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What happened to Lineage II?

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I came back to this game after a long, long hiatus -- so long that I had to create another account and start a new character from level 1.

While the visuals improved immensely and many places I new remain the same (or at least their named do -- I haven't visited them just yet), I feel that something was missing.

As I said, I created a new level 1 character and, after 2 hours playing, I'm already level 85.

When I first started playing Lineage II, if I remember correctly, it took me about a week to reach level 20 and some three weeks to reach level 40 (I don't remember if I leveled too much over level 40... it was more than 15 years ago), and the class quests were more challenging.

I did the quests now and one strike and the monster is down.

I hope there are more challenging quests later on. I'm more of a PVE player and I love this aspect of Lineage II.

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welcome to the new lineage 2

It is no longer that game of effort and progress that is left behind

times have changed to real money payment system for progress in the game

but not only lineage 2 but all online games are on the same path

the game is no longer cooperative ... it is a save who can (in this case who has money)

do not believe the siren songs that some will tell you that without investing you will be at the top of the game ... it is simply that they fool you

The one who advanced without paying anything left L2 a long time ago. He couldn't advance any further.

If you like to play alone and want to progress late or early, you will have to invest... and it is logical that NcSoft lives on

but it all depends on how you plan the game

I will explain my case to you, I have 3 accounts and I have invested a lot of money and even so I do not have a good toon at level 116 (I have also made bad investments... all that is said)

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You will get that feeling of progress again going from 106 to 108.

And then BOOM you will realize how damage works.


Back in the good old days you had skill power from one side and weapons/special jewels on the other side to boost your damage.

The boost from items for a typical player S+4 gear vs the boost from some was S+16 was measurable .

Now the boost from items is so high that the character doesn't matter. You play a different game. There are instances you won't even be able to enter (because you will fail)

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Yeah, this is a new game not the lineage 2 that we have seen.

Looks like the new players, generation Z, asked to auto hunt and event all day 24/7/365.

They can't wait for years like we usually do but for days.

They wanna to create a toon and in short time become as same point as players that never quit and is around for years.

Would be  nice if some one from staff create a YouTube channel and show us how to play this game from 1 to 120 spending nothing or like 15/30 $ a month.

But, if you dont push hard yourself this game still beautiful and funny. Just do what you can  and don't expect to be as strong as you usually be in the past without expend alot.

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for the love of god... 

Name 3 quests besides class transfer(s), subclass quest and noble quest......

You all make such a big issue about quests, when in reality the quests were never a thing in L2..

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7 hours ago, Connex said:

Name 3 quests besides class transfer(s), subclass quest and noble quest......
You all make such a big issue about quests, when in reality the quests were never a thing in L2..

Quests were never a thing for you, coz you were 10110101001 since you started. It's been a while but here yo go: ketra/varka quest for s grade recs, every low lvl quest that gave a little bit of materials, a bunch of quests that gave item crafting mats, the old dimensional rift we used to solo with healers that gave the old augment stones, the quests in rune that game enchants among other things, and the latest that comes i mind is the dimensional rift (if i recall the name) that game rune stones. Everything had something to get that bit of xtra in the game.

Just coz you don't do something does not mean others don't as well. 

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2 hours ago, menf said:

Quests were never a thing for you, coz you were 10110101001 since you started. It's been a while but here yo go: ketra/varka quest for s grade recs, every low lvl quest that gave a little bit of materials, a bunch of quests that gave item crafting mats, the old dimensional rift we used to solo with healers that gave the old augment stones, the quests in rune that game enchants among other things, and the latest that comes i mind is the dimensional rift (if i recall the name) that game rune stones. Everything had something to get that bit of xtra in the game.

Just coz you don't do something does not mean others don't as well. 

so basically just a small reward after killing thousands of mobs! got it.

I can list over a dosen quests of the top of my head that were literally useless, same as ketra and varka, you have to get to level 5 of the quest to get something, then it was the MoS quest for EWS ( 5000 marks for 1 ews) , the red gem gambling game, the red fabric quest to get A grade parts (10 fabrics for 1 part) , which noone did btw, pagans quests for BEAR ( which was later on) I guess you can also add the mixing urn quest that you could get stuff there  (Besides the Noble quest), contributing seal stones for Dawn/Dusk that was a quest too. Even the manor was a thing, but tell me 1 time you managed to do it.... 

my point is that deleting the quests is not that big of a deal, the new system we have for rewards combined with the autohunt is much better. The only difference is that the "returning" player that did the comment, has no idea of the changes that have taken place the past few years. We all know that unless you hit 110 and with some gear, there is literally nothing you can do other than smash mobs usually 4-5 levels lower than you.
Rewards from the "new" system that has been around for quite some time.
-Aden Trasure Chest
-Shiny Aden Trasure Chest
-Venusta boxes  (from dailies)
-Castilla Daily
-Atelia/Pantheon (IoS) for adena 
-ToI  for adena  and drops

love the 101010101 comment! but I will tell you this, AoEing FoG/Pagans was much more profitable compared to hunting for recipes in Ketra/Varka. That is why i was in the top 1% and you are still bitter. Lets try this another way cuz one thing I can tell you for sure, is that I have a pretty good memory, 4 hours in Pagans was like 300mil and you needed like 5 hours in ketra to get a recipe or something, so forgive for dissing on the quest logic.

p.s. who are you? I mean those are some serious allegations but even then, seeing a name from the good old days is always nice!

