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Are you planning to shut down the game?

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Are you happy with the current situation of the game? The whole server is an afk macro party and each party includes toons of 1 or 2 persons. I know many players that quit game especially after the last update. Clans are dying. I know many players that are 103-104 and they can't even do the 100 solo. Because EVERYTHING is only possible for real strong-high payers chars. I'm one of the lucky players who has a char that can still do at least few things in game, but guess what: when other players quit game because of that situation, I can't play either. Because everything is connected.
We all see lot of chars online every time but we all know that these are not unique players. Because after the update everyone is creating new toons for mentee coins. So everyone is macro-afk-farming while he is also macro-afk lvl up mentee toons. What's the point of all this??? This is our game? lvl up toons for mentee coins? And then macro exp for days? And then what? what else we can do in this game? Even if we don't macro exp all day, we can't do any RB because most of players don't own >+12 bloody weapons that are required for do any RB after the update. Most players can't even do Baylor anymore. The only reasson we are still playing is because of compulsory reasons. So what is the plan for the future? Earn as much money as you can and then just close the server? Or you are thinking of FINALLY do SOMETHING about??

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You think that they care..? I bet all that GMs dont have any idea about the game and the most important of all is that they DONT respect the old players.....They just want to make gamble event per month and get real money because they know that the only way for someone can get something its from the BOXES thats why they delete everything that can ppl gets free from the game.....so no drops/huge lag/daily (kama/gludio/baylor) only for ++weapon/gear ppl, macro world, 0 fun , ppl leaving , no GMs around .........AH but YES Juji will log to game and give free buffs and everyone will be happy again.

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They will inevitably shudder and/or relaunch. The older technology is on life support as it is and there's not point in throwing more money and resources at it. Sad, but we're likely in the death spiral of the game. How far until the end? I can't say. I will say that I'll be completely shocked if we're still here 2 years from now as presently constructed.

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They really destroy their own game. Look at the NPCs. They placed them all in a central place of each town. What's the point of having towns anymore? It looks like those PvP servers where you can find all the NPCs in a place. We are like a PvP server but without the PvP! We just go to town, buy ss, jump back to our party for macro farm. wow what an experience! My whole clan quit game. I'm the only one left for months. I see many others that just quit the game. 

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  • L2 Team

The game is not shutting down any time soon and we have another content update that is right around the corner along with our 16th Anniversary. Please stop making these conspiracy threads.

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