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No more New Items Please

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Id like to start off by saying, I am probably a Top 1% in terms of gear player.

Just thought I would make this request on behalf of every single player left playing l2 ncwest.

We have been hammered with new item after new item for years, with the majority coming in just the last 2 months. The player base can't keep up with this and the gap is widening between even the top end and super top end players by an insane amount. I have a ton of gear, but the people I pvp sometimes have so little gear I could just stand there and they would kill themselves. The novelty is fun but it wears off fast. This is not sustainable. Even from a purely profit driven motive, a company should want its product to last longer rather than shorter?

As a professional Cow, let me tell you how we would like to be milked.

Bring old events back like cloak/circlet/agathions with much better success rates or possible even already enchanted items for 1/3rd of the ncoin price so players with less disposable income can catch up at a fraction of the price. I don't mind if this means I paid more for my items 1 year or even 6 months ago. I understand a company needs to make money, but they can do it wisely while keeping intact the integrity of the game. These type of big sale promotions I believe would bring in just as much money, as well as balance out and bring people back to the game. And if this promotion doesn't work, hey at least you tried, hit us with the sayha talismans and artifacts the following week.

Let the big spenders like myself, be 3 or 4 steps ahead of the pack, instead of 10,000 steps. 

Just my thoughts.

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after using this system to become a top player you want them to stop now?

this event is another succes for ncwest. All the complaining each and everyone of you do does not weigh as much as the real numbers say.

ncwest probably sold a lot again at this new event so i say the GMs did a good job. 

I see players complain in game a lot but then they link their new l2store promo item an hour later only for everyone in the ally to congratulate them.

In my opinion ncwest is doing a good job with this event and they should continue on this same path. Why would u want to recycle old items all the time?

we want new items not old ones.

and im betting my left arm that you already have one of these new god jewels.

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@Bable2 you're missing the point which is that even top spenders like to have a slightly more balanced competition else why spend more if you already dominate with you current/old gear right ?

to achieve more decently geared player base we need to have easier, affordable & more gear access then we got atm..

look at Korean servers, there is still balanced pvp because their l2store is cheap for their cost of living standards so the gap gear wise between top spenders and average spenders is not that huge that pvp becomes 1 sided unlike what we got..

it's not hard to check prices on korean l2store and how it translates to ingame adena etc. - how else you think it's possible for a korean whale to have access to over 1k black cards, just think about that amount for a second as that's just 1 whale and korea has more of those then we do so most likely on their servers exist more then 100k of such which is why their prices be that adena or ncoin are significantly lower..

this applies to all their l2store p2w items and their player base actually stays healthy this way as korean whales are only say 20% stronger then the rest whereas our situation whales are over 2K times stronger 

long story short: NC Staff when your top whales are telling you to chill it's time to take it seriously as without us L2@NCWest will be closing down sooner then later - time to unlock that huge market potential of your mid range spenders by making your products/l2store more accessible.




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that is all cool and nice that you think the gap should be less but it does not matter. This community has been complaining and talking for litterly years about the prices of events. YET when i log in, all of them are linking their new goodies from l2 store and getting all happy because they hit 10% harder now. Then the next event the same happens, all complaining while enjoying their new items in game.

So tell me, why should they stop now? We are all buying these new items in masses, there is is no reason for Ncwest to change their prices.

Weiner here is trying to seem honorable whether intentional or not to sort of be like the man of the people but on the other hand he has been using this system to his own advantage in game. 

