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Alts Clan Pk Against bots


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Hi guys i was wondering to start creating 3-4 clan's of PK characters to clear all bots daily? have fun in locations rek bots summons pk the sh1t of them daily who wants to have some other fun , let me know what you think about it? yes i understand they keep coming to spot but if we daily this stuff kill summons they losing 2h per day if we got more than 3 -4 parties group that means they will lose summons constensly . 

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1 hour ago, Klyukva said:

Hi guys i was wondering to start creating 3-4 clan's of PK characters to clear all bots daily? have fun in locations rek bots summons pk the sh1t of them daily who wants to have some other fun , let me know what you think about it? yes i understand they keep coming to spot but if we daily this stuff kill summons they losing 2h per day if we got more than 3 -4 parties group that means they will lose summons constensly . 

You'll be fighting a machine that doesn't care. You won't be able to even kill 1/10th of their population and you might end up actually helping them...

Anyway, good luck.

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5 hours ago, Klyukva said:

Hi guys i was wondering to start creating 3-4 clan's of PK characters to clear all bots daily? have fun in locations rek bots summons pk the sh1t of them daily who wants to have some other fun , let me know what you think about it? yes i understand they keep coming to spot but if we daily this stuff kill summons they losing 2h per day if we got more than 3 -4 parties group that means they will lose summons constensly . 

I already have 3 alts. 1 in Dwarven lowbie areas, 1 in Hardins and 1 in Ivory Crater on TI. You kill them, the script brings them back. 

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If that would somehow hurt them it would be great idea,but sadly they will just return...I had similar idea and stil have 2 chars stationed in different farming zones,even though original concept was to pk bot trains,now in the end I am not sure if I killed more bots or legit desperate players who despite the warnings trying to chase you and get that no grade armor drop off you but die trying.

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2 nights ago i killed summoners on the dwarven teritory and i found them in the vilidge standing. Free teleports need to end because if they use that for fast come back then it will cost them some money. When i see summoner 1st what i do i kill his summon 2 times.

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