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Reporting Scammers, Bots, & Adena Sellers


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Blocking a minimum ~MINIMUM~ of 9 adena sellers DAILY who are PM'ing me just in Giran.  I try not to go to Dion, Gludio or Gludin because the chat is inundated with adena sellers spamming every 2 seconds in general chat AS WELL AS PMing PLAYERS!

i am using the "block adena seller" function in the right-click block option.  i was happy to see this in the beginning because i thought this was data NCSoft would actually use to ban these characters.  Apparently I was wrong.

Having my hunting corner taken over by bots is a daily occurrence.  MULTIPLE times per day i have to move on to prevent being KS'd by bots.  it doesn't matter that i am there first, they move in and leave me with nothing to kill.  i report them as bots but i am limited to 6 reports daily.  it isn't enough.

I am honestly afraid to complain because i know how NCSoft has addressed these kinds of issues in the past.  Adena sellers spamming general chat, PM's and mailing players with their crap turned into NOBODY being able to chat until level 76. THIS IS NOT A SOLUTION!!  and this penalizes ALL LEGITIMATE PLAYERS.  New players coming to L2 (now LIVE) cannot talk to anyone and so they leave. how can they get help when they can't chat and don't understand the concept of party invite to be able to talk to someone?  So NCSoft has deliberately handicapped the game by discouraging new players.

RMTers are allowed to set up bots to further funding their adena and gear acquisitions in-game.  This has always been the case!  Hey, NCSoft, i'm here spending a lot of money on NCoin and YOU BANNED MY BOTS!! don't do that to me!! i need to be the best!  So in its wisdom, NCSoft stops banning bots to avoid insulting the people who pay their bills.  again, this is NOT a solution! 

No selling adena, no botting are all announced in the EULA, terms and conditions of play as well as reiterated here in the forums time and time again.  The bots continue to multiply, they are not being banned.  there has been NO REAL SOLUTION to ANY of this issue!  And as always, legitimate players are penalized.  We are penalized having to endure the endless spam from adena sellers.  we are penalized having to block them and report them, adding to an experience of in-game and constant frustration.  we are penalized in the fields, being KS'ed, having our fields overrun by bots, not enough buttons to push to report them all and nothing being done to eliminate them when we do report them.

Now we have this XIGN3CODE thing.  what is it?  what does it do?  Oh, it's some kind of security system to recognize third-party programs being used in Lineage2?  well, NCSoft, guess what.....................................................................................................................................it's broken.  there are no live GM's in the game monitoring any of this....

in my opinion if NCSoft would put live GM's in the game to monitor and immediately ban people who are violating THEIR rules that would send a message out to other would-be bots and adena sellers that, hey, NCSoft is taking this stuff seriously and doing something about it.  it would dramatically slow the influx of these nefarious bastards into the realm and make for a much happier playing experience by legitimate players.  it would not need to be a forever thing, but a hard hit all at once, get rid of the riffraff then monitor it over time after that.

the bot reporting button is a nice thing to have but what we are all seeing is that it is being abused.  someone pisses you off in the field, you report them as a bot.  yeah.. not what it's for folks....  don't waste your six clicks on legitimate people.  be adult about this... report the bots.  you're complicating things not only for your fellow legitimate players but for NCSoft as well.  the legitimate people who are being reported seem to be the only ones who are getting banned. 

i guess in short, if you want a successful playing experience in Lineage2 without being banned, be a bot!!!  those seem to be the ONLY characters NCSoft really doesn't care about........................

@Juji  @Hime   thanks for what you try to do for us.  too bad you don't have a little more autonomy to actually fix the real problems.........


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Yesterday they reported me being with the PJ sitting without doing anything. When I returned to the PC I had the buff.
Today I changed account to give me mana and my buffer had been reported and I have the debuff in that PJ that only follows me and I use macros to give me mana.
Are you going to report me? Can you really report to a PJ that is AFK sitting out of town or following or giving mana to another pj using game macros?
In a few weeks I will not be able to log in to be reported? I just have to bleep one hour without playing because I was reported by scamers?

