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Macro loop deletion


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13 hours ago, Spirrow said:

What the bleep you typing AFUM?
How do you play with rollo always used Macro Nostromos and are you talking shit right now why? wanting to speak that he is a legitimate player.
I think you should be the first to take ban both in the forum and in the game for trying to defame someone a trash like you should not be here.

haha wut :D u can check my account :D never used any kind of scripts , macros or even ingame macro loop , only macro i ever used  is  /target. Guess scripter like you is indignant that you would not use any automated shits to play :D 

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21 hours ago, Gwang said:



it's very funny to see this kind of message requesting to end a feature that would be damaging the game.

Whoever asks for this is top-level players who no longer need that feature of the game.

This feature helps a lot of people like me and my friends to stay in the game. Buying NCoins and trying to spend some moments having fun in this game.

Do you really think it's fair to remove a resource you used to get to the Top?

I do not think it's fair.

If you think it's fair, you can create your new character on the classic server.

There is no such feature and you can play exactly the way you want to impose on us.

You can always pvp players with same gear as you do. Oh wait those players do not pvp , they are busy macroing :D never seen at pvp and will be.

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I would like to say is if you really think you can compete with another grinders who use macro by disabling macro loops, that is totally wrong. Before playing game, you need to learn how to play. You think a feature of a game shouldn't be existed but it is existed. Try learn why that feature is still existed. For returning players, this game is totally new and overhaul classic game to fit with modern players. No one want to spend time for hard grinding. No one want to wait a long time for full pt.

And kids or men with a kid's soul always use "People will quit the game". I'm boring of reading that words. It's like "Mate, I don't want to play this game cuz of macro or xxx feature, You guys also don't play it if you know or not. I am saying true. Blah blah blah.".  No ethics.

And ask yourself why you are still playing this game? and find the reason. I hope you will find the answer. if you want to quit, Please just quit silently, don't create this kinda thread anymore. I want to read information. not your personal requirements.

BTW this game is not for kids or men with 10 years old kid's mind. 

And this game's creators and owning companies are not your Daddy's man. Be note that, they are running business with employees. 
you cannot knows actual earnings and costs of company. don't assume if you don't know really about that business.

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I can't criticize the macros, I used them to raise the factions of elven and hellbound.

But I find it counterproductive not to play, not to participate 100% of your character development . For example: Many know that I play alone, I do farm and instances without macro. But most of the time when friends invite me to participate in 2 or 3 cakes at a party (Elven), it bothers me that some players stay afk, some people takes several minutes to respond to the resurrection ... This is the negative point I find about macros.

Disable macros will bring consequences, less connections (less boxes ofc), this will precipitate a naia/chronos merge, and this can be the first step of lineage ending, or maybe not xD. Massive players leaving the game... i dont think so.

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3 simple facts

  1.  the game is 15+ years old and macro's are only part of it for not even 2 years so obviously ppl can do fine without
  2.  there's a HUGE difference between using macro's to improve active game play and allowing fully AFK gameplay for hours on - there really should be a max usage timer tied to them
  3.  Korea has improved the existing macro's even further and we will get those too as part of our future updates

If NC doesn't add a timer or a maximum usage restriction to the macro system then they should be aware folks will be abusing that fact to set up afk adena farm which will be effectively no different from the old adena rmt botters.

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1 hour ago, Draecke said:

3 simple facts

  1.  the game is 15+ years old and macro's are only part of it for not even 2 years so obviously ppl can do fine without
  2.  there's a HUGE difference between using macro's to improve active game play and allowing fully AFK gameplay for hours on - there really should be a max usage timer tied to them
  3.  Korea has improved the existing macro's even further and we will get those too as part of our future updates

If NC doesn't add a timer or a maximum usage restriction to the macro system then they should be aware folks will be abusing that fact to set up afk adena farm which will be effectively no different from the old adena rmt botters.

Finally someone who gets my point. I would say macro loops are exactly the same as old adena rmt botters and tons of bots, with this difference they do not run back to spot after u kill them w/o living person

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My point is ..

I accept someone don't want auto loop macro system and requesting to disable auto loop macro. I accept till that part.

But instead of giving good suggestions (Most of suggestions are unreasonable), people posting like judgement day will come immediately if company doesn't take care even now. I had read every weeks. I Just pointing that part. For me, I accept macro even though I never play with macro. 

I have reasons for accept macro, one or two people can leave from pt for emergency case (toilet, phone.. etc) while exp farming with boosts, and can rest turn by turn for long exp farming. 

I like Draecke's suggestions, it's fair. Real purpose of macro is still existed and can't make farming bot.


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Would greatly appreciate if anyone can advise how to loop the macro.

Been trying for weeks. But the macro just run the 12 lines of command and stop.

It dun auto loop at all.


Thanks a bunch in advance for any help.

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2 hours ago, XuJY said:

Would greatly appreciate if anyone can advise how to loop the macro.

Been trying for weeks. But the macro just run the 12 lines of command and stop.

It dun auto loop at all.


Thanks a bunch in advance for any help.

Right click on the macro when its on the skill-bar

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2 hours ago, XuJY said:

Would greatly appreciate if anyone can advise how to loop the macro.

Been trying for weeks. But the macro just run the 12 lines of command and stop.

It dun auto loop at all.


