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Everything posted by extase1987

  1. Another useless Sayha Talisman for a day... There you see that you get finally a nice item and it is limited in time with a delete time 24hours... Would have been nice to have it forever since it is rare to get some.
  2. I farm often between 6 pm until midnight and noticed also that the drop rate was way lower than before. There you go, they give you something but it is nerfed. For the event, only drops like @Rodah and I opened far more on 3 chars. On ISS I got Sayha Talisman for a day ... Yuhuu for the rest it allows player to sell those items and get some income.
  3. -) This looks like the Mystery Box has bad income in order to extend it for another 2 weeks. +) Red Libra is more than welcome to stay for another 3 weeks. -) 5 hours for a database maintenance for real? "DELETE FROM tblEvent WHERE idItem IN (SELECT idItemToRemove FROM tblEventItemsToRemove);" This is all it takes for the database cleanup of those items .... And this should take 5 hours to execute? Come on... Server & application tests take another 20-30 mins. I will soon promote my 17 years old computer science students to you guys. They take 1 hour to do such a maintenance...
  4. 1. Juji stopped acting like a real GM years ago. I am wondering if it was even still the same person within the company that connects with this account. 2. Never, GMs are surely being paid with real money from those company to keep them running on their servers. 3. As long GMs are being paid never. I know people who started buying from RMT because items were cheaper than playing casino for their items with the insane L2 Store prices. Suggestions: 1) Increase XP by 2 overall the map for players below 112. At 110 with an ISS & Tank in party I barely make 150-215T (200% Exp Rune) per day on main (110) with all dailies, while ISS (108) & Tank (107) do 70T. I do between 0.1% - 0.8% per day while spending at least 6-8 hours of intense play time on main, this is totally hilarious to level in 3-5 months at this pace. The tank takes up to 2-5% per day and the ISS takes maximum 2% per day. For Christmas I might hit 111 for my 1 year anniversary comeback. 2) Aden Chest items that can appear should give all kind of items with a better rate. I got after 10 months of intense playing for the first time an Angel Ring! Woop Woop... 3) Lower Vitality Maintenance Potion prices by 3 at least. I am willing to spend every month cash for this, but not at current price which is 1250e to maintain your vitality 24/7 on a single player. Party Vitality Cake which is 1000e to maintain your party with vitality 24/7! 4) The PK system must be reworked. I cannot see him anymore. Every time he sees me -> PK me immediately (up to 5-10 times per day) and this goes on for over 3 month now and NC tickets have done 0 to stop this. I want to see him drop his items to stop abusing this system at least his wallet will suffer. For the rest, I prefer not to say what I think about his mentality. 5) GMs should actually start playing this game with a level 1 char and play for 1 year a maximum of 6 hours with 3 accounts maximum and do dailies etc with exalted gear, while investing a 100-200 euros every month like players do, to see how far they need to go to reach 112+. 6) Overall increase luck towards players. While we hardly make +16 / +19 weapons, +8/+10 armors here in Korea they run with +20 to +35 weapons around which makes exping really a lot faster compared to us. 7) Again L2 Store prices, you could add Royal Gold Enchant into the Hero Coin slot for 100-200 Hero Coins, this would actually give the paying customers and advantage to get proper enchants and improve faster items. Even with many feedback's from players, I doubt NC will change anything. I do appreciate the "ganja potion" they gave us, but it does not compensate for the lack of experience we get within the game. I was 1 hitting mobs before update at my current spot, I still 1 hit them now, but exp is worse...
  5. 40T per day isn't much in my eyes. I (110 also) run at 150-200T per day on average with dailies. A good SI run with potions I do 40-50T in an hour. Of course with 200% Rune.
  6. Hi, First of all thank you for listen to us. I am a a regular Ncoin buyer for the past 9 months. At the moment I am 110 and would say that I got some decent gear to farm Field of Whispers with my ISS and my main. 1. I made a calculation that in order to maintain my vitality for a month it would cost me 750 euros! I would recommend to cut the price from 750 to 75 euros. This would create micro-transactions (Business 101) and we would start leveling in a proper way and would encourage people to buy for the first time potions. 2. Add party bonus permanent and don't divide the experience by the amount of people in party. 3. Same goes for the Adena. We need to get all decent Adena. 4. Like others said: Kick the RMT from top 100 players. They destroy the Ncoin economy and your company. 5. Stop adding newbie items into the L2 Pay Events. I am tired to see always same items on sale and only top 3 lottery are great items. By either changing the Pay Event Items, people might catch up in gear. Why cant you give Angel Rings+6, Dragon Rings+3 etc into those boxes that the servers starts being flooded by those items. People are buying 5 years old gear from Pay Events. By now, R99 should be in the shelter and everyone should be running R110. 6. Increase monsters experience given by 200% so we can catch up with Koreans. 7. Maybe it is due to my clan, but I have never seen someone with a +25 or more weapon. Barely +18 weapon on server. Check on the other side of the continent.. 8. Listen to your customers! 9. We see the effort you made with the GM Buffs, but years of bad hearing towards customers is not gonna get even with GM Buffs. 10. Fire the whole developer team. It takes literally 1 variable (code line) to modify server settings! Been there when I tried my own L2 illegal server at home years ago! 11. Increase enchant success rates, for some items they are terrible.