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Well, it was fun while it lasted.
But now that your incompetence in running a server has reached the level of randomly banning people while they're afk in a town, this is costing you a lot of players.
We have been very lenient. From the times we couldn't log in for hours because of queue, to the times where we could hardly move because of massive server lag.

You know what this is called? Fraud. Theft. For all the euros we spent because of your greedy policy. And for the reward we now get for p(l)aying. Not being able to use our accounts.

If you would have used active GMs or a reliable botting-detection, our friends wouldn't have been banned, and your server would have "heavy" traffic again.

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here is an idea of how to get rid of them, or at least disrupt them, maybe?

in another game far,far away from L2, when bots are discovered, the GMs bring them in their ships to high sec, where they get flagged and everyone can freely attack and destroy them.
If it is too hard to get rid of them, I am sure you guys can find a way to make them chaotic so everyone passing by can have a go at them. I am 1000% sure the players will help you get rid of them. would be no need for any rewards, just make them deeply chaotic so they can die a thousand deaths? in time a large number of them, if not all will realise they should quit their bots and either play the game as intended or move to farmville or something similar....?
I will personally volunteer to work for ncsoft on daily bases for the cause. also no rewards needed, and im sure others will gladly do so too.

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11 hours ago, Wedu said:

Tonight **** tryed use on me report option and i had to write some number just because i was passing by and killed some mobs. This is how players abuse report option.

Yep, its happening to me every day in Aligator island, some clueless people calling me a bot and abusing the system. It's just boring to enter all the numbers... QQ.

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20 hours ago, mnemonic said:

How can a NEW player lvl up or even find a mobs alive, IF ELF BOTS ARE EVERYWHERE  on LVL's 1-30!!!

it took me 45 min to kill 20 mobs for my quest at langk lizardman lastnight ........
and it was AFTER i pked the same bot twice. he kept coming back lol

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4 minutes ago, MrUniverse said:

Your system is a fail your banning legit people too , good job.

They are banning legit players, do nothing with bot fest, don't care about unbalanced rates....

Server turning into Mickey Mouse server...

I feel like I wasted month of my life here :D

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Well problem is with classic is you can not have enough money to buy or do anything.

People will be A grade still with C grade gear etc etc all the way down the line , lol that sux masses will leave, you encourage cheating by doing this hence why I said as long as people have no mean to make money to by lol at D grade wep for example cost at the store almost 1 mil lol wtf does a no grader get that kind of money for 1 D grade item let alone the rest of the gear.

So he will be A grade before his able to have enough money for D grade stuff ?

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People will not stay if they can not get to their goals , seriously L2ncsoft create a market out there for illegal servers and adena sellers and bots by making the game almost unplayable.

Who is running this game at the moment ? obviously nobody from original classic in the early 2000s or you would be old like me.

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I have like 30k max I have done all the quests for my lvl after buying stuff to get by , im lvl 22 now D grade so tell me wtf I can buy for 30,000 adena , LF full D grade including wep.

how long and at what lvl do you think I would be able to afford D grade at about 2 mil from poor adena drops etc.

lol I will be A grade before I can get full D grade.

Tell me how to crap you are getting your money and gear unless you are buying illegal adena.



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Never mind I am leaving Classic and going back to the Nadia server.

The adena drop rate sux and the spoil rate is lol , im not wasting anymore time here with a spoil / drop rate for wep materials or chance of a wep drop at 0.01 - 0.05 this is roflmao rates , you ppl have no clue.

Nadia server rates sux too but at least I have gear to play with at my level even though its the standard junk gear you get given to you better than nothing but lol at the spoil / drop rate /chance of 00.1 -00.5 I have more chance of getting aids from this game.