Complain here while his char is shining with every l2store promo item there is.  If this strategy that NCwest bothers you there is only one thing to do and that is to not buy the promo items. But u guys are complaining while u already have the jewels

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just easy stop donating , stop supporting ncwest , and quit this game (Old L2store whale ) just i did OR better buy them with RMT which much cheaper and safer not like now that you dont know if one ring will cost 50 bill or 250 bill with 0 chances of ncwest.   its too late for pvp game is dying faster , Naia already no pvp they all quit and some of them become pve until they will get bored and quit also . there is no future to this game and this is a reminder for all the players that playing now stop before you waste your money here 

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that's where you're wrong, most aren't happy about this situation and majority of the really big whales have already left

the mid sized whales that are still playing are now seriously considering to to go casual mode as the rat race went to far which will have significant consequences down the line but maybe that's needed to get these recommended changes actually done..

also your assumptions that the whales already got those jewels is wrong, only a handful players managed to be "lucky" on chronos and made a stage 1.. most ppl are just sitting on the fence watching how this is going down as all of us knows that atm it's 50bil for a small chance when down the road premade stages 1 thru 6 will be sold in loot boxes..

look at the dragon epics that got made redundant within 1 Month, the devaluation of gear is going too fast for any smart player to not want to invest huge amounts of resources anymore period.

what you DO see atm is players trying to make adena by reselling stuff from l2store but that's not the same thing and just look at how the last cloak store promo went.. it's a crash & burn situation with only the first rush being profitable..

totally NOT sustainable situation

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6 minutes ago, Emirates said:

just easy stop donating , stop supporting ncwest , and quit this game (Old L2store whale ) just i did OR better buy them with RMT which much cheaper and safer not like now that you dont know if one ring will cost 50 bill or 250 bill with 0 chances of ncwest.   its too late for pvp game is dying faster , Naia already no pvp they all quit and some of them become pve until they will get bored and quit also . there is no future to this game and this is a reminder for all the players that playing now stop before you waste your money here 

The only reason these top players complain now is because  they cannot put their items to use.

They wanna AOE  a whole clan on their own and trashtalk while at it but once that clan stops showing up to siege they complain that the system is failing.

And there they are, with 50k chars doing pve only on macro !


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4 minutes ago, Draecke said:

that's where you're wrong, most aren't happy about this situation and majority of the really big whales have already left

the mid sized whales that are still playing are now seriously considering to to go casual mode as the rat race went to far which will have significant consequences down the line but maybe that's needed to get these recommended changes actually done..

also your assumptions that the whales already got those jewels is wrong, only a handful players managed to be "lucky" on chronos and made a stage 1.. most ppl are just sitting on the fence watching how this is going down as all of us knows that atm it's 50bil for a small chance when down the road premade stages 1 thru 6 will be sold in loot boxes..

look at the dragon epics that got made redundant within 1 Month, the devaluation of gear is going too fast for any smart player to not want to invest huge amounts of resources anymore period.

what you DO see atm is players trying to make adena by reselling stuff from l2store but that's not the same thing and just look at how the last cloak store promo went.. it's a crash & burn situation with only the first rush being profitable..

totally NOT sustainable situation

The smart players stopped long agoooo.

Dont think that you whales belong in that category,  i am not talking about you personally but the majority of top players now are nothing but randoms who only got top player status due to l2 store.


Also weiner is one of the guys who already has a god jewel as he posted a pic on discord of it. He least of all should be talking about it.

But here he is opening his mouth speaking against something while supporting it on the other hand

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on the stop buy ncoins / l2store stuff absolutely agree but knowing NC we will first get the same treatment as Taiwan & Japan which is 2 l2store promo's a Month as to make up for the drop of sales as this is all virtual goods anyways upto the point we're worse off then the Japan servers..

this approach is pitiful as it isn't to late yet to turn NCWest servers around the same way they did in Korea..

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@Bable2, again it seems you simply do not want to understand what exactly is going on!

Yes many ppl will spend on the l2store, but many will not, because of the price... and the mechanics of obtaining a certain peace of gear. Most of the players I know, who are quitting, its purely BECAUSE OF THE PRICE OF GEAR AND NO PVP .. getting 1 shot is not fun, this game is supposed to be FUN, some people do not understand that and put insane sales on the l2store for x2 / x4 / x5 price from the other regions. 

At a certain moment server becomes one sided, because of the gear gap.. weaker side goes pve, stronger side abuses all other decent players and makes them quit, many ppl are happy to abuse even random players for fun.

