know that the rate is low so to make ppl spend more real money for enchant pack/Ncoin. This is their policy last years.....
  4. Well there are ppl that i know who make it in 2nd try.....but there other ppl who still trying.....i have a friend who is at 19 fail atm.....
  5. ppl want --> C~L~O~A~K E~V~E~N~T <-- What you waiting??
  6. You think that they care..? I bet all that GMs dont have any idea about the game and the most important of all is that they DONT respect the old players.....They just want to make gamble event per month and get real money because they know that the only way for someone can get something its from the BOXES thats why they delete everything that can ppl gets free from the game.....so no drops/huge lag/daily (kama/gludio/baylor) only for ++weapon/gear ppl, macro world, 0 fun , ppl leaving , no GMs around .........AH but YES Juji will log to game and give free buffs and everyone will be happy again.
  7. I wonder if there is any profit from that 250b boxes......
  8. NCfail again......btw dear GMs there are ppl who pay real money for xp Runes/ and this is how you guys ( @Hime @Juji ) say (thank you) to them.?
  9. So if the problem was the Ingredient box why they just didn't delete that box..?There was another 9 different boxes that someone can get.Or just change the mats in that Ingredient box.....its simple lol.
  10. "appearence weapon modifier" WHAT..?who from GMs say samething like that..?Are he ever play in this server or he was drunk...?
  11. They are not BOTS.......they are just a part of the game~~~
  12. Welcome back ...! Well the game is not the same now as it was from the days you remember it , i hope you find any old game friend around. Take care
  13. Polaris clan exists-->Chronos server.
  14. ty NC 2 days ppl trying to log......if you need help let us know....maybe we can do something.
  15. L2 team.....why it takes soooo long to fix that issue? Every day the same problem......
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