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Krishna Armor Upgrade Costs: You've Got To Be Kidding?!!!

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Granted, I'm late to this entire update. It's been a hectic these last 8 months IRL with the passing of my mother. But I'm back and glad to be playing...or at least I was until I did the math on how much it will cost me to upgrade my Eternal armor set to Krishna. WTF?!!!

The most conservative estimate, ignoring market volatility, is 175,926,967,751 adena. Are you %$^%&%# kidding me?!!!!!! Sure, three of the armor pieces are +12, while the remaining two are +11, but I'm losing an enchant by upgrading. It shouldn't cost me 176 billion adena to upgrade on top of the OE penalty. That's multiple times more than the cost of an actual +10 Krishna set. 

And did I add that all that I get in return is a basic Krishna set, mind you? Not Enchanted. Not Dark or Bloody. Not Limited. Just a +10/+11 no frills Krishna set. I'd still have to pay billions more to make it enchanted status, both dark AND bloody it, then finally get it to Limited status.

This is madness! You have gone waaaaay beyond your prime directive here. Please vastly roll back the cost to upgrade (armors only) from R99 to R110 and stop punishing players. Or better yet, increase the drop rate and the number of normal mobs who drop regularly Crystals of Protection, R gems, and full R99 armor pieces (which we can crystallize for the Crystals of Protection). Seriously, you have to do better by your gaming community, or you won't have one.

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12 minutes ago, SinPalabras said:

Granted, I'm late to this entire update. It's been a hectic these last 8 months IRL with the passing of my mother. But I'm back and glad to be playing...or at least I was until I did the math on how much it will cost me to upgrade my Eternal armor set to Krishna. WTF?!!!

The most conservative estimate, ignoring market volatility, is 175,926,967,751 adena. Are you %$^%&%# kidding me?!!!!!! Sure, three of the armor pieces are +12, while the remaining two are +11, but I'm losing an enchant by upgrading. It shouldn't cost me 176 billion adena to upgrade on top of the OE penalty. That's multiple times more than the cost of an actual +10 Krishna set. 

And did I add that all that I get in return is a basic Krishna set, mind you? Not Enchanted. Not Dark or Bloody. Not Limited. Just a +10/+11 no frills Krishna set. I'd still have to pay billions more to make it enchanted status, both dark AND bloody it, then finally get it to Limited status.

This is madness! You have gone waaaaay beyond your prime directive here. Please vastly roll back the cost to upgrade (armors only) from R99 to R110 and stop punishing players. Or better yet, increase the drop rate and the number of normal mobs who drop regularly Crystals of Protection, R gems, and full R99 armor pieces (which we can crystallize for the Crystals of Protection). Seriously, you have to do better by your gaming community, or you won't have one.

I am pretty sure you will be muted on in your own theme and not be able to give any answers. 

100% agree with you. 

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5 minutes ago, NemesiC said:

First of all ,
krishna -->WEAPONS
furthermore think what else u can do  :) 

You're right, thanks. I meant Leviathan. Sorry, still getting back up to speed.

At this point I'm just going to stick with the Eternal set. I have a couple of characters in the R99 range who can still be productive in that armor. We'll see if I stick around long enough to see them level to 110.

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upgrading existing high oe armor / weapons is expensive yup which is why most ppl upgrade the minimum version like +6 Bless R99 and redo the OE once it's R110

it's all about choices, at least you got many different options

  • upgrade existing
  • take a +6 bless r99
  • wait for more clean +0 r110 (all top raids drop these so just a matter of time for plenty available)
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The R99 -> R110 upgrade is only expensive on NCWest servers because of the gutted Fishing System. The Fishing System in the other regions is way more rewarding because it's locked behind premium accounts. You'll be able to make more Elcyum Powders from Powerful Fish and there are way more other sources to get the materials needed to do the upgrade. Something that all have been gutted out of our version. Our servers also lack the resources to make R99 Blessed, it has lower enchant success rates and an exclusive to random generated 'event promotions' supply of Red/Purple/White/Black/Gold enchant luck tickets. 

The upgrade system is a prime example that the Lineage II overseas version is not adjusted to the servers ran by NCWest and the availability of resources.

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8 hours ago, Draecke said:

upgrading existing high oe armor / weapons is expensive yup which is why most ppl upgrade the minimum version like +6 Bless R99 and redo the OE once it's R110

it's all about choices, at least you got many different options

  • upgrade existing
  • take a +6 bless r99
  • wait for more clean +0 r110 (all top raids drop these so just a matter of time for plenty available)

Thanks. I went with a combination of the last two. I have to upgrade a pair of leggings today and I'll have my base Leviathan set. Still, the entire process is far more expensive than it needs to be, given the benefits and taking into account that outside of what I call "soft RMT" or RMT light, there really aren't enough viable revenue streams in-game for most players.