After that the guys, who took advantage of the l2store and geared up like mad have nothing to do, except free farming, some like the farm. some do not … 

Step by step the game is getting killed by those who can pay tons of money + those who let them buy all the crap and do not let LOW TIER PLAYERS TO GO MID TIER // AND MID TIER PLAYERS to get closer to TOP TIER... 


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2 minutes ago, Bable2 said:

The only reason these top players complain now is because  they cannot put their items to use.

They wanna AOE  a whole clan on their own and trashtalk while at it but once that clan stops showing up to siege they complain that the system is failing.

And there they are, with 50k chars doing pve only on macro !


read what I wrote before.. top / mid end players already destroy everyone else.. they do not need to buy more/new shiny toys to achieve that..

there's no PVP on Chronos anymore as it is and this stuff ain't helping with that situation

what incentive is there for the whales to keep spend ? majority of the whales & mid sized ones I talk to all think of quitting while they can still get some kind of "return on investment" as the game is basically done for real now.

only a very few think of just going pve mode and riding this out but those are the minority

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You guys do not seem to understand that you are supporting this strategy by NCwest, and have been supporting it for years. 

And god knows, you will be supporting it till the very end. ANd by support i do not mean that you talk good of it, but with your wallets. Which frankly is the only thing that matters.


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Interesting, people who disbalanced the pvp by buying rather than playing, now complain that we get too much items....lal. Hypocrisy is hard at work here.

You get exactly what you deserve - dead servers. Enjoy.

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free to play is doomed to end like this,

its like telling to drag 2 paralel lines that are also crossing.

so you cant balance a zero casher and a healthy / cow if you like* spender 

(professional cow) im laughing so hard cant find a meme lmao

also there are many schemes how to make some balance althou not perfect.

like ex target of sales its X ammount if achieved free event with equal chances for all server,

but than again will be ppl crying cant play 24/7 or bot here there you know what i mean.

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I will try this one more time as I just explained in l2 community discord as you guys are foolhardy lot ;)

folks should turn around the question and ask whats needed for a "Zolter" to be able to have a fighting chance versus a "Weiner"

only then pvp might return and pvp is the main driver for folk to spend money, time & resources on this game
nothing else to say really so..


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i have an idea

In order to have fun and don't feel scammed, let's set up pvp event with lvl 85 awakened chars, without any pay to win gears

i imagine it like that

7v7 ( u chose the pt setup)

No brooch jewel/no circlet/no cloak/no coc belt etc etc

Just Twilight +3 set

Apocalypse +3

Twilight jewel

And i assure you that after u do a balanced 7v7 at that lvl without gears u will feel the real fun of pvp without spending 10k $ and with balanced pvp :)

We should make that event and post it on forum so maybe GM's can see how stupid move they make with the game :D

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45 minutes ago, Bable2 said:

@Argus " at certain moment server becomes one sided"

HAHAHAH where have u been the last 4 years?
THe only brief moment server was not one sided was one MS was rising to power and Nova losing members. only during that period

If you are here to troll only I understand, we can all see you have some problems with the guy, who originally opened this thread, also if you do not have anything constructive to say, better go troll in another place, you refuse to understand what is the main point, simply refuse to understand.

Just read again what @weinerthezon, @Draecke and me posted, clear your mind and literally read it, detach yourself from all your troll and sarcastic thoughts, I am being honest, no bad feelings, I am not trying to insult you or smtg. If you love this game, if you like to play it and invest your precious time, give it a try.

I am playing only Lineage2, not interested in other games at all, so if my tiny voice here on the forum can reach some people and help us to get a change, I am bound to speak out, so are you, just keep it constructive and without insults/trolls/personal comments.

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@ArgusI got nothing with the guy who posted first. Im calling him out here because he is the one who made his post here.

I read what they say and its the same complain they all make with a new variation to it.

these guys are the reason that this model works because they spend like whales.


ITs very hypocritical of them to complain about a system they have been using for YEARS.