Thanks a bunch in advance for any help.

right button on mouse

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If you think macro users are getting rich or getting some giant advantage in levelling over doing raids and dailies your wrong. At 103 It still takes over 6 months to make a level, even if your averaging 20 hours a day running and the adena drops don't even cover shot. Item drops are virtually non existent, maybe two armor pieces a year and spoils/mat drops offer little.The macros are just a means for players that have no other way to progress in game but still want to come in and be involved for an hour or so after work a way to stay current and that is a good thing for a game that has a seriously declining player base. NC is not in business to provide you a server to play your game on, they are here to make a profit and those macro players do support L2 when they spend on NC Coin. They show up for raids now and again, they take part in parties when they have the time and the inclination. With no means to stay current in levels there is no point in playing at all and they will go.

The reason you don't see them in PVP isn't because they run macros, it's because the PVP in this game is seriously broken. When one toon with $30,000 plus in gear can hold off an entire alliance without even breaking a sweat there is no point going up against them and the system breaks. That's just how it is right now and hopefully they are working on a way to fix that so we can go back to being a PVP game.

The servers are pretty much empty, there are TONS of places to hunt. I really don't see why your so hot to get rid of the macro users.

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there are 2 main reasons why ppl have an issue with afk macro usage

1. limited spots/quest mobs availability at certain main stream quests causing frustration with Live players having to pk those afk just to be able to do their daily etc.

2. adena farm - just cause you don't know how to set up at good rich spots ingame doesn't mean there are none.. I know many ppl who farm easily 500+mil a day just from adena & material/item drops and there is really no difference whatsoever between this type of afk farm and the old rmt bots - btw also point 1 apply here as obviously LIve players will prefer to farm/xp at those spots too durr!!

there is just no valid justification possible where one can defend the usage of 100% 24/7 AFK Macro usage period and it's about time NC realizes that - please keep in mind that in Korea it's P2P aka when you leave town you need to pay so over there ppl don't afk Macro as that's just not financially attractive (nor socially acceptable) unlike the mess we got here.

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Cool. "Right Click"


Really wondering how efficient is the In-Game Auto Loop?

My Macro did auto loop.

When the mob was dead, macro loop basically waiting the mob to disappear before targeting the next mob (As it was executing the skill in sequence in the macro).

Any solution to fix this?

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For me the best thing in game is the macros.

I dont have time to spend like 10 hours per day in game, with macros i can do my things in real life and earn some xp and adena at the same time.

Without macros i definetelly stop play this game!

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3 hours ago, Moskao said:

For me the best thing in game is the macros.

I dont have time to spend like 10 hours per day in game, with macros i can do my things in real life and earn some xp and adena at the same time.

Without macros i definetelly stop play this game!

and you will not be missed if you quit as afk players do not add any value to any game, only cause hinderance & annoyance to live active players so bye!!

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17 hours ago, Draecke said:

and you will not be missed if you quit as afk players do not add any value to any game, only cause hinderance & annoyance to live active players so bye!!

active players you mean kids or "man's" without job, without social life?? so, i am not against this players, each one do whatever wanna do, but go on, delet the macros and you play wiht this "active players" maybe is more exciting playing with 1/3 of server.

I respect each kind of players, who prefer spend dollars, who prefer PVP, who prefer PVE, etc..

I do not make nothing wrong, nothing against the rules, why not let me play the way i can play?

thank you for you time.

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On 01.03.2019 at 11:33 PM, Draecke said:

and you will not be missed if you quit as afk players do not add any value to any game, only cause hinderance & annoyance to live active players so bye!!

What's problem to clean spot from macroers? Biggest problem is bots. I dont care、 if some macro party will take spot where bots stay.. 

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Most people who complained, in fact I would say all of them about macro loops, doesn't know how difficult in higher PVE areas to macro loop completely afk - in fact nearly impossible.  Mobs can pull you, instant death can knock out half your HP or more with magic AOE, etc thereby throwing your nice little routine off and eventually party dies rather quickly.  Macro 12 liner dumb shyt cannot come anywhere close to real botting software with no code limitations.  

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Servers Chronos and Naia have in average 2k players each

That is 300 unique players on each server.

Each of  those 300 players have 7 macro box party or private shops or fishing.

So in total we have impression that server is half full with 2k players.

But in reality only a small number of affluent players buy ncoins and pay all expenses.

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On 2/3/2019 at 12:20 PM, Moskao said:

, why not let me play the way i can play?

thank you for you time.

because of that "way", the auto-loop macros must be eliminated, the lazy people can't have similar or better reward that the people who does some effort.

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14 hours ago, Fantasy said:

because of that "way", the auto-loop macros must be eliminated, the lazy people can't have similar or better reward that the people who does some effort.

Lazy people? really? Ok, so eliminated boost, Ncoins, l2store, eliminated everything what "lazy peoples" can use...

After eliminated everything and all "lazy peoples" stop playing and only the braves remains.. Maybe you can try kill mobs without soul shots or without weapon, i am sure you will do a great effort :)

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I think macro loop is amazingly good idea, first of all there were always bots on lineage 2 servers, always, and adding macro loop is just evening field with them, if everyone can "bot" then botters are not special any more, they are not the ultimate farmers , I'm so happy that this option is implemented!

I was suggestion long time ago , while playing on another long forgotten acc, that if you cannot win against bots - make ingame bot
at last I can skip the boring grind part and only be active when it's fun!!!

btw how do you use this macro loop, i made new acc on classic and cannot find this option..

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1 hour ago, SMFC said:

btw how do you use this macro loop, i made new acc on classic and cannot find this option..

macro is available on classic servers but the loop function is disabled.

You can only auto-loop a macro on the live servers.

Auto-loop the macro by putting the macro on your hotbar & right-click on the macro.

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