And the cost of upgrading is having one other effect on the market: no one wants to buy OE R99. Whenever there was a grade change in the past, there was a good chance that we could sell off the old gear at good prices. That's if you even needed to make a change at all, armor-wise. But I've been trying to sell some of my OE Bloody Eternal for the past two weeks at steeply discounted prices. No one's biting. There are other causal factors to be sure, but R110 upgrading definitely plays a major role. No one is buying OE Eternal knowing that they'll get hit with a massively obscene penalty when they try to upgrade it. Hopefully, the developers realized that they screwed the pooch on this one.

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18 hours ago, SinPalabras said:

Granted, I'm late to this entire update. It's been a hectic these last 8 months IRL with the passing of my mother. But I'm back and glad to be playing...or at least I was until I did the math on how much it will cost me to upgrade my Eternal armor set to Krishna. WTF?!!!

The most conservative estimate, ignoring market volatility, is 175,926,967,751 adena. Are you %$^%&%# kidding me?!!!!!! Sure, three of the armor pieces are +12, while the remaining two are +11, but I'm losing an enchant by upgrading. It shouldn't cost me 176 billion adena to upgrade on top of the OE penalty. That's multiple times more than the cost of an actual +10 Krishna set. 

And did I add that all that I get in return is a basic Krishna set, mind you? Not Enchanted. Not Dark or Bloody. Not Limited. Just a +10/+11 no frills Krishna set. I'd still have to pay billions more to make it enchanted status, both dark AND bloody it, then finally get it to Limited status.

This is madness! You have gone waaaaay beyond your prime directive here. Please vastly roll back the cost to upgrade (armors only) from R99 to R110 and stop punishing players. Or better yet, increase the drop rate and the number of normal mobs who drop regularly Crystals of Protection, R gems, and full R99 armor pieces (which we can crystallize for the Crystals of Protection). Seriously, you have to do better by your gaming community, or you won't have one.

Man you want top set for nothing? Lol

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31 minutes ago, SasyPisos said:

Man you want top set for nothing? Lol

Appreciate the snark, but no one said anything about not paying reasonable fair for the upgrade. I'm sure even you would agree that 176B for the upgrade is too much. It doesn't take a fiscal mastermind here, just basic common sense.

At any rate, I completed the Enchanted Leviathan set and will commence overenchanting it later today. As things stand presently, the OE Eternal set is still statistically better in every category, except p. atk. and a couple of the bonuses (like stun resist). Sadly, it doesn't look like things improve once it's Bloody. Might as well blow it up. 


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2 hours ago, SinPalabras said:

Appreciate the snark, but no one said anything about not paying reasonable fair for the upgrade. I'm sure even you would agree that 176B for the upgrade is too much. It doesn't take a fiscal mastermind here, just basic common sense.

At any rate, I completed the Enchanted Leviathan set and will commence overenchanting it later today. As things stand presently, the OE Eternal set is still statistically better in every category, except p. atk. and a couple of the bonuses (like stun resist). Sadly, it doesn't look like things improve once it's Bloody. Might as well blow it up. 


Top jewel price is 500-700b so this new sets give good TOP stats and price is good for that what you have so you receive 2 in 1 set 180bi=1,500+ dollar

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3 minutes ago, SasyPisos said:

Top jewel price is 500-700b so this new sets give good TOP stats and price is good for that what you have so you receive 2 in 1 set 180bi=1,500+ dollar

A good day for enchants, I guess. The Enchanted Leviathan set is now +6/+7. I'm going to stop there for now and try for +10 later in the week.

But my point still stands: the cost to upgrade OE Eternal to R110 needs to be reevaluated. Even a set that costs 80B would still be difficult for 90% of the player base to afford. So who are we really helping by making the costs so astronomically high? The top 3% elite, rich, end game clans are going to get theirs no matter what. So all this really does is present a barrier of entry for the remaining 97%, i.e., the average players. I'm sure that's not what the developers intended. Or is it? 

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6 hours ago, Solaris said:

 if have +10 pve armor or bloody weap no need to upgrade armors/weaps to kill mobs 175b to upaggrade these thing omg! is better if have so much adena to get boss jewels ;)

Yes, I agree. I've decided to treat the Leviathan set as a side project and continue to wear Eternal for now. I did step up to the Krishna bow, though. Making it a Limited weapon was my top priority.

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