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On 11/24/2018 at 4:58 AM, Ruffex said:

here is an idea of how to get rid of them, or at least disrupt them, maybe?

in another game far,far away from L2, when bots are discovered, the GMs bring them in their ships to high sec, where they get flagged and everyone can freely attack and destroy them.
If it is too hard to get rid of them, I am sure you guys can find a way to make them chaotic so everyone passing by can have a go at them. I am 1000% sure the players will help you get rid of them. would be no need for any rewards, just make them deeply chaotic so they can die a thousand deaths? in time a large number of them, if not all will realise they should quit their bots and either play the game as intended or move to farmville or something similar....?
I will personally volunteer to work for ncsoft on daily bases for the cause. also no rewards needed, and im sure others will gladly do so too.

i think it is possible the reason NCSoft doesn't want to ban the bots is because they themselves are running likely most of them to fuel the adena sellers they are also running. Not to say they are ALL NCSoft bots, but consider the likelihood..... they're getting even more money from the players.  it's a great business model right?  But in the long run the server will be nothing but NCSoft bots and adena sellers because real legitimate players will give up on the bad system and reject this particular business model.  So L2 is free to play? okay...but give us something that we can actually play without interference from bots and frustration of PM's and mails from adena sellers.

as a side note, i mentioned in another post how legitimate players are constantly being penalized so that NCSoft can "control" the outrageous behaviour of adena sellers PM'ing and mailing players in-game. That penalty comes in the form of raising the character levels before they can actually chat.  I see now that the chat level limit has already been raised to level 10.  Good Game, NCSoft.  You've already begun the process of punishing real people to limit the bots. THIS IS NOT RIGHT!

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Dont you worry guys, adena sellers are working hard to provide adena for you to teleport freely to any location you want to. With the crazy high teleport cost compared to adena rate ncsoft is pushing people to consider doing that shit for real. I provided screens with dwarf zone full of elf mage bots before but they deleted the topic, now no screens, but in some areas its infested with them, almost as many bots as mobs running around.

Its very very easy to clean them, just need active gm who bans bots, but ncsoft refuses to fix the problem for some weird reason.

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That's the saddest part - there were probably real 5k+ on each Talking Island and Giran when it started, and even though many would've left naturally because Classic isn't for them, there still could've been more than double the active players we have right now if NCsoft didn't take so many wrong steps. But in short, it required two main things:

1. Hire more GMs to guard the main spots. Pay them overtime, too. If the GMs are active enough and botters need to make new chars every few hours, many of them would've just given up. Sure there'd still be some, but it wouldn't be such a botfest it is now - I mean ffs, it was the first weekend after launch and neither Hime or Juji logged because fk it, it's weekend, ain't working. Paying them and the GMs (which don't exist) would've been an investment to retain more players.

2. The damned rates. It's just a clown fiesta at this point, but a week after launch it was apparent that absolute majority of players hate the rates and are not willing to suffer them in longterm. It was the awful decision to keep postponing it (until they ultimately took the wrong decision anyway)

But it's just messed up. Most people just left to illegal server, some of them left back on a different chronicle servers, some unfortunately just gave up on L2 completely.

NCsoft should be added to dictionary under "wasted potential".

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1 hour ago, Lightkeeper said:

1. Hire more GMs to guard the main spots. 

2. The damned rates. 

This requires a change in incentives for the VIP program to increase revenue without ruining the game.

- Adena/Spoil/Drop rates +100% (or whatever % to match C1 rates) for VIP4, force the game into effective pay to play, to avoid the pay to win that is coming.  For every character, you need X GMs, free players do not pay for GMs, you need to convert free players into paying players via incentives.  No other way to do it.  Any company in the world cannot hire more staff without more revenue, it's that simple.

- Fix the mob adena scaling problem in general.

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your antiboot program -Fail

and ban people for nothing ,send msg and slow player for nothing and one long list of the fails .

Start one special mobs in all areas with duplicate name and id so change color of the window monsters to pink color ,pink antiboot monsters request penal raid, x3 penal raid ban ,dont need complicated programs for remove boot .

the power of iMagination


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On 30/11/2018 at 6:30 PM, Aurinya said:


Another little reminder that our forums are not the right place to report suspicious behavior. Please report any such activities directly to our Customer Support as they have the means to further investigate your complaints. 

Thank you!

"Reporting Scammers, Bots, & Adena Sellers"


Isn't this the section name???

Or maybe my english is so bad that I can't understand the meaning of the words...

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