  7. Look it on the positiv side. Less mobs = less lag For real now, we need at least another 2 months an experience boost & vitality maintenance buff from NC in order to make all 110, minimum 112. I've been back since December, started gearing up to a point that today I am 110 while playing every day at least 5-8 hours non stop. I can finally do PI/SI/IOS in self buffs. Dyes DEX/CHA+5 (3 slots) Radiant+5, R110+7 Bloody Set, Limited Weapon+12 Augment 20%PSkill, Angel Ring +6, Paulina Ring, BValakas, Lindvior, Atlas+12, Abu lv1, Red Cat lv4/Ruby 4/Opal 4/Diamond 4, some more Gems, Artifact Book lvl3 complete with some random Artifacts, Cloak+11, Splendor Wings lvl2, Brooch lvl3, and some more items. Spending multiple hours selling, fishing etc in order to even start the game. Spend every month a couple of bucks without ruining my life. What happened? They decrease the total amount of mobs, exp wall + embrace the wall. Only good thing for now is IoS (800-1.2b/h) in game, because they screwed everything else! At least 10 of my friends (110+ and even better geared) in game have quit the game over night and sold everything... You can imagine the frustration when NC screws it Patch after Patch.
  8. Giran Harbor close NPC to return quest.
  9. Yul 109 (Human MS) here: - R110 Bloody Set +7 - R110 Limited +12 Bow (3Sa, lvl8 mostly) - +11 Elmore Cloak - Nurka Belt +5 - Radiant Circlet +5 - Some lvl3-4 Gems (Ruby lvl4) - Lind earring, Atlas+12, Blessed Valakas, Tauti Ring, Paulina Ring - Abu lvl 1, 7S, Insanity, 18 Venir, Exalted Crap - 3 Agathion 5/6 lvl (Ari, Cancer and 750Coin one, waiting next lvl use the patk one) - Greater Kaliel +5 - Dragon Shirt +5 (exalted one) - Skills +7 to +16 mostly (pinpoint 16, tornado 16, rest lower) - Forgotten Book lvl20 (patk) - All Artifact slots full with random ones barely +2), one Pskill Power +11%, one pcrit +5%. - +15 DEX/5CHA stats Since event I make between 8k to 10.5k points at R110 at Rim with Rose, Dragon Pot, Honey Beer, POM + Crippling. I could constant make 10k+ if I would buy additional items. I leave it in macro for faster auto target rest I spam skills myself, do some jumps, select other mobs to bring them while killing those I am currently hitting, AOE when more mobs. Definitely 10mins without breaks spamming skills etc. I enter always with BR from ISS (Sonatas 7mins) wait Elmore Cooldown once it is finished I use self buffed skills every 1 minute. Bigger mobs I debuff (Hex+7). Waiting last week of event before opening boxes. 540 fragments so far. A YUL GS 108 friend borrowed gear slightly better (Cloak+15) and some other artifacts, Abu lvl4 and he did 10k easily with same potions+buffs. Unless you run even stronger gear, the R110 Rim S-grade should be easy by then. So far: R105 (S), R110 (4xA, 2xS)
  10. It is luck. I spent over 150 Top Stones for p.skill CD +15% on my R110, no success. Was tired. Next day, I bought 10 Super Stones, baam on 3th try I got p.skill CD +20%. I felt like the luckiest person on earth. I would recommend you to buy them in 50 or 100 batch to increase chances. Keep trying One day you will succeed.
  11. Hi, Yes fishing is the way to go. In a week I made 8 Elcyum with 3 chars fishing. Means for your 107 Elcyum it will take approx 13 weeks +- (3months). In order to get a good weapon, either you bring the cash or you invest time. I would suggest, you start saving adena for fancy rods. GL.
