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Everything posted by mixa

  1. Just roll a new account or move on. Simple.
  2. VPNs were never officially supported. It's not forbidden, but if it doesn't work, don't expect them to work on it.
  3. It's average between all party members.
  4. It's pretty much normal.This is how it works in other places, so it's not a bug.It also works on Live servers.PKers could always soe/bsoe/PR, so this doesnt really change much, besides it costs a good chunk of Adena (not that it matters so much).Better get used to it, although there might come some change in the future, in like 1 year or so.
  5. Post in the Chronos section, but probably nobody cares there, neither here.
  6. I've made a +7 Elmore this event and sold it for 19b. Total cost to make was 12b (around 3b for the cloak+enchants and approx 9b to make it Legendary.) Use stable scrolls for the higher enchants. That's how most of the high OE cloaks are made.
  7. He doesn't make a difference between statistical chance and practical chance
  8. It's not a new technology either. Been a thing since more than 10 years, but mostly useless gimmick as you said. The kids think that it's new though, since nVidia introduced their RTX-series of GPUs.
  9. Don't remember exactly which chronicle it was, maybe around Gracia or even earlier ones that spells fail was introduced, after that nobody was using CDL, it became useless.
  10. Read what I've written carefully. It was due to the circumstances back in the day. It's not anymore.
  11. Someone translate please...
  12. You'll be better off with the crit rate Othell rune, you need that crit rate as destroyer and there is literally nothing else in this game that gives you +250 crit rate, nothing.
  13. This is working exactly as intended.CDL is not a farming skill, it happened so that VR wasn't applied to mage skills in the old chronicles and it was largely used.It's now exactly where it's supposed to be - emergency skill, not a constantly available overpowered spell.
  14. Whatever.... You've missed a whole era of L2 as it seems.
  15. There is no need for such thing at all. The servers are beyond repair.
  16. That bitter taste when you realize there are much smarter ppl than you're....
  17. You'd be surprised how many are actually buying these, every single day.
  18. Go farm, soon it will be even lesser.
  19. You didn't lose anything that you didn't archive in first place. There is enough compensation put in place.
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