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Everything posted by iHyperlite

  1. my 900kk/hour ios2 is in the 700s, so yea, something got awesome
  2. i can confirm ios2 increase adena is not 30s
  3. maphyr shirt +9 and +10 give the same bonus to enchanting i think
  4. ty for the post. what did the dragon frags open to?
  5. it does. there are also other items that increase the base success rate (homunculus earth popo, maphyr shirt +8+, p2w items). Ideally, you want around 100 or more luc when enchanting items. luck, maxing luc, trying to have a stale run on lady luc proc to get it to hit better. there is no true method otherwise everyone else would do it. get a ton of cash, that helps. armor can go to +8 fairly easily with blessed lucky stones and a maphyr shirt. This was before the lady luc proc nerf tho. weps can make +8/9 fairly easily. use heavenly to +12. going past +12 takes money, luck, proper events, or a combination of all things mentioned to be successful. moral of the story, ++ items is hard to make and expensive for the normal casual player.
  6. nah, he wouldnt get into the launcher if he was banned
  7. this class is pretty forgotten by the devs. i concur with rerolling
  8. @Juji the way i read the event page, it states in order to participate in the event, you must be "at least level 99 and have Vitality available". those special settings are part of the event. the way i interpret this is that the bonus settings such as 1.2x mob xp/sp, double adena buff duration, etc, only activate if you have vitality. can you confirm/test this? this would be very similar to how core functions with vitality. i can test IoS2 later on the buff, but i assume you could quicker internally
  9. can you double check party bonus etc are working as well? if not, ill do the math later to let you know edit: also, on the IoS adena buff increase. you dont have to have vit for that to be double duration, do u?
  10. The market being refilled is to be determined. I do think some basic necessities like detons will be injected back. I hope the event gives them well. I will say, if a person has to decide on xp event or p2w event, I'm guessing they will choose xp to spend on. I need to see how this card game gives rewards before being excited about it
  11. Do you realize what the cost is to do what you are saying all top people do? To maintain perma vit, it'll be 40-50 usd per day in ncoin... No offense, but if someone pays to do that, good for them. Their money, their expense. Be glad they keep the servers running.
  12. no promo on maintenance and erupting pots yet again is sad. the p2w box also doesnt give perma vit like the snowmans.
  13. You forgot the (TM) after soon Edit: in all seriousness, I'm glad it's being worked on.
  14. Maintenance post is soon. Maybe we get lucky.
  15. those combo buffs are for playing with hands, to make buffing easier. right clicking the buff on your bar is the way to use buffs automatically.
  16. bloody is all most people need. but to the other person's point, if your goal is limited, make it dark 1st, then bloody. way cheaper.
  17. try to get a mentor. them being online will give u buffs. you can also try to join a Blazing Swamp party to farm with. I see people shout for these regualrly. I would recommend staying in blazing swamp until 105. maybe try to snag a dessert quarry or magic circle party if you can find one. typically, on purely free gear, teaming up with some other people will help speed things along.
  18. they arent spoiling, they just stand there. also, there is nothing to spoil in crisis to my knowledge.
  19. lets remove adena completely and just have the p2w store. nothing is tradeable. or yea, and prices should double, no triple.
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