  12. Getting 3 Greater Jewels means you are lucky. Because I spend double of the amount to get nothing close to yours.
  13. @GhostintheShell The game has changed in 15 years my friend. Back in the days, grinding was hard, but there was a solidarity within a party where everyone had his job. Today, you do your dailies and leave all support classes behind since duo with ISS goes faster than helping healers/iss/tank on solo track. If after so many years, your party constitution hasn´t changed, so haven´t you and you seem to be a greedy person who wants all for himself, while other share as much as they can to grow together. Since 106 I have been partying with a tank friend, today we are almost together 109. That´s called solidarity! TEAM! A team that will go together in PVP! Stay in your corner and keep your frustration for yourself, but don´t bother people who try to make partying important again. Whining has always been part of people´s mentality, but if it is for the good, why not change things.
  14. @InnerSphereGunGrave when people will stop to invest money into game, big players will have to do it instead of trading Adena. At some point, big players will have to invest money into game in order to remain competitive if they can´t buy anymore items from small players. It´s a Ponzi & Pyramid scheme ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ponzi_scheme ) As long, the sheep below pays, the big fishes get their money. Once the big fishes made enough money and leave, the whole system will break down. This happens with pay events, where new items comes. Small players can´t make the new item -> sell it, big fish arrives and buys it instead and rewards the baby fish with little Adena. Best thing, would be to send for free all players 110+ to a server without their consent and leave all < 110 players on the server and see how long they survive.
  15. @Nastyyy seems NC was listening to you for the 50% extra See latest maintenance notes.
  16. We finally got our "anniversary" through loot boxes again. See the new event. This was something they got for free in Korea, but we get a paid event instead.. Speak for fairness.
  17. I embrace the idea of this also. There is a flaw, when dragons died, the server gets XP Boost. This would mean to have the real Antharas etc to be an instanced zone and all players get 3 hours of exp boost when accomplished. Also we have the "baby" Antharas that everyone can do. This would require a complete revamp of the game for NC. And we know "never change running system" ... This is what NC does the best!
  18. Here over 2GB of log files which were over a month old. Why NC doesn´t deletes them... Imagine you play for a year... This would be over 20GB of hard drive storage only for log files. Never seen a game do something like this.
  19. I started in December to play. From gearing up to exp, I am lvl108 54,7% in a 6 month interval. I make 2 - 2,5% per day at lvl108 with 200% Rune. And boy, I do everyday: Castilla 110, IT, PI, Storm, IOS, Phantasmal Ridge (because it gives me the best exp/hour at lvl108 with my gear!). I even quit my CP because we were all doing more exp in solo/duo mode everywhere than being in party together in Tanor/Alligator/FoM. This is just hilarious to ask someone to "pay" for experience vitality potions when you see how long it takes to lvl. @mixa I would do 4-5%% per day with Vitality Maintaining Potion (1h), this would cost 3.840 NCoins per day and 115k NCoins per month. Means 1-2k euros per month for "exping" in a game. Hell no this is crazy and totally cut from reality. @ArctodusSimus equipment makes a huge difference, but the majority comes from lvl. I saw a huge damage increase from 107 -> 108 without even changing my gear, I am sure once I hit 109 it will happen again. During 16th anniversary event, exp bar was moving way better and it looked like all server was moving forward correctly.
  20. @mixa First of all, I am also a customer, who doesn't mind to spend a few bucks (25-250e if I feel like in mood per month) in game since I like it. This is called a service that you pay for, which should be reinvested into game, server etc. I used to pay back in the days a monthly subscription and servers were running far better than today. And your message "If you're a customer, you should buy the boxes from the l2store, not complain about a free event." sorry, but buying from L2Store is a free event of getting nothing. Shilen Soul was the perfect example => fail enchant = no Adena, that's gambling. The problem is that there wasn't a week since December where NC had 0 issues. This is supposed to be the core message behind all of this. Then about ninja nerfing everything o'right I can deal with it if they make things more difficult, it will be for everyone at least. I am at 200+ stone to get the right augment on my weapon, so patience might pay off. But when all other servers get a nice event and fully enjoy their 16th anniversary and we get screwed here from a deep nerf, this is called making fun of us and a bad intention from them. But game stability/latency/mass DC should be o'right after all this money that "we" invest into game even after they announced a server upgrade. If people buy Coca Cola for years and suddenly they change their recipe and people (90%) start complaining, how many will keep buying Coca Cola? The 10% who never tried Coca Cola before, those same 10% of new players who arrive here I am a kind person, who rarely complains about stuff in his life and "boy" I am in charge of 100+ students every week, but I don't complain about it and I am a happy person. But this here? This is making fun for free on person and is not acceptable. So my nerve tolerance is really high. Marketing 101: A happy customer will always come back. Make the loot boxes rate better => more customers will buy, more money injected into game. All the big players will have to invest also money. Make the loot boxes rate worse => less and less customers will buy, because they will hear bad echos from loot boxes and won't buy. This messages was supposed to be a feedback to the NC team that they need to do something in a positiv way for us players. I simply hope we get the next part of the anniversary soon. If they delay the next part at least something will arrive, but unfortunately I don't think they will surprise us in a positive way, but rather another paying event that was supposed to be free. Let's keep fingers crossed.