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1 hour ago, mixa said:

Interesting, people who disbalanced the pvp by buying rather than playing, now complain that we get too much items....lal. Hypocrisy is hard at work here.

You get exactly what you deserve - dead servers. Enjoy.

This +900000

These guys have been playing this system for years creating a huuuuge gap between them and the majority of the normal players who eventually quit the game.

Now that they are reaping what they sow they come complain.


Take responsibilty for your own actions. 

If you are a top player due to your huge spending on l2store promos you simply are a hypocrite if u complain about their strategy now. And part of the blame as to why the game is dying quicker now.

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47 minutes ago, Andouille said:

i have an idea

In order to have fun and don't feel scammed, let's set up pvp event with lvl 85 awakened chars, without any pay to win gears

i imagine it like that

7v7 ( u chose the pt setup)

No brooch jewel/no circlet/no cloak/no coc belt etc etc

Just Twilight +3 set

Apocalypse +3

Twilight jewel

And i assure you that after u do a balanced 7v7 at that lvl without gears u will feel the real fun of pvp without spending 10k $ and with balanced pvp :)

We should make that event and post it on forum so maybe GM's can see how stupid move they make with the game :D

spend tens of thousands of dollars in game only to pvp with lvl 85 chars because its more fun. HAHAHAHA

this is priceless

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3 hours ago, weinerthezon said:

Id like to start off by saying, I am probably a Top 1% in terms of gear player.

Just thought I would make this request on behalf of every single player left playing l2 ncwest.

We have been hammered with new item after new item for years, with the majority coming in just the last 2 months. The player base can't keep up with this and the gap is widening between even the top end and super top end players by an insane amount. I have a ton of gear, but the people I pvp sometimes have so little gear I could just stand there and they would kill themselves. The novelty is fun but it wears off fast. This is not sustainable. Even from a purely profit driven motive, a company should want its product to last longer rather than shorter?

As a professional Cow, let me tell you how we would like to be milked.

Bring old events back like cloak/circlet/agathions with much better success rates or possible even already enchanted items for 1/3rd of the ncoin price so players with less disposable income can catch up at a fraction of the price. I don't mind if this means I paid more for my items 1 year or even 6 months ago. I understand a company needs to make money, but they can do it wisely while keeping intact the integrity of the game. These type of big sale promotions I believe would bring in just as much money, as well as balance out and bring people back to the game. And if this promotion doesn't work, hey at least you tried, hit us with the sayha talismans and artifacts the following week.

Let the big spenders like myself, be 3 or 4 steps ahead of the pack, instead of 10,000 steps. 

Just my thoughts.

Well @weinerthezon, I need to agree and disagree with you.
Everything you said is true, But that alone isn't destroying the PvP.

As you said (and it's the truth) you are part of the Top 1% server. And why do you join with the other Top 1% server?

You and your staff need to understand that there is room in the game for all people gears/level, just every portion of the server fight where it's fair and fun. Low-gears Vs. Low-gears; Mid-gears Vs. Mid-gears; "Top 1%" vs. "Top 1%".

Why do not you face this truth and seek the fun?

Listening to people who are clearly killing the PvP, which is what ncsoft's been doing. This is a bleeping hypocrisy. (Sorry for the offense.)

These people do not want PvP.
These people want to WIN. (It is slightly different)
These people want the "trashtalk".

These people want to dominate the entire server and does not make room for anyone to have fun, including themselves.

My clan is Low/Mid-gears. If I take my clan (2-3 pts) to any castle in the game, it will instantly pop up all "Top 1%" of the server to crush and brag about it in the chat. Because this is the fun. That's what matters. CHAT.

I consider you an excellent player. When you decided to leave MS (for whatever reason) I had a hope. But you and Scoobz made me miss it again. Sad.

Please, do not tell me that it's Nova's fault. or it's because "the server does not come together". It's very comfortable  to say that in your "Top 1%" position and not have the guts to go get the fun.

(Sorry, my bad english. It's not my native language, it's just an effort.)


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