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Everything posted by MalumInSe

  1. Take every complaint you see here with grain of salt. Yes, there are issues, some quite critical that need to be addressed. Nevertheless, the wait list is long and the servers are packed. Even with bots, that says something. People still play this game in large numbers, or somehow contribute to the game in a way that encourages 3rd parties to try and find ways to make a profit from it. Sad, but true. It could be that we're all just bored, but the only logical reason why everyone continues to log is because people love L2...for whatever reason. Some of the main people who complain the most would have a heart attack tomorrow, if L2 shut down for good today.
  2. I would pick ISS Hierophant for Prophecy of Might. (Even the GM buff gives that one priority above all other Prophecies. ) But I know a high level player who uses an ISS Dominator because of its ability to buff clan mates outside of party. That comes in handy when you don't want an XP or drop rate leach to affect you.
  3. Short term solutions: 1. Get a mentor. That gives you mentor buffs until you reach 105. 2. Go to Event NPC Lilly, the 16th Anniversary Guide in any town and get the free 16th Anniversary Happy Gift. The gift includes about 20 Emperor Special Cocktail, Rose buff and other stuff to help you level, iirc. (I don't recall if there is a level eligibility involved.) 3. Make a friend with someone who plays ISS as their main and party with them. Few do it, but worth a try. 4. Find a clan with support mates. (If you're in a clan that doesn't support you, why stay?) 5. Last resort, learn Common Buffs. Recommended only if extremely desperate AND you are rich. The problem is that each of those buffs require lots of Spirit Ore to use. Depending on the level of buff, using all of the Common buffs could cost up to 400,000 adena per 30 minute buff round. The Common Andantes only last 5 minutes, so factor that in as well. 500K+ is probably more than you make in 10 hours of grind at low levels, so again only use this option if you have a proven source of income. Even then I would consider something else.
  4. Character creation has been disabled until May 13th. So you have to wait a week. https://forums.lineage2.com/topic/17571-character-creation-disabled-until-513/
  5. Chronos or Naia winner should get a Cursed or Dragon Weapon -- +16 Krishna isn't that great when you think of all people on server that have +21 and above weapons all over the place.
  6. Please don't make Venusta's Reward Box from the Imperial instance any lower. So far I've received an EWR and the other times were only 3M adena. That's too low. I know this game is feast or famine, but hoping to feast more. Venusta's Box reward should at least be 100-200M, even if it means that you have to stay the full hour collecting quest items, instead of 10-15 minutes. Thanks for your time.
  7. The trick to every economy is to get everyone to spend at their level. A lowbie should not expect to afford a +21 R110 Limited weapon the minute he/she hits 105, or god jewels, or dragon weapons. That's not reasonable. But they should be able to purchase R99 weapon and build from there. As things stand right now the adena drop is so low that low players can't even afford to get R99 weapons. That's the bigger problem. But guys want to shoot Santa because he visited IOS, but doesn't visit their 'hood. Level up! It's as simple as that. And therein is my point. What good does it do to complain about how high the drops are in IOS as a lowbie? Don't they expect at some point to hunt there when they reach 107? Crab-barrel mindset and complaints only result in everyone being dragged back to the bottom. So worried about what the other guys are doing that they can't even see their own path forward to daylight. But I get it. You're worried about the power structure now, not what you can do to change that tomorrow. You're worried about others being so far ahead, even though L2 always has a way to balance the wealth scales by playing the market. I've squandered all of my adena and earned back trillions in adena more times than I can count. I've quit this game and given everything away 3-4 times, but each time have come back to earn billions and billions again, all legal and legit. Those players who were here when I quit and kept playing may have 2 - 3 more shiny objects than I do, but I also have my share of stuff that they don't have and envy. That's L2 in a nutshell. Eventually everyone has a chance to advance if they are smart and a little lucky. But most won't get there because they can't take their own heads out of someone else's back pocket.
  8. Someone on Chronos claimed that he got a Greater Tanza from opening a box. Not sure if true and unable to confirm. I have seen them drop in Alligator Island and Forest of Mirrors. Like OP, some days I get 2-3 after all day grind, other days none. I have Prestige drop rate boost, which leads me to believe that the drop rate is really low.
  9. Thank you, I didn't know that this was available. I'll buy now. Too bad they are limited to 1 per account. Each new player gets them for lowbie Tarti quests, so I don't see why they need to limit them now that no one can create a new character. I always have spare Ncoin and Hero coin on all of my accounts for situations like this. Learned that lesson long time ago when they had a promotion for Hero Treasure Chests or called something like that which gave out 2 Billion Adena as one of the many awesome rewards. It only cost 1 Hero Coin or some similarly low amount to buy, iirc.
  10. New class of gamer: Play-to-Complain.
  11. I meant dual class, but misspoke. By 110 level I meant that I heard in a future update that players would continue to get dual class skills up to 110, as where they stop at 105 now. That may have been a false rumor.