  21. LINEAGE 2 - A game left all alone at NCWest Hello all, Here a small sneakpeak of our 1st month anniversary where I regrouped everything that happened! They are fooling their customers. Please @Juji at some point this is not o´right! Read please the list and tell us what is happening for real at your headquarter, because this is not acceptable with a new server hardware upgrade that you apparently made! 21th April (-) · Login queue for 2 hours! Impossible to attend the game because over 500 people waiting in queue to play. 22th April (-) · Patch notes arrive only 12hours before update. After update all people were getting 0 Adena without Vitality. 24 - 26th April (-) · The server is lagging and latency problems for multiple players. · Random disconnects again. 28th April (-) · Character creation is blocked on Chronos for weeks now. 29th April (+-) · People get GM buffs. (+) · Due to GM activity, people are in queue and can´t benefit from this GM buffs. (-) 30th April (-) · Website login is down and malfunctioning. They don´t correctly implement SESSIONS ($_SESSION) in PHP. Computer science students of 16 years old can solve the problem in 1 hour it took them hours to fix it. 1th May (--) · Login problems, people cannot connect to server 2th May (-) · The server is lagging and latency problems for multiple players. · Random disconnects again. 3th May (-) · People get disconnects and must wait in queue for 1 hour. 5th May (--) · Login queue for 2 hours! Impossible to attend the game because over 500 people waiting in queue to play. Siege/castle is impossible to play since people are waiting in queue. Character creation · New characters creation is blocked for 3 weeks. 6th May (-) · The server is lagging and latency problems for multiple players. · Random disconnects again. 7th May (-) · Chronos server down randomly. 8th May (-) · PK Festival in zones 85-105 to force disconnect from players. 9th May (-) · The server is lagging and latency problems for multiple players. · Random disconnects again. 12th May (--) · People are waiting over 10 days to get replies from Support tickets. 15th May (-) · The server is lagging and latency problems for multiple players. · Random disconnects again. 16th May (-) · PK Festival in zones 85-105 for 2 weeks now. LINEAGE2SWEET16 (+) · Players get some random goodies from NCWest for anniversary. Greater Ruby Lv.1 and Juju Agathion Charm. 16th anniversary (-) · We don´t get the same event as EU/RU/Korean servers. People have over 5000-1000 Anniversary Coins without being able to use them. · 1 Box per hour loot where before event started people were getting at least 5-6 boxes per hour. · Aden tour icon disappears after video cinematic. 24th May (-) · The server is lagging and latency problems for multiple players. · Verification e-mails not working. People don´t get e-mails from NCWest for verification. This problem can be solved in 5 minutes with 15 years old computer science students. · Launcher problems saying that people have problem with ISP while being can play other game in same time, so the problem comes from NCWest. 25th May (-) Random mass disconnections from servers. People got 2 - 3 times random disconnects during experience with party friends.
  22. +1. Since December, there was not 1 month, where people weren´t complaining about random DC, lag. Compensation? Dandy Balls. I will write starting today a Word document with all these flaws the past months and after 1 years send it to NC in Korea to the CEO. I can understand that sometimes you have server issues or something went wrong, but not every second week.
  23. @Juji this starts to become a bad habit. At least 8 of my friendlist got DC in same time! One of them is connected with FFTH! Impossible that this is the ISP! I even run with 1Gbps at home with max 1-2ms delay for weeks now and got 1 client DC also. Please fix this is annoying! Thank you for your understanding, but I think the CEO and people from Korea should know what is going on here on our servers. This is not how you treat customers who pay for a Prestige pack and a service in same time.
  24. Over 10 hours to fix a problem my student could fix in 5 minutes... This speaks for a lot of "competence"... Now you can look for the Launcher bug ...
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