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Everything posted by extase1987

  1. I made 2 out of 5 parts limited myself and that was last year. Since then, we haven't gotten any decent bloody/dark armor stones event. Even farming Gainak, takes forever to make the whole set only for 1 person. Approx 20-30 stones per day if lucky enough, you need approximately 1900+ for whole set. I will let you count the days/months required and at 400m+ each the price. Last free event, they were supposed to be inside the boxes. Dunno about you folks, but combined with CP members we had around 10.000 boxes farmed together and yet, no one got a single dark armor stone. Wondering who did. Priority items right now: - Dark/Bloody Armor stones - Jewels (Lindvior, B.Antharas, B.Valakas, Earth Wyrm, Tauti) in order to break them to craft or upgrade God Jewels to stage 2 where the good stuff comes. - Brooch items to go to lvl5 with a reasonable price tag. (I already have it, but got it cheap back then) - Gems lvl5 or making them to lvl5 at a decent enchant rate, even making at least one to Greater+5 would be amazing. CP members got theirs from Greedy chest when we were lucky to get one or from Slayer enchant event. - Cloak+10 to +15 save enchants more often. Key item nowadays for PVE/PVP survivability. - Cloak+15 to +20 save enchants more often. - Ultimately a really good event that actually gives Dragon Claws or Zariche/Akamanah Fragments and Bloods at a decent rate or price. We need at least 80% of the server to have access to those weapons in order to start playing and focusing on PVP without thinking that we hit against a wall. - And if you find something, that could avoid 1 hit from any class above 114+ it would be really nice, because we are all papers, even at 117 with some decent gear, against a DW or Zariche/Akamanah in front of you, you are often 1 hit, maybe saved by Tanzanite, Shirt, UD, Celestial, Cloak Celestial (healer), Spallation, Undying, rock, Feather, etc. This coming from a YUL with 150k++ P.Def + Paagrio+ Eva + B.Valakas, cloak+15 Ferios, Kaw maxed out, Radiant of Grace+5, G.Obsidian, Wings lvl4, artifacts+7 or higher, B.Rose, Valiant, Deton, Forgotten Skills all +30, Tank AP, Advanced Talisman of Protection, R110 +10 set. Fully boosted, even with my Limited Bow+15 I can onehit any other class except Tyrr & Feoh & Evi, due to Mana Barrier & other Tyrr massive P.def boosts or Steel Mind. Yuls, Othell, etc are glass canon so are 99% of people right now, no matter the class, because the defensive build of a toon is pretty much linked to Belt Stage 3, Shirt+10, PVP Set, Radiant+7 or higher, most defensiv Talisman. I can build a more tanky Yul, but if the damage output is crap, I die faster than what I am actually providing in damage, lack of weapon. @Juji please check other regions 120+ players and their average gear and come back when you find the perfect moment to give us the Einsahad Shop simply check my toon if you want to get an idea of our gear vs other regions. How much did I spend and what is my gear versus what other regions spend and what is their gear.
  2. Do you want the long or short reply? Short reply: No. Long reply: Hell no.
  3. Installing it is all I did. Dunno why he has problems. Unless on his tablet he uses pointer instead of PC mouse, unless he uses keyboard or mouse macro on his PC and when switching to his PC on the desktop, the keys are fired and make the screen fall black. Stuff someone must figure out by themselves. Know over 50 people using same solution and no one ever had an issue with Chrome remote. Other solutions like Teamspeak or Anydesk were glitching with my keyboard macro, but Chrome Remote Desktop was working the best. So instead of clapping on 1 person who tried many other solutions and found that Chrome Remote Desktop works flawless and had similar feedbacks, people have to find themselves why it does not work. If you use a solution, find the reason why it does not work and don't blame others.
  4. Seems to work fine for me. Been using it for the past 6 months. Google Remote works flawless.
  5. Fishing is mostly a waste of time unless you run 5-10-100 fancy fishing rods. I stopped when Elcyum prices went downhill.
  6. What happens if it would go the other way around at some point? Then EU would be cheaper than US.
  7. I guess you play Aden server. So you are wrong in this section of forum. Don't expect much to level quick. Any version Live, Classic or Aden will take you forever to level without really enjoying the real aspect of the game which is PVP. Since it became pay 2 win, all versions of the game lost their PVP.
  8. Odd that you could start the game first time. NC has implemented an anti-bot system lately that everything that runs on a virtualization is being blocked. Your shadow cloud machine won't run since the PC is virtualized. Cheap solution to promote gaming at cheap price while virtualizing every PC component. "Tant pis pour toi, un bon conseil? Ne joue pas ici, c'est une catastrophe le jeu".
  9. You knew nothing else would happen. Sadly we still miss you during dailies. Have fun with the Kangourus
  10. Summoners are only useful when doing Field Raid Boss, where you need a certain amount of hits in order to deactivate the boss shield. Summon people quicker also. Other than watching your beautiful summons, it is miserable even at end game.
  11. You can be 105 with end game items and still do miserable damage. When you grow 110 with end game item, the level penalty towards monster will be smaller and you finally hand out the right damage. 105 dailies means 110+ DD 110 dailies means 113-115 DD
  12. Exactly what I do. Hunting zones & Dailies & logout. Play another game (World of Warcraft) where I actually spend 13€ (subscription) where the PVP exists more than L2.
