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Talking Island Cake Raid Temporarily Disabled (FAIL)

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2 minutes ago, Juji said:

The Cake Raid event will be removed. More details will be posted later today along with what is being added.

And yesterday's cake? and exp losted? and the exp/ weapom geted for bots? what your position??


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9 minutes ago, Juji said:

The Cake Raid event will be removed. More details will be posted later today along with what is being added.

The Russians who are trading on the server (something that is not allowed) yesterday picked up a Soul Separator +15, announced today that they are selling, and you said that nobody got anything yesterday.

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Simple solution for event: delete all forks and changed NPC price for forks to 15 million adena. Only main chars will buy this to gain xp and have chance at rewards, it will not be worth buying on 100 lvl 1 chars like ppl are doing now.

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22 minutes ago, Juji said:

The Cake Raid event will be removed. More details will be posted later today along with what is being added.

We heard that it was disabled 6/13/19...it wasn't.
The winner got the item, LUCKY toons got the exp if they were able to use the 8seconds to hit the cake, and talk to the NPC. 

TI has now had multiple spawns messed up spawns mostly bots won. (Was there.)
Aden, and Giran have also had messed up spawns.

As for what is being added: I really hope NCSoft actually adds something to make up for this event not going well. Especially since it's for the 15 year anniversary. Many now have missed millions of EXP, or hundreds of millions. Not to mention multiple chances at the prizes. And now all have to wait again for more information. So I do hope NCSoft does well with whatever they will add. 

Not to be a broken record but many are disappointed, because they are being driven away by things like this from a vetted publisher for MMO's.

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2 minutes ago, Mishi said:

We heard that it was disabled 6/13/19...it wasn't.
The winner got the item, LUCKY toons got the exp if they were able to use the 8seconds to hit the cake, and talk to the NPC. 

TI has now had multiple spawns messed up spawns mostly bots won. (Was there.)
Aden, and Giran have also had messed up spawns.

As for what is being added: I really hope NCSoft actually adds something to make up for this event not going well. Especially since it's for the 15 year anniversary. Many now have missed millions of EXP, or hundreds of millions. Not to mention multiple chances at the prizes. And now all have to wait again for more information. So I do hope NCSoft does well with whatever they will add. 

Not to be a broken record but many are disappointed, because they are being driven away by things like this from a vetted publisher for MMO's.

All of those top rewards were removed from the players who received them after the event was manually disabled yesterday and today. 

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9 minutes ago, Juji said:

All of those top rewards were removed from the players who received them after the event was manually disabled yesterday and today. 

I believe the best reward in the long run would be putting Fioti's in every town, giving the exp as intended during the times it was intended for the cake to appear ( 11 am and 8pm) and make a MANUAL event for the rewards. It's more work for you guys, but it will be only one server ( Talking Island) and that would at least be fair. We already lost enough on these 2 days.

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10 minutes ago, Juji said:

All of those top rewards were removed from the players who received them after the event was manually disabled yesterday and today. 

Is the event going to be definitively removed or just for today ??? ... another question; you say that they are going to get the "prizes" from the people who won them in the event, this means that tmb are going to take away the exp earned? So what are you going to get off lvl?

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Since all everyone wants to do is complain, I am going to bring some balance to the conversation and do the opposite.

Yes the event didn't go as planned (that's life), but I will have faith in a veteran MMO company that has always taken care of its players in some way or another.

People have put time and money into this game, and NCsoft is aware of this. You can't please everyone but I am willing to bet my money that they will compensate and come out with something better for us to make up for what happened. 

I am just a player now, but as someone that was on the QA team @ NCWest in Austin Texas for a short time, I can tell you firsthand, they will handle it. 

Chill folks.

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Mate yours GM's fingers can not compete against the freely running Rusian's bot programs. You could not delete the cake and fioti  in time before botter get his reward, they only need a 0.0008 Sec to make it. :|

Please forget about overenchanted prices, Keep the exp bonus up, and put a cake in each started village to avoid latency problems.





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Yesterday my game folder was deleted with this new laucher, I lost the event yesterday (fail apra some), today I finished downloading the game after several errors that there were no answers in the support, this event 06/14/2019 from 11am Cake appears and was not alive 3s .. Players being teleported to other cities ... An animal called fiotti in my dos char to mess up the event (gm should ban all his ip accounts).
All we hope for is a pronouncement in the forum and not a wait ... This problem has been happening for days we want a decent answer that will clarify us, because the server is a turmoil, where no one knows anything ...
sorry for the text

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