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@Connexno1 is bitter, you keep your nerdrage to yourself. You criticize and dismiss every single person who asks for something you do not approve, are you bitter? That is some strange logic isn't it?

I repeat just coz you did not do quests it does not mean other people did not do them. They broke the monotonous clicking back then (for the people who clicked). How do quests change your daily activities? You don't want them ignore them, don't diminish people who want them.  And on a real talk, you think just coz some1 asked for something the devs will change the game for them? We ask for more reasonable thigs for years and everyone is ignored. 


How you got to 1% along with many people back then only the chinese people would most likely know, let's not kid ourselves, but that's your business. 

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14 hours ago, Connex said:

for the love of god... 

Name 3 quests besides class transfer(s), subclass quest and noble quest......

You all make such a big issue about quests, when in reality the quests were never a thing in L2..

Wow, no offense, but this the most stupid thing I have read here in 6 months, quest were always important in L2 , you remember the noblesse quest, people did not sleep to do the quest, ... If you say that, you really didn't play this game, ... Yeah now the quest doesn't matter but that is because the real game is a casino masked 🎭 as a game so quest is just a cover up, this is the game  now, no problem who wants to play it plays it , but this game had a heart of quests and good events 

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3 hours ago, menf said:

@Connexno1 is bitter, you keep your nerdrage to yourself. You criticize and dismiss every single person who asks for something you do not approve, are you bitter? That is some strange logic isn't it?

I repeat just coz you did not do quests it does not mean other people did not do them. They broke the monotonous clicking back then (for the people who clicked). How do quests change your daily activities? You don't want them ignore them, don't diminish people who want them.  And on a real talk, you think just coz some1 asked for something the devs will change the game for them? We ask for more reasonable thigs for years and everyone is ignored. 


How you got to 1% along with many people back then only the chinese people would most likely know, let's not kid ourselves, but that's your business. 

Its not a matter of approval or not, I like to operate in reality and I have also learned to adapt to the changes that the devs throw at us. 

So quests, are boring ( that is my opinion), little to no rewards (fact), usually a quest area had less adena drops since you could "potentially" make that up from the quest etc (another fact). Before coming back in the game and while I was going through the ugly first levels with little to no gear myself, I sat down and read every chnage that has taken place since I quit, new items, new skills, new classes everything. 

Forums are here to help people and if you had taken the time ( like the OP here) to read a little bit, you would see that I have no problem typing walls of text to help out people whent they need to know something, I even go out of my way to ask for specifics before typing a generic reply. What I cannot stand is stupidity and if you know me as you claim, this means you are an old player, and as an old player there is one thing you should know and that part of the game is figuring out how to do more with what you have.

to the 1% comment, you see, back in the day, you could control who has access to bosses, drops and rare items, clans would hold a server and there was competition, if you were competent enough, active and could press them buttons you would get rewarded with rare items, it was a 2 way cooperation between the individual in question and the clan he was in. The more active you were, the more items you would get, farming olympiad 24/7 would also give you that advantage, feeding clan members etc. Additionally, it could be dumb luck but we had players that knew Korean and would give us heads up on the changes before all that info was widely available, so we could control the market. simple right?


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5 minutes ago, Mitzza said:

Wow, no offense, but this the most stupid thing I have read here in 6 months, quest were always important in L2 , you remember the noblesse quest, people did not sleep to do the quest, ... If you say that, you really didn't play this game, ... Yeah now the quest doesn't matter but that is because the real game is a casino masked 🎭 as a game so quest is just a cover up, this is the game  now, no problem who wants to play it plays it , but this game had a heart of quests and good events 

bruh... its right there on the reply...

"Name 3 quests besides class transfer(s), subclass quest and noble quest......"

I did play the game, had mulitple accounts and would do the quest with my eyes closed, you just confirmed what I just said, if that was still the case right now, you think people would be allowed to add a dualclass for less than 50b?

Also I think you mean the "subclass quest" stabbing baium with the dagger, which you had to pay the clan that was killing it to allow you to enter before they PK you... Noble quest had 2 rather "hard" parts, a) finding the ingredients to mix in the urn, was not always avialable and getting in the party to get last hit on barakiel.

But feel free to tell me that I did not play the game! 

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14 minutes ago, Connex said:

bruh... its right there on the reply...

"Name 3 quests besides class transfer(s), subclass quest and noble quest......"

I did play the game, had mulitple accounts and would do the quest with my eyes closed, you just confirmed what I just said, if that was still the case right now, you think people would be allowed to add a dualclass for less than 50b?

Also I think you mean the "subclass quest" stabbing baium with the dagger, which you had to pay the clan that was killing it to allow you to enter before they PK you... Noble quest had 2 rather "hard" parts, a) finding the ingredients to mix in the urn, was not always avialable and getting in the party to get last hit on barakiel.

But feel free to tell me that I did not play the game! 