  13. They did increase Hunting zones. Been doing PI for months on my Dreadnought. Now I have to use Rose in order to farm the same way. Means something happened there. Field of Silence & Whisper used to be crowded, today I can go to the same spot every day, since no one is there. Also, some events are just way too expensive. Even if the current cakes promo was good, it still remains a lot to spend approximately 500€ in order to play full vitality during next XP event. If you cut the cost to 7 players, it is "okay". They know exactly that the cloak event is a scam, every time I see one around, I skip it, because the rates are really poor. They know the cloak is a key item to all classes and instead of making it more affordable, they milk more by decreasing the enchanting after +10, instead of promoting new items to the server. Better let cows enchant and buy it with Adena then gamble enchant. Since the anti-bot system (VM's) most zones are empty and yet, another tool used by the top 50 players on Naia is still being used, simply watch how you glitch around those guys, how perfect they cast skills when specific situations happen during PVP. @Juji time to give these people a 7-14 days break for 3rd party tools. Making Gran Kain Necklace costs an arm now. 220-250b per Blessed Valakas. Which requires 2-3 months of active playing as a YUL, if you farm 5b or more per day in order to try a craft. Making God Jewels lvl1 is possible every 1-2 months, stage 2 is impossible due to lack of items on the market. Bloods/Claws are boycotted by the same people, who make new weapons for another one of their boxes, which kills the PVP within the game, because the gap increases. Key problem of the game, because enchanting Krishna weapons above +16 is really challenging and yet in Dragon Valley & Fafurion, you need at least +24 or higher weapon to make a reasonable damage. DW & Blood weapon promos are good if you are willing to sell your kidney, other than that make a buy shop at 70b+ and wait years until you get them, which majority of people are not willing to wait. We are now at the situation of the game that I predicted many months ago: People lose faith in lootbox, enchanting rates, people spend less, people quit the game, no new items appear in the Auction House, anti-bot does not work for the same "farmers" since they use another tool, same people keep farming billions while 1-2 newcomers try to catch up, but are unable, because lootboxes, enchanting are still nerfed to death. I keep doing what I do since now 2 months: Destiny & Prestige Pack and care less. What comes around, goes around again.
  14. You must be the unluckiest person on earth. 3 toons, total of 200+ scrolls combined together. A friend made 100 scrolls in 3 hour with 1 toon, seems all fine.
  15. I want the invisible cloak, so the teacher does not see me all year long. In my case, an invisible cloak for the students And please a wizard hat, so I can do magic for them in classroom.
  16. Hi, Not the first time I hear that, and already confirmed by some friends from Chronos who used to be in Naia before. So basically, move your toon to Chronos since more enchanting is happening there.
  17. The Heroes are the most greedy ones I always skip those PMs.
  18. I have noticed the same here. Often paying couple of bucks for lootboxes, but never gotten something really decent. Other people, who buy them from players were more lucky. Overall: good rewards also appear on the same people. Coincidence? Or do they simply hide the fact that they spent actually a huge chunk of money? I watch often clan mates opening boxes in all the events, majority of them, 99% get always bad rewards. And the 1% are always the same ones getting good stuff. I started playing since 1 month following way: - Spend Prestige & Destiny - Hunting zones (PI, Crisis, IOSx3) - Dailies - Logout Best decision ever, because for some reason, I see more drops in all instances (Crisis = more stones, books, even Insanity, PI = more scrolls)
  19. It is pure randomness. I made 1x Legendary cloak with 1 scroll. The second cloak took me 20 scrolls. A friend made 2x Legendary cloaks with 2 scrolls, other people haven't been successful even after 40 scrolls. Some hit the lottery, some don't. Cloak event had always bad odds, the reason why they are so expensive is because people tired of it. Most cloaks on the market are 5 year old or from those who spends thousands of bucks and left the game already.
  20. Out of curiosity I tried the new classes proposed there. Made them 60+- until I ran out of soulshots & spirit ore. It took me less than 24 hours to make both, so the XP curve until there is not too hard. Glad I spent nothing to make both for free, but when you need to spend money in less than 1 days because you run out of everything, this means the paywall is big. Hop hop all back to Live servers
  21. You folks forgot BR in Baylor. I would recommend starting with Baylor, put Brooch BR, ISS BR to kill it quicker. If cloak triggers, simply relog for next instance and relog + reinvite to keep cloak. That way, you make the 2 first instances with cloaks up Also before Krofin, you forgot to rebuff with Domi, we see buffs fading during boss fight. Also you are making a video with people running DW & Blood-Stain & weapon 21++ Which 95% of people don't have. Now same video without 3x fast forward to make it look more realistic Say hello to Drunkenstep and company.
  22. @Juji @Hime @LIME Hello, I agree with Rotten that since server transfers started a lot of items from Naia's AH are disappearing to Chronos. I see it because at any moment something in the AH appears that is cheaper than in Chronos, it appears the week later in bulk in Chronos AH for more than expensive. Latest message was "350b or the Akamanah Sealed Box (Blood or Fragment) will leave tomorrow to Chronos". I don't mind paying a bit more for some items from time to time, but 1 month worth of farming... And this way of thinking makes me wonder how one of the two servers will survive unless we merge them. We do embrace the 300b Adena Limit that has been set, but the damage is already done. Another thing: can you folks please start updating the cloak event? People are waiting for +15 to +20 Stable Cloak Enchant Scrolls. Thanks for making it a better gaming experience.
  23. Evi or Sayha Seer leveling in Field of Silence or Field of Whisper. Visual bug they did not fix yet.
  24. Nice we have plenty of potions All our server needs
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