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So my QQ begins and ends with the Phantom Ranger.

Regardless what ++++ bow they have they can 2 shot anyone with 90% hp with the lethal skill?

And thats after your perma stunned. This lethal skill needs a bit of a nerf.. kinda boring pvping against a class that can 100% guarantee 2 shot you. 

Alot of people have rerolled to the class because they know how op it is.. even named a clan after "fatal counter" full of dark elf archers


half hp archer our here with clean emi bow just 1 shotting doom knights with a over hit all day for xp.. i dont think its fair..  

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Suck it up ... It's the only skill that actually makes PR worthwhile ... With that terrible attack speed, it is one of the worst classes in game ... Even a turtle with a bow would hit faster ... Extreme dmg and high STR are this class' strong points ... 

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1 hour ago, Limerence said:

Suck it up ... It's the only skill that actually makes PR worthwhile ... With that terrible attack speed, it is one of the worst classes in game ... Even a turtle with a bow would hit faster ... Extreme dmg and high STR are this class' strong points ... 

even without fatal counter dark elfs will be better then elf archers. so yea. it is broken

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23 hours ago, Trunks said:

So my QQ begins and ends with the Phantom Ranger.

Regardless what ++++ bow they have they can 2 shot anyone with 90% hp with the lethal skill?

And thats after your perma stunned. This lethal skill needs a bit of a nerf.. kinda boring pvping against a class that can 100% guarantee 2 shot you. 

Alot of people have rerolled to the class because they know how op it is.. even named a clan after "fatal counter" full of dark elf archers


half hp archer our here with clean emi bow just 1 shotting doom knights with a over hit all day for xp.. i dont think its fair..  

they need too much adena to farm alone and even if they reach high lvls it is normal for them to do that!! dagger class needs to leech exp because solo they suck hard at exp but when they reach high lvls they can 2 shot u! CDL on mages can RIP u too depending your jewels their staff grade the ++ and the buffs they got

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You are joking right? Ok let me explain, PR is a glass cannon he hits hard but he falls even if someone just looks at him in pvp, backstab hits ignoring cp so when pr is low hp for CDL you come in hide and give him 1 simple backstab and its over, and you cry that pr cdl is good regardless of bow and ++++, what about dagger stabs you know you can use a ng dagger and a A +16 dagger and the difference in stab damage will be like 300-400 ?? And now about exping, your friend is oneshoting doom knights ? ask him how many he kills before he is out of mana, you can exp like this only if you have 4 mana rechargers at your back, unlike mages who have mana gain and can exp with 2 recharges on CDL just as fast. And now about the damage, i wait for you here on the forum to cry when we will have elf summoners 77 lvl with pony that can aoe hit geared people for 4-5 k in 1 hit ( imagine hitting 20 people for 5k each)

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On 1/26/2019 at 12:43 PM, zzzzzzzz said:

even without fatal counter dark elfs will be better then elf archers. so yea. it is broken

In a 1 vs 1, I don't think a PR can beat a SR at the same lvl. Stun, Double, Stun Double dead. PR will not have time to cast Fatal. 

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Full hp PR fatal counter me for 3.7k and 7.3k with 25% hp.

Im wearing +4333 ava set with full buff. Im just saying the dmg needs adjusting. at least cdl the hp to dmg ratio is the way it should be. 

I wouldn't be mad if the archer 1 shot me at 10 hp. but 1 shotting EZ with 3/4 hp is kinda redonk.

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