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The nc doesnt care about BOTs, too many posts about this teme and none with answer from them.
Look this video -> [Video removed]
Bots farming in chronos server.


Please refrain from name shaming other users by showing their names.


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3 hours ago, Reider said:


The nc doesnt care about BOTs, too many posts about this teme and none with answer from them.
Look this video -> [Video removed]
Bots farming in chronos server.


Please refrain from name shaming other users by showing their names.


Please do not shame our BOTS, they are sensitive!

-NCSoft Staff.




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23 minutes ago, hypermetropya said:

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk  PQP    I'm two days at lvl 99 because there are too many bots and no place to level up

Can you just kill them and take a spot?

in Blazing you can just camp next to them and kill the mobs they dont get.if you you dont want to take a spot by force.

2 days is not bad anyway. in my newbie experience once you get to 100 the lvling slows way down unless you have gear to go to hellbound.

i tried to level HB and its just not possible without gear.

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Em 18/10/2019 às 13:48, degamad disse:

Você pode simplesmente matá-los e tomar um lugar?

em Blazing, você pode simplesmente acampar ao lado deles e matar os monstros que eles não conseguem. Se você não quiser tomar um lugar à força.

2 dias não é ruim de qualquer maneira. na minha experiência de novato, quando você chega a 100, ou o nível diminuto, a menos que você precise de equipamento para o inferno.

Eu tentei nivelar HB e simplesmente não é possível sem equipamento.

but i was looking at the amount of exp gained was to level up in 1 day max


Edited by hypermetropya
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On 18/10/2019 at 9:31 AM, Reider said:


The nc doesnt care about BOTs, too many posts about this teme and none with answer from them.
Look this video -> [Video removed]
Bots farming in chronos server.


Please refrain from name shaming other users by showing their names.


@Leto, the nc staff is the own shame.

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