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Everything posted by FoToMoTo

  1. No one start cry yet so i will be the first one :) Looks like we exp too fast and getting too much adena :P Spawn time for monsters in the Swamp of Screams have been changed. Rewards for the Isle of Souls (Strongholds 2, 3) Hunting Zone monsters have been adjusted.
  2. Old post but i need to say it, i found similar issue on my hunting. Usually all hits land as crit with diffrent dmg output. But sometimes i see it is like 2-3 hits which not pop any info on screen and not make any dmg on mob. I count this as a game server lag, i dont find any other explanation for it.
  3. Would be nice to test it Other way i back to Holy again.
  4. Are you sure about it? So mobs have equal deffense on all att? I tryed to test but output dmg have to many modifiers to be 100% sure Lf for fix dmg skill to test it.
  5. At least some help for lower geared people. And nice one Kara's Talisman (10-day) Just thinking 30 min already for what you guys add Topaz Lv. 5 (7-day)
  6. Definitly on start exalted bundle is a perfect choice. Also make a quest path for exalted to get common jewels and exalted weapon. All this should be enaugh for you to go 110 lvl and slowly make adena from farm/trades to get better gear in a future.
  7. No-lifer - One who has no social life; a friendless introvert. Dont compare everyone to your personal opinion, i have social life and many friends, i play 24/7 but this not mean i am nonstop at front of the monitor. But ok i understand you are the person who have ready made answer for everything (no offense)
  8. Ofc its help a bit, but works only if u have big patience i miss old times when u can farm everything in game, even if u need weeks of grind to drop soulshot recipe
  9. Its work for old players only This game became to expensive to get army of new players, we see same names from years, just mayby few new with big enaugh wallet to handle current l2 level
  10. Yes i spent lot of time with l2 but its my choice, i work, i have family, i pay for game, i play after 22.00 other ppl watch movies, go to bar, or make dirty dancing half night. All this not mean we are all nolifers
  11. Dude, we already finish primary school we can go sleep a bit later then you
  12. Increase item limit so we can switch main- dual w/o trade 40 items thx
  13. +++ 15$ per account fix many problems
  14. Yes yes Mr Smartguy, definitly you are profesional QQer and you play L2 how it is possible???!!!
  15. I bet its few instances like game server mob server login server database server etc :) important to us is scalabilty and network traffic managment :)
  16. Nice Move servers to amazon after they can blame Jeff for lags
  17. Lag is horrible... worse then ever, any chance we can get „any” info that someone care, and problem will be investigated?
  18. Guys mayby just simple and normal solution is to have live GM in game? its not hard to find and punish bad guys Its like with police, you could stole snickers from market but you are affraid for penalty... guess how will look your city without authorities guarding order....
  19. We ask many years for this fix :) but as always we (community) are ignored :P
  20. I vote to remove ALL aoe skills and problem solved :)
  21. Login issue is definitly related to your isp/network. Tested few times on my 2 isp providers, one connection make me log w/o problem on a second keep geting "The client will be closed"
  22. I can confirm, around 85 luc on box crafter, luc trigger less then half that was before update.
  23. Only magic is how fast can box send party inv and summon you on the spot but its a box, who cares what software is used
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