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DW Stg1 Damage Calculation on FEOH - Bug or all stats working as intended?


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I had a feoh friend to test a DW stage 1 and compare with limited mage weapon. His weapon has much lower matk (200 lower), 17% crit dmg augment  and lv11 SA - skill crit dmg and matk + exalt. DW has Exalt crystal.

I know there are a few changes in stats, considering SA cristals.

However, one of things that called my attention is that despite losing 15% of PVE dmg, and % of SS bonus, the DW should have 100% bonus agains dragons, but it seem to have no difference while attacking dragons. He tried in DV, Crisis and DW seem to have no bonus at all!


Any thoughts?

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5 hours ago, Spoletra said:

I had a feoh friend to test a DW stage 1 and compare with limited mage weapon. His weapon has much lower matk (200 lower), 17% crit dmg augment  and lv11 SA - skill crit dmg and matk + exalt. DW has Exalt crystal.

I know there are a few changes in stats, considering SA cristals.

However, one of things that called my attention is that despite losing 15% of PVE dmg, and % of SS bonus, the DW should have 100% bonus agains dragons, but it seem to have no difference while attacking dragons. He tried in DV, Crisis and DW seem to have no bonus at all!


Any thoughts?

Have he tried against  Anthars? Or other epic dragons?

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On 1/15/2022 at 11:02 PM, Spoletra said:

I had a feoh friend to test a DW stage 1 and compare with limited mage weapon. His weapon has much lower matk (200 lower), 17% crit dmg augment  and lv11 SA - skill crit dmg and matk + exalt. DW has Exalt crystal.

I know there are a few changes in stats, considering SA cristals.

However, one of things that called my attention is that despite losing 15% of PVE dmg, and % of SS bonus, the DW should have 100% bonus agains dragons, but it seem to have no difference while attacking dragons. He tried in DV, Crisis and DW seem to have no bonus at all!


Any thoughts?

The Damage to Dragons only applies to monsters with a Dragon type icon and works with Normal Attacks.



Those are Juji's words!


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It's true, read my post, then send your ticket.  It is complete fraud!!!  It should be doing dragon damage in Fafu and dragon valley, juji confirmed if it has the symbol it should work, read his words, and those mobs do.   People outside the usa, I feel like they may not be protected from such scams like we are, but this 1 has gone over board imo.   I bought a dagger specifically to xp in dragon valley only to find out the damage isn't there and support just wants me to go away.   Some of these weapons are worth thousands of dollars!   If you read your passives, it only confirms the damage should be working!  Juji's word is not the final word! (sorry juji)  but in this matter, you cant have  people buy an item according to its description, find out it does not do as it says, then support  just say ohh well,  got to forum and express your thoughts.   My thought is each weapon sold is grand theft, or a few weapons are only close to it.  

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1 hour ago, Ballkain said:

by the way, i also tested dragon shaper vs +18 limited, the limited does FAR more damage (pve)  then the dw, even if I got the perfect augment, which i can not afford, the dw   is still inferior to the limited. 

This is a good info for pve. Can u test and show us screenshot to see diff against weapons? Ty

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lemme see what I can do. easiest way for me to tell is switching daggers in a spot where i solo xp hours on end, limited clears the spot and my toon stands areound bored where as DW there is constantly mobs to next target.  the higher patk/+50 element in no way makes up the loss of ss damage/loss of pve damage.  Wouldn't surprise me at this point if other aspects of the dragon  weapon are bugged too and support is hoping we dont care, seems most don't.   +30% pvp damage mabe only works in town but the feel they dont need to tell you that.   stay tuned


p.s. this is not my main, they banned him from forum, heh

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For most classes Limited Krishna +18 and above is superior to dragon stage one. Exception being eviscerators and death knights. Where dragon weapons count is when they break the element cap. Stage 2 and above

Also most dragon weapons require subtle changes in your character's setup to counter the missing SAs from Krishna

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41 minutes ago, Ballkain said:

and what about the missing 100%, then 200%, then 300% damage to dragon?  +50 element isn't really that much to add any sort of extra value 


i have WAY surpassed the element cap of mobs and this weapon is doing crap for damage

You 'll see a huge difference in Toi and Fafu, extra 499 element makes a huge difference. Personally I do with a stage 2. But like I said, my setup is adjusted to the weapon. And with regards to the event, I knew stage 1 was useless to me so I adjusted how I approached the event aiming at a stage 2 and +10 armor. With selling/trades I got both, and a couple of trillion profit having invested about 100 euro. I call it a win.

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4 hours ago, Mete said:

You 'll see a huge difference in Toi and Fafu, extra 499 element makes a huge difference. Personally I do with a stage 2. But like I said, my setup is adjusted to the weapon. And with regards to the event, I knew stage 1 was useless to me so I adjusted how I approached the event aiming at a stage 2 and +10 armor. With selling/trades I got both, and a couple of trillion profit having invested about 100 euro. I call it a win.

You are completely disregarding the FACT that the weapon doesn't do as it says,  i don't care about your build or luck w/ event, irrelevant, I want the item to do as it says like most other items.  My cloak says 15% damage, works with all types of attacks, this should too, you are not gonna convince me any other way.  Again, 50 element is not that much, so no, it's not worth it.  I could care less about a stage 2 because it also does not do as it says,  period.   And don't tell others there's a huge difference in fafu/toi, there's not, with proper build, most classes  will never notice any extra damage from the dw.  Tested, confirmed, dw sitting in wh.   There is a cap on mob element resist and I have exceeded it so lets not roll down that road.   Please lets stick to the facts and demand they fix this, at least change description, as it is now, it's a lie, no if's and's or butt's.

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On 1/25/2022 at 8:53 PM, Ballkain said:

why are we even calling these dragon weapons?  they aren't coming from dragons and they dont  do extra damage to them.

They do, roll an evi and you'll find that the bonus is there.This is an old and well-known fact about the dragon weapons.

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