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Everything posted by iHyperlite

  1. yul has: max crit rate including on aoes 2 skills that can move well over 1k distance away instantly from whatever they want (out of ranged dmg limit), 3 if you count the jump agathion has full range on skills adena is picked up automatically the forum is filled with people openly admitting yul is far and beyond better at everything over every other char in pve. pvp it is top 2 (tyr is best pvp atm). anyone who claims it is perfectly fine clearly doesnt understand what makes the yul great in the 1st place, which are the 4 points referenced above. the class has the most mobility, the most dmg, and can do it all from max range
  2. ok, cool on the archer nerf. i am all for that change. edit: cool on forgotten book sale, i almost purchased some today. glad i waited.
  3. This entire thread is a perfect example on why your comment is incorrect
  4. That depends on where you live and how you buy ncoin/adena. 20000 ncoin = 271.xx usd in usa 20000 ncoin = 375 chests 1500 chests = 1085 usd The only low iq in this thread is the person who opened an additional 1700+ boxes after week 1 and what everyone else posted.
  5. You need to buy or craft dual Daggers as duals. I do not believe you can crate them from 2 shapers anymore.
  6. Make the penalty for leaving a lvl 10+ clan be 15 days. I bet you see substantially less 10+ clans with 14- ppl
  7. I don't disagree, but investors want to see connectivity numbers go up. Events like this successfully do that artificially. I don't see any other reason to do Oriana. Same reason stands for why Hewr is locked to 5 per toon. They need more accs "spending" and they know ppl load alts with ncoin to bypass that limit.
  8. we will agree to disagree on the beginning of the downhill. awakening was introduced before the p2w items. awakening also killed the support classes, as it merged too many archetypes into 1 archetype and changed the party style from 9 to 7, completely changing how parties were made. dwarves were also decimated and the entire founding principals of L2 (farming and crafting) were phased out. as for juji, ive said what i think about him. i wouldnt want his job by any means. he gets alot of hate, and half of it shouldnt even be towards him (update content, etc)
  9. You can kill the chests outside of sea of spores to force the swords to re-drop regardless of where they are at. This is the mechanic put in place to prevent what you are unhappy about.
  10. Glad I went with my gut and didn't buy anymore this week. That's terrible.
  11. Juji isn't a developer, and our region has literally 0 input on the way the game is changed. Korea drives everything, and the entire Ncwest model is an afterthought because it's basically last in revenue generation for them. The sad part is, a cost model change to be more like Japan (our build + core prices + Korea drop rates) would inject a ton of revenue into their bottom line. However, I think they want this to run at a loss for tax reasons in the US.
  12. They game lost all its awesomeness once awakening was introduced and Ncsoft ruined the game by mergining everything into 8 classes. Then, trying to undo that terrible choice, they made the game what it is today. For us all still playing today, the writing has been on the walls for a long time. Also, Juji has little to no input on what gets pushed to us.
  13. 700 was the theoretical max. That is not possible. The most 1 spot can give in 1 hour is around 160-170 I think. They won't spawn faster than that.
  14. Max chests 1 toon can get is 100. Theoretically, if you could kill fast enough, a 7 man group would farm 700 chests total. I don't see how this is possible though, even on 2 spots being killed permanently. Mobs won't spawn fast enough.
  15. If no reroll I'm all for it. If start from scratch I'd pass. My whole point is I don't think any region other than Korea has the playerbase to support the development. Also, all known info is from a pre-covid time unless I missed some major info piece.
  16. The most this new unreal 4 L2 will ever see is a Korean launch with maybe a Russian release. There isn't eniugh players to release this here and have everyone start from scratch. There would be literally no players. Let me ask you all this question: Would you quit current L2 to reroll on a brand new server, with cool graphics, but it's the same game as our current game, and the same company running it? I'm guessing anyone who spends a single dollar on this game would answer "No", which is the only sane and logical answer.
  17. the loot table was very deceitful. it listed authority ornaments (and other items) down with what should have been other common items, yet not a single one was given from 1000's of boxes. i think they should be forced to give odds, but i know that wont happen. At a bare minimum, we should get the common/rare/very rare rating for each item to at least somewhat gauge the chances.
  18. u need to test drop runes again 1 dd (with drop rune) 1 iss (w/o drop rune) both farmed equal chests, about 60ish each. Add drop rune to iss next day, same number of boxes farmed. max boxes any 1 char can take is 100. i dual box farm 130-160 every day, and it hasnt changed, regardless of drop rune or not.
  19. most are done with this event. defensive/pvp items never do well.
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