  12. You're right. But players don't make the rules.... NCSoft does. What does it tell you that they allow "RMT - lite" to occur in the first place, while at the same time immediately nerfing adena drops like IOS, which would have made players more independent of the NCoin to Adena conversion practice? Have them cut off the spigot and make all player to player exchange of promotion and L2 store items impossible. Then see what happens. Then see who really cries. Hint: it won't be just the gamers that play with their wallets. The system is definitely broken, but everyone has benefitted from it, whether they want to admit it or not; whether they are smart enough to see it or not.
  13. You level the subclass for the skills. That's about it. I suggest picking a Yul Ghost Sentinel, since you already have the equipment that you'll need. Plus, Yul level quickly to 105...and later 110 (?) when the subclass cap is raised.
  14. It's not game over if you reach 105 with only Exalted equipment. If you've been following this forum for a long time, then you must have also come across at least one post or more where ppl said loudly that Lineage 2 developers never meant for gamers to solo with same level gear the minute their character reached the appropriate level. They also never meant for players to be able solo White, Yellow, or Pink mobs with average equipment. At 105 Exalted amounts to average. We know what was intended -- group hunting. Whether that be in a clan or in ad hoc pick-up groups, L2 was designed to encourage team building. Want to open up the content that occurs at 105 and above? Start there. Ignore the clans that won't let you in because of your equipment. Find other people who are also struggling to build their characters. If all of the complaints that I hear both here on this forum and in game are true, there are much more of you guys than there are of stacked characters. Join forces and be up to the task of putting in the hard effort to build something that works for you. It may be hard to earn billions of adena in the early going, but it is not hard to level up with a group until you get to the higher level mobs that drop hundreds of thousands of adena per kill. I can't say if this game is right for you or for anyone to play. I can say if you want to test your metal against impossible odds, L2 provides that challenge in multiple ways. The choice is yours. You can take the blue pill like @Sesh2 says and don't bother playing. Or you can accept the challenge, take the red pill and see how deep the rabbit hole goes. Whatever you decide, I wish you the best of luck.
  15. Pretty sure the only reason why there are so many new characters being created is for the Atlas earring enchants. Only small number are new or returning players, or even players who didn't get the class they wanted right the first time. As for Red Libra, there were complaints about lag during last red libra, and the one before that and the one before that. Worse now you say? Perhaps. But show of hands of ppl who think it will really be "fixed" whenever they do have Red Libra. Anyone? Next week or six months from now, won't matter. Might as well test the system now and troubleshoot before the next game update comes.
  16. Press the "X" button on your keyboard for the General Menu options, then select Attendance Check to see if you have award available.
  17. Wait, we are talking about 110 stacked archers, which are expensive to make, not just any old average gear archer? Then that counts me out. I ding 107 tomorrow, but only have so-so equipment. No way can I make 1B an hour.
  18. Not arguing, stating for emphasis. Common sense isn't common on any of the servers. Some ppl think just because you have 102+ LUC you can't fail 10 times in a row, or they think that NCSoft has made event items harder to enchant when the chance of success has not been changed. I have heard all of the complaints and conspiracy theories. A healthy reminder that random bad luck has not left the game, no matter how much LUC a person has.
  19. I would not want to do these quests on some melee class solo. Killing 80000 with an archer is mind numbing. Just imagine if you were a maestro. We will be NCSoft zombies when done.
  20. Wait, don't fix yet. I want to go to Isle and make 20B a day too. After I do that for a couple months then you can fix, ok? Fixing it now just hurts us poor and keeps me poor.
  21. I go to Naia, barely see anything higher than +16. Come to Chronos and see easily dozen R110 weapons above +21. Then I think I saw four ppl with 27++ this week. WTH??? Does Chronos server have better luck?
  22. You had a unique experience. When I used the modify scroll on the main piece, the boots and gloves did not magically appear for me.
  23. The hairstyle potions and dyes were originally sold by the Priest of Mammon. That NPC was removed from the game permanently as of the current update. I had hoped that they would have moved all its potions to another NPC (like maybe Wesley the Magic Trader NPC in Ivory Tower), but no such luck. Priest of Mammon is gone and so are the goods that it sold. The Beauty Shop NPC has only a couple of the stock facial appearances, depending on the race. It does not have the original hairstyles or hair colors.
  24. MalumInSe


    Is it possible the GMs did investigate, but found no violation of the EULA? As the game operates currently with fully approved macro settings, if you have enough computers you can field a practical army of toons on auto-pilot. All within the rules of the game.
  25. I have to be honest. I thought the Exalted Weapon and Armor should have been 100x better than they are. After killing 40,000, then another 40,000, then 80,000 mobs and on and on ad infinitum, we should get Stage 1 Dragon weapons at least. Jokes aside, my current equipment is already better than Exalted, even enchanted Exalted. That's likely true for most of the top competitive players. If the point is to give regular players something to keep them in stride with everyone else, then maybe the first level of Exalted reward should be the equivalent of a +7 R110 Bloody Weapon.
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