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Can we hang on for another 10 days?


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The queues continue for now, but, perhaps, there will be relief in the next 10 days or so.  This Wednesday the attendance event (which rewards people for logging on and standing around for 1/2 an hour) will end.  The raid boss event will end, too, which should have some effect.  The next Wednesday the Pumpkinface event (which rewards people for logging on and standing around for 4 hours) will end.  Sometime in here the VIP accounts will be up for renewal and it's unclear how many will renew.  Along the way, the 10-day free fishing poles will continue to expire.  I hope all of this will help. Let's hope the next event they come up with makes people actually go out and do something.  The original pumpkin smashing event or the letter event (with no L2Store element!) would be nice. 

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Rad boss event - totally useless after changes so it has 0 impact

Attendance event - the same imo since its rewards are not tradeable

Pumpkinface - yes, its one of the main reasons of queues.

About VIP's - maybe yes, maybe no.

10 days fishing poles - next big reason of queues - so what if they disappear when I can create new 20 lvl's chars in couple of hours for the next 10 days.\


Honestly, I think that after pumpkinface event ends, we shall see some new events in the game that will reward ppl for logging multiple accounts, all that because NC West wants to keep the propaganda of success (high online).


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exactly . if u dont want to wait que just go to another server.  nobody is forcing u to play on TI/Giran.    i dont get u guys. i wanna play here and im dealing with this que everyday. if u cant deal with it just change the server . its not like u dont have a choice.

every weekend is like this .

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Never once had a queue on Aden server, but the population is perfect.

When you choose to play on server #1 and #2, this happens. I waited until Aden was dropped and started then.

Sucks if you already spent cash but the servers are less than a month old or so, so it's not like its years of work down the drain to switch.

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I play Taiwan classic before. They also have queue problem, gm say those player have VIP 1, can direct into game. But last, VIP also have to queue, same as current situation happen in NA. Tw player say, the main reason to queue, because new server, it separate and decrease the amount of player a server can hold, force player have to become VIP. Bot is another reason make to queue. I quit Taiwan server because they start selling weapon box and no weapon/armor penalty for over rank wear. 

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22 minutes ago, Sakumi said:

Never once had a queue on Aden server, but the population is perfect.

When you choose to play on server #1 and #2, this happens. I waited until Aden was dropped and started then.

Sucks if you already spent cash but the servers are less than a month old or so, so it's not like its years of work down the drain to switch.

Lets be real, it only happens because 70% of server population are

- fishing bots

- afk chars for event

- bots

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1 hour ago, Lawman said:

The queues continue for now, but, perhaps, there will be relief in the next 10 days or so.  This Wednesday the attendance event (which rewards people for logging on and standing around for 1/2 an hour) will end.  The raid boss event will end, too, which should have some effect.  The next Wednesday the Pumpkinface event (which rewards people for logging on and standing around for 4 hours) will end.  Sometime in here the VIP accounts will be up for renewal and it's unclear how many will renew.  Along the way, the 10-day free fishing poles will continue to expire.  I hope all of this will help. Let's hope the next event they come up with makes people actually go out and do something.  The original pumpkin smashing event or the letter event (with no L2Store element!) would be nice. 

Attendance reward already expired for people who started on day 1.  Did you start a week late?

Raid boss even won't have any effect anymore.

Pumpkinface yes, that's dumb because again, people made alts to get a higher chance of d grade tradeable weapon.

VIP are already up for renewal.  Again, you must have started a week late.


Half the stuff in your list are already done.  The letters were stupid.

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3 hours ago, Decayed said:

Attendance reward already expired for people who started on day 1.  Did you start a week late?

Raid boss even won't have any effect anymore.

Pumpkinface yes, that's dumb because again, people made alts to get a higher chance of d grade tradeable weapon.

VIP are already up for renewal.  Again, you must have started a week late.


Half the stuff in your list are already done.  The letters were stupid.

Attendance reward does not expire - it simply starts over again after you completed the 28(?) days.

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1 minute ago, Nihilist said:

Attendance reward does not expire - it simply starts over again after you completed the 28(?) days.

This is correct.  The event does not end until Wednesday maintenance.

As for VIP, I'm thinking mainly about the folks who took VIP1 to avoid queues or gain queue priority.  They probably did join well after launch and I have no way of estimating how many will renew when they expire.  Personally, I moved to Gludio as soon as it opened, so its not an issue for me.  But I'm concerned about the game as a whole.

I didn't forget about multi-boxing.  I didn't include it because it is not going away.  Nor should it.

And I did not include bots because they aren't going away either.  Though they definitely should!

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3 hours ago, Decayed said:

Attendance reward already expired for people who started on day 1.  Did you start a week late?

Raid boss even won't have any effect anymore.

Pumpkinface yes, that's dumb because again, people made alts to get a higher chance of d grade tradeable weapon.

VIP are already up for renewal.  Again, you must have started a week late.


Half the stuff in your list are already done.  The letters were stupid.

See my reply above.  To each his own, but I loved the letter event.  It was exciting when II dropped.  Felt like I was actually being rewarded for all my grinding.  

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