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This is Lineage 2 : STOP, LOOK, LISTEN


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It's not about what you get, or how fast you get it.
You'll never take your levels, gear, or adena with you. 
The only thing you're going to get out of this game is memories such as these. 

Find some friends, > STOP USING SOULSHOTS ALL THE DAMN TIME<, Walk, and Enjoy the Country Side.

Year 1ac : The First Summit Of Lords : Aden Active Lore

Year 1ac: Fall : The Sukar Ratman Chief : Aden Active Lore

Year 1ac : Mid-Fall : Family First : SerialKillers : Aden Active Lore

Year 1ac: Mid-Fall : Love Story : Continuum : Aden Active Lore

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1 minute ago, Punish said:

It's not about what you get, or how fast you get it.
You'll never take your levels, gear, or adena with you. 
The only thing you're going to get out of this game is memories such as these. 

Find some friends, > STOP USING SOULSHOTS ALL THE DAMN TIME<, Walk, and Enjoy the Country Side.

Year 1ac : The First Summit Of Lords : Aden Active Lore

Year 1ac: Fall : The Sukar Ratman Chief : Aden Active Lore

Year 1ac : Mid-Fall : Family First : SerialKillers : Aden Active Lore

Year 1ac: Mid-Fall : Love Story : Continuum : Aden Active Lore

What are you on about? Are you trying to tell players who have been playing this game since their teen years on what it should be? NCWest are destroying this game and I feel fuking sad about it. We, the old player base probably know more about the game than their new DEVs do and that's the truth. 

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I'm fairly certain NCsoft adding the attendance event along with incentives for the weekends through December is meant to collect meta data on the player bases reaction to the non-changes. Read the final story in this collection (which was written specifically for TODAY). 

You only have three choices. 

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I like this game so much more now that I dont even want free teleports. Ppl think L2 is all about grind and  forget to party up and think about the economy and items.

I like so much to see NG items are valuable and ppl are making recipes of it.

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3 hours ago, Jeremmy said:

I like this game so much more now that I dont even want free teleports. Ppl think L2 is all about grind and  forget to party up and think about the economy and items.

I like so much to see NG items are valuable and ppl are making recipes of it.

I think people just need to reset their expectations... which is where this all went to hell anyway. Giving something for free and taking away is much more difficult than it just being the way it was from day one. 

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On 11/28/2018 at 11:00 AM, Eurytos said:

I'm with Punish on this one, to me this game is about struggling with clannies/friends.

That's all well and fine until the Clan I've built friendships with since launch are all gone. I'll probably get banned since a fair portion of them are handing me their stuff. A clan of 30 and all are gone. lol

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On ‎11‎/‎28‎/‎2018 at 11:00 AM, Eurytos said:

I'm with Punish on this one, to me this game is about struggling with clannies/friends.

It's about playing with clannies/friends to achieve a common goal (a castle), or about soloing to achieve a solo goal (hero).  But struggling?  I struggle enough in real life, thank you.  It's a game.  It should be fun.  As for stopping, looking and listening, I've played this game for 15 years.  I've already looked at and listened to pretty much all there is in this game.  When I do come across something new I do stop & take it in.  But those times are few and far between.  Thanks for the advice, but I'd rather play the game the way I enjoy playing it. 

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On 11/30/2018 at 3:08 PM, Lawman said:

It's about playing with clannies/friends to achieve a common goal (a castle), or about soloing to achieve a solo goal (hero).  But struggling?  I struggle enough in real life, thank you.  It's a game.  It should be fun.  As for stopping, looking and listening, I've played this game for 15 years.  I've already looked at and listened to pretty much all there is in this game.  When I do come across something new I do stop & take it in.  But those times are few and far between.  Thanks for the advice, but I'd rather play the game the way I enjoy playing it. 

I don't like games to be easy and by struggle I simply mean working through difficult challenges with friends. If there is no struggle and everything is just easy or handed to me then that's the opposite of fun in my opinion. There have been times when I wanted to quit because things were difficult but overcoming that struggle with friends I met in game made it feel like more of an accomplishment in the end and encouraged me to stick around.

This type of game is attractive to me because it forces socialization in order to achieve your goals. Unless you want to solo with multiple boxes (which to me is boring) you pretty much have no choice but to party up with people and make friends, something other MMORPG are missing these days in my opinion. I'm tired of dungeon/raid finders and joining groups of random people who never talk to one another.

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On 11/30/2018 at 2:39 PM, Harbinger14 said:

That's all well and fine until the Clan I've built friendships with since launch are all gone. I'll probably get banned since a fair portion of them are handing me their stuff. A clan of 30 and all are gone. lol

I hear you there, it's tough when your friends move on to other games, but there are a ton of people left and you can make new friends if you still have the drive to do so.

I've gone through this once or twice myself already, with groups of people I played with either quitting the game or moving on to other clans/people they play with. It's difficult to make connections that stick around sometimes but it's worth it if you can in my opinion.

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If a player 50 in a mid clan cannot afford C grade - this is not hardcore, even L2, this is stupid. We play L2 for war, passion, drama. To compete and cooperate. In this - it is not L2 or Classic, I do not know what is - we do not have reasons for war, the focus is the solo grind. The raids are so screwed - you need 100 players for a mob that gives exp and loot for 9. The random parties rule. We even do not have queue anymore - less payers every week. Instead to improve the L2 Classic experience the US staff made it worse. You will not see such raid bosses or exp quests, drop rates, anywhere else. Korea or EU - there is L2 Classic, played, thought here will be better - it is not. So my advice is - play the other versions of L2. That one does not worth it.

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