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Mages vs Mele hunting zones and how its affecting the class base on server.

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                 I am writing this post in hopes to begin a discussion regarding why so many people are rerolling from mage to mele classes in classic NA. Lately there have been immense amounts of mages rerolling to mele because they feel it is the only way to play sustainably on classic at the moment. This is entirely true from my view.  I run in a mage CP and we hunt lair of Antharas. Just our hunting cost per week in shots, ore and other misc supplies for buffs/skills is  over 300kk adena and Loa only provides around 20% of that expense.  This ratio seems to be consistent with other mages i talk with in game.  In comparison, a mele party in toi will profit many times more than what they spend per week.  (i dont have any expamples for mele but i hope someone else can provide)

               Another issue that stems from the lack of adena in mage zones is that they are forced to farm with toons in lowbie areas and compete heavily in those areas. This CRIPPLES the progression for new players joining the server and  impacts long term community growth.

               I am grateful for the toi update that gives the game more class diversity and opportunity for mele classes to level but at this point it is so much more beneficial to exclusively be a mele class and hunt there that anyone who enjoys mage class feels forced to turn into mele class.


For the reasons stated above i urge Devs to address these issues to ensure class diversification and the growth our our community.

Thank you

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im agree, three years and NCSOFT still not fix the unbalanced drop of adena, high zones that are very dificult to farm and add a very low quantity of adena droped by monster, that is one reason why adena sellers are still mastering the server, of course, you lose more adena that u can gain leveling. The events that increase the adena rate is not a fix for this problem, we need a permanent increase of adena by mob. Weapons S in this moment are not sustainable, the market is owned by the player who can buy more adena in the black market.

Lineage 2 classic need a very big fix of END GAME because in this moment many of top players are quiting, because they know that this game doesnt have nothing new to offer and all the problems and unbalanced changes are still working without a good future.

We need changes, the forums are the voice of the players, a game that not hear his players is doomed to fall. (lineage 2 classic start with 4 servers full, now we are two in medium population... soon a merge)

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Its about making the endgame content for endgame players and not making it so they depend on beginner lvl content to sustain their gameplay. I mean at least consumables? Its very difficult to see that people on live can fully cover their xp costs easily just with drops.

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@Juji  1 day and half in TOI its like 300kk in party of 4 , in Loa hunting high lvl mobs we get 12kk per day , theres no comparation and if  u gonna tell me "you are a mage , kill faster" ok , but the amount in exp we get in loa is nothing xD BOOST LOA! :D 

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TOI IS THE PROBLEM, it's not that mages have been forgotten about, everyone that's not a whale has been left behind.

TOI is strictly a VIP zone for the big spenders on server, and is completely unbalanced in terms of adena and xp compared to every other hunting zone.

Just look how many level 90's were 'advanced macrod' in there during this xp event...

Time to face the fact that if you are not a whale and big $$ spender you have been forgotten by the developers.

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Its free to play. The game has to generate revenue. You can literally spend 10 dollars per month in the l2store and gain decent vip rating overtime. Big spenders will always pull ahead of everyone else but that's not the issue here. The issue is class favoritism and the mechanics of end game content pushing players to exclusively play mele classes. Thank you for your post.

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The only time the game was balanced was the first week 😂😂😂....  I agree with you @Karioli but  what we can do , this post will make TOI to get nerfed besides fixing the other areas... classic ncsoft mentality! 😂😂😂we don’t fix things we break it even more! 😂😂.

But in my ❤️ I hope they do fix it... 

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  • 1 month later...

A lot of unbalanced things in the game without a doubt. A lot of land without mob, a lot of empty space that could be used, Release the map at once, release Siege in all castles, and no doubt to start improving the server: Listen to what players have been talking about in the forum. We've felt abandoned for Years.

If it's a strategy to empty the server and leave only the bots. They're doing it right, each day 1 player leaves and enters +10 bots. (all from the same owners as usual)
Now if you are thinking about saving the game, for the players, it is definitely good to start reading the suggestions and observer points for everyone active in the forum.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A a melee, for years, mages had the advantage for EXP, Adena everything. Mages looked down on us melee and told us to suck it up and re-roll mage.  Now the melees get one good area to EXP and the mages complain.  For what it's worth, there are mages EXPing in TOI.  Go look at TOI4, it is all mage party's. 

I suspect the problem is actually the wallet size of the whales compared to the rest of the server.  Because some people have more money to spend in game, others feel like they will never catch up or be competitive and then they end up feeling like, what's the point of playing.  To me it is the sense of feeling like you can't progress unless you spend $500+ per month that is bringing you down.

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In reality, the problem for ncsoft is not that we ordinary players stop playing, vip 5 to 8. those of us who spend what is necessary to progress at a slow or fast pace.

the problem is that I do not see any of the most prominent people on the server commenting or populating any complaint. and do you know why?

The server adjusts to those players, not to us, who together spend even half of what the server's collection takes. 40 people spend more than all the other players combined. and it's not bad. I'm not saying that they do what they want with their money. They would have advantages equal to the availability of more resources. but why ncsoft exploits that? Does anyone review that topic?

there is no quality control.

when l2 classic opened, at first everything was as it should be. after?

We started to decline and no one complained. nobody knows that this product is free or does not have to have a control. nobody knows that?

why ncsoft exploits people like this? the other ncsoft products are not like that, except for others that do not reach the level of disorganization that this server has.

sorry for my English!


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