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Everything posted by extase1987

  1. Every cloak event is always super interesting People always complain about it. I had couple of Hero Coins left (51 on one account, 102 on another one). Used 1 Legendary Scroll on an old Aden Cloak and it went Legendary Used 2 Legendary scrolls on another toon and Elmore did not go Legendary. That was all I did for the event 150 Hero Coins I had on my accounts and I am happy. @MissHelmina when NC released wrong event couple of weeks ago with Stable +15 to +20 cloak enchants, I did 15 scrolls and cloak did not succeed to go +1 at that stage
  2. This is why you got on Naia following players: 123 spamer, Huhu & scammer "7en" those are apparently cheaper than Juji according to a hero shout many months ago Just wait another 2 years until we might catch up with other zones
  3. Looking for +15 up to +20 stable scrolls like other regions.. I'll invest exactly the same like last cloak event, which means 0 until we get +15 up to +20 stable scrolls
  4. https://discord.gg/enY3WQfT Link above is the Lineage II Community discord.
  5. Why so toxic?! At least no more lags! Olympiad should include less boxes, which might make opponents more interesting. I had a week ago 20/25 active players for once, since they blocked 3rd party tool, people have to use finger skills. But market price, everything skyrocketed in price, at least x2. What took you a month of farming takes you now twice. 2423 / 3 = 808 please we all have 1 2 3 accounts The antibot system should prevent that new Essence gets flooded by bots at the launch period. Give it a month before first RMT mails will start Free Dragon Weapon for all and problem solved :) People would not RMT, if boxes would drop more real items instead of 90% potions & they would have banned the real owner. Let's cross finger & hope for a better gaming experience.
  6. It is "free" which means nothing to pay. Don't open the boxes & resell & get free Adena every day. I am doing that, guess who isn't complaining that he gets Vitality Tonic potions from time to time
  7. Who said bots are gone? People who were using VMs, other tools are gone, but *** users still logging... You see it in PVP when the grand Master 120 on Naia hits through purple shirt and you got 2-3 second cool down left on it, no Gran Kain Necklace lvl2 usage. When you still do PVP and you glitch around these same people when chasing them.
  8. You should look again your skills as a YUL We have the Skill "Bow Strike". It looks funky to use it, with proper keyboard/mouse macro, you act like a semi melee toon, but you'll never miss a drop. Bsoe & BREZ, put them as shortcut away from each other. Enchant rate require newest "Popo" Homunculus. I have enchanted since newest update. Don't enchant, simply buy items already enchanted, sometimes it will cost you 2x more to make the same item instead of buying it from someone. Other items, I do agree having them permanent in shop would be easier than wait for a special promotion.
  9. No one said you should open them It is supposed to be a free event. You realize when someone is on program when you do PVP & PK. Now that Greedy Chests are gone Everyone starts glitching around (move backwards, lag spikes, hitting behind rocks) when chasing someone under program & he casts skills (UD, Bsoe, etc) at perfect intervals, impossible for humans to be that precise. Or when someone does 2 spots in IOS without pets, you PK them and from nowhere a healer appears & player stands up again like nothing happened. PK > you see the toon following PK players & when dead, auto rezzing & move to the exact same position. Check Fafurion & Sea of Spores & Olympiad, you should find most of them (99.99%). Hope regular players who have nothing to worry, won't be impacted by false positive.
  10. Craft with a spoiler who gets Augment Crystal from monsters, or Auction house or L2 pay event.
  11. Hi @Juji Here another one today, going full detail in Neutral Zone. https://ibb.co/xXk82Vm
  12. Gear get recycle from player who leaves to new players. Been that way for years.
  13. Paying customers who still don't have Dragon Claws or Bloods cause NCW keeps those two items away from players. Good example: last Dragon Slayer event, when we saw the last week what were the real rewards. Instead of sticking to the event, they rolled back. Too afraid people would get finally the weapon they deserve. Would it have been bad letting the event continue and have more income that way?
  14. Better buy one from market it is cheaper. Plus knowing how NC works, they nerfed enchants on them and now add 10% to make it look like worthy, while people will still fail with 200-250 scrolls.
  15. If you want better items, stop buying. But since some sheep's are paying for items which have no value or resale value is dropping day by day. I am unable to sell an Insanity for 16b, which is considered cheap. I literally need 0 items from the past couple lootboxes, because they don't give Claws/Bloods/God Jewels. Naia went from High to light/Normal, because many players have left. So NC is hoping for many new players which isn't the case. 99% of new characters are boxes from a high lvl toon. According to the latest support ticket, it was my fault that I get disconnected. I closed the ticket. Ignorance of support, which does not encourage newcomers. I got literally my ISP logs at home, which show 100% uptime and the handshake from NC has failed at some point. But yet, apparently it is my connection that is bad XD 1Gbps Fiber at home, ISP running multiple 40Gbps Fiber connections. Not going to happen. We got enough freebies. If it would have applied to Dragon Rind Leather Shirt, they would have sold far more scrolls...
  16. And then they say it is our fault and need to run dxdiag, HijackThis and call ISP when it is 100% on their end the issue..
  17. Bot and afk festival. Lootboxes rate are miserable. Things have become worse. Go to Core if you want to "play". Here you have to "pay" and still won't progress.
  18. not a small one to have so many DCs.
  19. not a small one to have so many DCs.
  20. Hi @Juji Here another one today https://ibb.co/s2nvqW8
  21. "Three kids swimming inside the lake, Juji, Hime and Lime, because they had time." Goes who is who
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