I just don't know how you could do the quests and say that the quests had no value, I did those quest with friends and were the best moments of the game, and brought people together, I don't remember all of them but even 1 quest matters, values matters not numbers, also did you to the quests to lvl a clan,

the quest is in your post but you said quest nobles = no value in the game and that is not true, I guess you can't change some opinion if he doesn't want to

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30 minutes ago, Mitzza said:

I just don't know how you could do the quests and say that the quests had no value, I did those quest with friends and were the best moments of the game, and brought people together, I don't remember all of them but even 1 quest matters, values matters not numbers, also did you to the quests to lvl a clan,

the quest is in your post but you said quest nobles = no value in the game and that is not true, I guess you can't change some opinion if he doesn't want to

it might be a language barrier but what this phrase is saying is "the most imortant quests were class transfer(s), subclass quest and noble quest, other than those the rest were garbage"

Yes, doing the quests with friends were awesome also doing the clan 4 or 5 quests where you get i think 3 members poisoned and you would go on a treasure hunt, a race against time before they die. 

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Typical @Connex poop on everyone and everything he doesn't like or agree with. 

We used to spoil items, work as a clan to help upgrade people, every little bit and quest ultimately helped others. I can remember MANY days in the Monastery hacking away at angles or in the bowels of Rune. Even the catacombs was super rad. 

Im not sure why you have to crap on everything everyone says.  As I have said over and over, try being on the side of the players for once? Maybe? 


Or not, whatever. Keep up the toxic troll. 

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On 7/2/2023 at 10:49 PM, Connex said:

for the love of god... 

Name 3 quests besides class transfer(s), subclass quest and noble quest......

You all make such a big issue about quests, when in reality the quests were never a thing in L2..

Im sure you not have brain to pass this quest so you talk all this...

Secret Ritual of the Priests


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8 hours ago, Kysannia said:

Typical @Connex poop on everyone and everything he doesn't like or agree with. 

We used to spoil items, work as a clan to help upgrade people, every little bit and quest ultimately helped others. I can remember MANY days in the Monastery hacking away at angles or in the bowels of Rune. Even the catacombs was super rad. 

Im not sure why you have to crap on everything everyone says.  As I have said over and over, try being on the side of the players for once? Maybe? 


Or not, whatever. Keep up the toxic troll. 

fairytales, sprinkles and a dreamworld... 

say what you want, like I said on an earlier post, I like to live in reality, and the reality is that quests did not contribute so much, it was ok to do some, maybe get what you want, but repeating the same quest over an over, was not worth it at least effrort vs reward.

WoW was a quest based game, L2 was a grinding game with some distractions you call quests. Could you play L2 without quests? ( aside the important ones I mentioned)? yes you could, could you plauy WoW without quests? no, with a simple deduction method you can see that quests in L2 are not that important.

I try to be on the players side with a more realistic approach, if you are used to have everything sugarcoated to you so you can accept it, then it is not my problem. Most of you did not even read what the 3 lines I typed mean.

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The game starts at 115 now, and there is a bunch of things to do in Dethrone to benefit your character.1-115 is the intro

beyond that, the game was a Korean grinder when it launched 20 years ago, and it's still a Korean Grinder. It's just so niche NCWest or whatever they call themselves this week will fleece you if you get addicted and want to progress semi efficiently

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Greed is what happened to lineage2. Instead of producing a Game, they decided to produce an unregulated casino and take advantage of the fact the USA doesn't have regulations around video games and gambling. No one at NC Soft west cares if we enjoy the game, no one cares if its fun, no one cares how horrible the game gets, or unbalanced, or if things work the way they are supposed too. They care about EBITDA and revenue, and ensuring no one gets anything in the game. 

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On 7/3/2023 at 4:51 AM, Mitzza said:

Wow, no offense, but this the most stupid thing I have read here in 6 months, quest were always important in L2 , you remember the noblesse quest, people did not sleep to do the quest, ... If you say that, you really didn't play this game, ... Yeah now the quest doesn't matter but that is because the real game is a casino masked 🎭 as a game so quest is just a cover up, this is the game  now, no problem who wants to play it plays it , but this game had a heart of quests and good events 

I agree, back in the early days of L2 there were a bunch of fun quests. Call me crazy, but I miss the Wish Potion Quest, which was the only way you could get a pair of Demon Gloves. And the lore behind many of the quests was top notch. Forest of the Dead comes to mind. If there is anything like that now, I've yet to see it. 

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13 hours ago, gabby said:

Greed is what happened to lineage2. Instead of producing a Game, they decided to produce an unregulated casino and take advantage of the fact the USA doesn't have regulations around video games and gambling. No one at NC Soft west cares if we enjoy the game, no one cares if its fun, no one cares how horrible the game gets, or unbalanced, or if things work the way they are supposed too. They care about EBITDA and revenue, and ensuring no one gets anything in the game. 

I have never played on services from other countries, to be honest, 2022 was my first experience with Lineage II NA Official. Can someone who plays in the others (EU, RU, JP, KR) tell me the rate differences in the game? It's easier to get items in the European/Korean version?

I always thought L2 was a hardcore game from the beginning.

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