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Everything posted by TheThrax

  1. I dont think those are considered a + ... Iss got really bad nerf and recipe....you need years of farming to craft something good(or mby you think about soulshots?) You all said most +++ I want to add on ----the missing dragon upgrade stones
  2. I dont understand why ppl still talk about new players in L2...ffs, this game is very old....nobody is new here, we are old(most players are 30-35+). When I look at comments I look also at players, you are all experts with 0 comments and 0 activity on forum...I can bet all crybabies have 2-3 parties on macrobot for adena and now surprise...no adena. The funny thing is i always imagine in threads like this 1 botmaster arguing with himself on 5 accounts in order to influence NcStaff decisions in some direction.
  3. On EU Mysterious SSR/BSSR recipes are dwarf only recipes and you can buy them from recipe manager for 2 mil adena ish. Also regular races can craft normal SSR/BSSR, recipe cost 1 mil adena ish. Vit condition cut is not excelent...but it is what it is we dance how JuJi sing.
  4. TheThrax


    Here the test: https://eu.4gameforum.com/threads/659638/
  5. TheThrax


    not too many but rather dificult to answer or unusefull 1.what is the relevance of the question? 2.I remember i saw a test on Innova, result was like: as much dex as you can 3. Clarify this question 4.I think a bloody bow would be the right choice...unless you want to use that enhanced exalted bow(that would be my choice, its good enough for 101-105)
  6. Wts Dragon&Circlet scrolls, cheap 1 bil/pcs
  7. You should do first 2 quests of exalted and get armor and weapon....with 2 bil you cant buy anything
  8. So use them...whats the problem?
  9. You dont have to be a genius @golemka ...you use materials to craft and sell the items. FFS a recipe cost 150 000-450 000 adena. Anyway, it appear you win argument with vitality...it will stay as it is...drops arent affectected. You can rest, no need to pay for your bot parties
  10. Are you still playing? Or just asking for a friend? Here a little update, damaged books stoped drop since last update...
  11. Your weapon was not good from the begining hahahahahaha
  12. There is no refference regarding Dimensional, I think they dont know yet what we get However, considering the fact we are able to craft&enchant to +10...I bet my 50 cents that we will have the same as EU. Relax bro
  13. Good job NcSoft, keep it like this all year.
  14. Most players dont earn adena by field farming...only high lvl bot parties owners does... in high lvl areas. They manage to get there by using adena from bot in low lvl areas-under 103 areas. Those areas become very crowded and impossible to make a quest. Dont trust me? Just go and repeatedly pk a party in those areas...and come back to tell us witch mighty hero come to kill you, all your clan mates with texts like "I will hunt you forver, I will make quit, you will not step out of town, you are nothing but a random guy, blablabla" Been there, done that! So yes, its a good thing! You want adena...you have to pay like everybody does!
  15. How can they ban someone when we dont have any prevention-detection tool for over 2 years(mby someone remember when they remove that xsomething program)
  16. New vit system is very good as it is,just open your eyes.... its a big advantage for regular and legit players. Drops(including adena) related to vitality>>>>no more 24/7 trains of bots (pardon, i intended to say free to play players....erm noo, its crystal clear: free to play rmt bots). You want adena...you have to pay like everybody does!
  17. Over the eons i saw lots of stupid requests from players....I mean, if you are new and dont understand the game or how korean devs work why waste our time? Here some facts about feohs: -take away barier from them and all will reroll to yulls, take away mana regen from fields and all will reroll to yulls -ppower vs mpower is 1:4 ratio-to be equal, a mage need x4 times stronger items -magical crits cap 330 vs 500 for physical Now im asking...where is the hipocrisy? Offtopic, over the years devs nefert Seer till the point nobody played that class...now they made big changes(this class is rly OP now) and with a little hope Seers will be back in business in no time Just wait 6 days to see next update.
  18. This is not a great example Keeping DS as gift in exalted quest series is a great example...Why would I pay if I get one free?What to do with more then one? Another great example is exchanging of +5 circlet for noble upgrade stone.
  19. yes, no drop without vit. On Eu if you have premium account that rule doesnt apply Probably we will have same in prestige pack.
  20. This update have many + and few - -The bigest nerf is for ISS class, kinda expected since the game trend is going to solo play. -Second nerf is for clan crp...less missions. -last, drop Items and adena related to vitality(this can be a good thing...no more trains of free to play rmt bots) But there are many many improvements for regular players: armor and weapons and lots of goodies free from exhalted quests, self suficient buffs, craft for all R-R99, new mentoring, more mobs and faster respawn under 105, new instance and time limited area 99-105, etc.
  21. I trully did not understand your question, It wasnt an irony(on first post). I dont understand what big change you talk about it, its the same system... -You can choose whatever server where you want to play -You can run 3 clients(1client=1email) -Your toon stay&play on server where it was created
  22. And your question is? Here a sugestion...read a bit forum, watch some movies on youtube and then come back and ask question. Tip2: you can run simultaneous 3 clients(dont be ridiculos>>> 1 email=1session(live or classic)). Tip3:stay away from this game...if you cannot at least stay away from NcWest, they provide the worst services overseas.
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