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Everything posted by MalumInSe

  1. It all depends on how far they reduce the required mats. I suspect there will always be pricing tiers and wealth classes among the player base. Most players can barely afford a +12 Krishna Limited, let alone a +21 or above Krishna Limited. The players who can barely manage a +12 Krishna will keep that market robust, because they can't afford a really high OE Krishna Limited or even a reduced mat Dragon Stage 1.
  2. I feel like some of issues raised is old news. Best you can hope for is to fix tomorrow, because what happened yesterday is already distant memory. Especially #12. Didn't they fix IOS? Are people still exploiting it and earning 30 billions adena a day? Let me know. Done is done. Let it go, Elsa.
  3. Greatly reduce the amount of mats, claws and bloods or whatever needed to create dragon and cursed weapons. That will do more for people with +++++ enchant weapons than anything. I bet people would stop enchants if it was easier to get a stage 1 dragon.
  4. Don't be too quick to applaud them for that. We also get a crapload of Nightmare fragments, since the odds of winning any of the other prizes from opening boxes is extremely low. The consumables are just there to make everyone feel like they got something out of it. This is the "everyone gets a trophy, even the losers" generation after all. But it's not like you get to keep the consumables after the event ends -- unlike REAL prizes. The consumables get deleted in September.
  5. This works for me. Or if you run through the place and see someone soloing it who isn't AFK they might party you if you ask nicely. No one has never told me no, but there have been lots of times when the person is macroing AFK.
  6. I'm looking at the "new" dyes. I can't really tell how much more boost you get from Legendary P. Skill Power Dye STR +3, DEX +3. Does anyone know how much of a % boost it is to P. Skill Power? More importantly, am I better off buying that dye, or going with the normal STR+5, CHA+5 dye? This for Yul main, Tyr dual.
  7. The goal isn't to finish top 3. The goal is to finish with a high enough score to win at least 1 box. The higher the score, the more boxes. You have ~35 days, which is a chance for ~35 boxes. Most stacked DDs will have more boxes and more chances, of course. But this eventually comes back to same problem with L2 -- Korean random odds of getting a good prize. I did Rim on multiple characters. I've had a dozen boxes altogether. My reward? Fragments. All fragments. I don't need bleeping fragments!
  8. If you have these pots already, use them. Not saying you have to rush the market, if you don't. Also, since the Rim Kamaloka is only 10 minutes, obviously you want to use these and go hunt or log off right after instance ends.......... *Deton's Purple Potion (people forget this also increases Patk/Matk and Skill Power by 15%) *Santiago's Royal Soup OR *Protein Drink +10 STR (you can't do both) *Freya's or Einhasad's Charisma Potion (stacks with Santiago Soup; +5 CHA increases lots of attack and damage related stats) *Emperor Cocktail *Honey Dark Beer *Shining Dragon Attribute Tonic *Brilliant Freya Rose (better than normal Freya Rose, Art of Seduction, whatever) Other stuff for your inventory.... Freya's Bloody Rune Eva's Rune Talismans - too many different types to list and the really good ones that boost stuff like P. Skill Power, P/M.Skill Crit Damage, Attribute, Skill Cooldown, etc., can only be bought from other players
  9. @Juji Now that you're forced to suspend roll-out of the new PVP/PK system, can we please have Red Libra this week? It's not like you have anything else planned.
  10. I think you should give me and the next 10 people to reply a free Dragon/Demonic weapon of our choice. Then I won't care if I drop something by "exploit."
  11. It's a one-time quest, and your dual can't get the quest items unless it's the same level, and it can't learn the quest reward books at all -- only the main class can.
  12. MalumInSe


    Feoh definitely needs less in terms of build to be as effective as a Yul. If you're the type of person that likes to build and constantly tweak characters, then pick Yul, not Feoh. You'll be done building your Feoh in no time. Then it gets kinda boring from there. And you don't have to chase every event as a Feoh, because at a certain point adding one more doohickey to your Feoh won't make it that much more powerful. But that's not the case with Yul. It seems almost counterintuitive, because a really stacked Yul is crazy powerful. But even those top of the heap people have room to grow. They have to keep going, because the competition won't let them rest.
  13. I didn't think that it could downgrade the Valakas agathion. The skill disappears, or so I thought, after it reaches the top level. This must be a new development.
  14. Look at the good side. At least you don't have to be worries about someone camping the raids with the good drops 24/7.
  15. Funny, because I'm pretty sure NCSoft is still raiding wallets. All of the time.
  16. Man walks into a brothel determined to blow his wad of cash. He wants to know which is the best woman to "date." We're just pointing him in right direction. (You're there, too, make no mistake.) So yeah, it's both pointless and hypocritical to tell him to leave and go buy flowers for that single, depressed, approaching the end of her biological clock, obese chick with adult acne at his office that needs the attention and would probably marry and worship him until his dying day. His mind is set. We all have better things to do with out time and money...but here we all are anyway. 15 year old game. 20 year old game. Hell, if they manage to keep the lights on for 30+ years, some of the same faces you see now will still be here.
  17. If your goal is PVE, yes, $2K is more than enough. But if your goal is PVP and you want to actually matter within a month of playing the game, no, $2K is not enough. Spend it somewhere else.
  18. The last Red Libra offers a way to trade your armors, your circlets, etc., but at a cost. I'm pretty sure the next one will let you do that, too. The problem is that we have to wait forever for Red Libra. Having the merchants show up only once in 6-8 months is not good.
  19. Why not create a new character? That's what everyone else does.
  20. If this is the same guy that was on Chronos, a stacked archer with a +30 Limited Bow, no, he's not giving away for free.
  21. The email that I received didn't specify when, but gave the impression that it would be relatively soon. I actually don't even want my Greater Garnet any more. Way too many dropped during this event. So many people have them now that the prices have been lowered to below what a level 5 jewel costs. Give it another week and 70% of the server will have them and the value will be lower than a snake's belly. They should have done a better job of distributing drop rates equally among all of the Greater Jewels. Or maybe, just maybe, they should design a way for us to exchange the Greater Jewels for a different type through an NPC. Not all of the time, just periodically. Like perhaps during a RED LIBRA EVENT!!!! Just one possible idea.
  22. You guys must be looking in wrong place. I see my Super Advanced weapon augments. Is your weapon equipped? Press "K" on your keyboard to get to your Skills window? Select the Passive tab? Scroll down to the Item Skill section? Make sure the section is expanded (by clicking on the "+")? You don't see any of your item augments there? Not talisman, Vie En Rose jewels, Dye effects (if you have dyes), Dragon shirt passive skill, artifact book passive skill, seed bracelet -- not even your Guardian Angel Juju Agathion Special Ability????? Something must be wrong if you don't see any of those items, if you have those items equipped. The life stone augment effects are there, too. The only way you won't see it is if the augment is an Active skill, at which point you'd have to view the Active tab to see it. Please check again and reply back. I'm really curious at this point.
  23. You should email NCsoft Support. In theory, they should have updated the Beauty Shop NPC with all of the hairstyles and colors, including the original base set. But no, they had to do the stupid thing, which is remove all of the NPCs that sold the potions. Maybe NCSoft support can either give you the potion or make the change for you.
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