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Chronos Castle seige


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I have a question for MS ally.  The latest siege, it is apparent MS has complete control of most of the castles in Chronos, if not all.  I don't think any one can deny the MS supremacy on Chronos.  My question is now that you control the castle siege, is that what you wanted?  Is the castle siege aspect of Lineage 2 more fun for you with no activity?  The last several sieges, activity steadily decreased, APEX no long participates, from what I have seen P1rataes only has a few small parties, Crows seem to have lost interest in sieging, I saw some Los Banditos.  Is it MS's goal to make castle sieges a non activity in Lineage 2? Is there some aspect of the game about controlling castles, other than bragging rights, I do not understand?

I am not here to QQ, or whine about the pvp aspect of the game, or complain about visa warriors etc etc.  I only want to know IF there is some advantage or motivation for MS to suppress activity in castle sieges?  It is working, but is it fun?  is it worth it?  Would castle sieges be more fun with more and more people participating?

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I think i can answer this question. Ok about a year ago (or maybe more) we (MS) Was losing to nova. At some points quite badly. They talked trash, we talked trash. But we kept pushing. I dunno what happened inside of nova but Ms kept pushing foward. I personally was in our cc when we only had 14 peeps to try to fight nova. But we tried. And we also decided right then that anyone who helps nova on seige or dragons they was a target also. We let it b known. And a lot of guys continued to back them. Then the tablss flipped. But we didnt forget. Now i will admit, somepeople r victim  by association. But what can ya do? As far as others taking castles.....DO IT. TRY IT.  It seems people give up vefore they even try. I had a fight a coupke weeks ago agaisnt sunshine at oren castle. They stood their ground and i almost died. A lot will look at it as sunshine is a pve clan and they have no chance. I beg to differ. If coordinated right with the right people chronos would b super competitive. But as i said people give up just cause they get 1 shot on OCCASION. I play Katrise as Tank. Im 106 atm. If i get hit by a geared nuker that knows what hes doing i will b that 1 shot also. Man i can go on and on about how we can make chronos competitive. But someone will argue that we have all the gear and blah blah blah. I fight with lvl 3 gems lol. I fight against dragon weapons, oed weapons, all types of stuff. There r ways to defend against most things in this game. So bottom line is if u guys want tp compete on the field the DO IT. Figure out a plan, make allies, stop looking for a teason to explain y MS has everything and just make a plan to TAKE IT from us. Oh and btw other clans maybe should open themselves up to pvp. I personally wont interfer. I watched sun and some other clan have a lil mini fight and it was awesome to see 2 other clan going at it. Make a plan man and execute it. Simple. Just my opinion.

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Hi all. I respect Katrise bcose its a fair player, i learned things from him from the tank subforum, he was kind and nice helping ppl. But i cant agree with him now. There are 2 big types of ppl who enjoy games, first tend to be farmers, and the other are most pvp'ers. No matter what gear u have, starter gear or endgame, attitude is everything. I saw ppl with dragon weapons or greater jools avoiding pvp as much as they can, cose they hate pvp, oly, or maybe they dont have fingers for that. Explain me why to invest so much money in pixels only for more farm... I dont know. its lame but is their choice. I saw also talented ppl with low or medium gear getting hero, or beating stacked ppl in oly, or hunting ppl on open map, and living all lineage life for pvp. God bless them all. I have friends from each type, but i admit i respect more the last category. What happens now with game is bcose the antigame attitude of players. And ms have a part of this situation. When nova was up, 80% of ms detagged in pve clan for avoiding pvp. The same lame tactics dh do in naia vs raising star. We all know that, bcose some ppl from morning star comes from raising star. But they do the same in cronos!!! After that, some borred top dogs from nova/ms quit or merge to classic, searching for more pvp activity. So now ms have what they deserve, almost zero pvp activity, also other clans took dragons, the big pvp spenders will quit or play less, and thats all about. If u search in old topics, i throwed to whole ms clan a challenge about no detagg for 1 month, they dont accept it, i was an undergeared tank lvl 101 or 102 so i dont lie or talk bs. This game is not only about few ppl who invest kkk $ in a toon and their meatshield, its about balance. Greedy for power and greedy for win no matter how destroy this game, not ncsoft. 

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Bringing up this nonsense makes what you posted looks pretty stupid considering you are from Nova who let's see right now not only doesn't pvp doesn't siege but dropped everything (wars and their balls). I was one of the players who detagged back then cause fighting Nova during the exp event its pretty pointless your clan have this kind of tactic we exp, your clan ganks we die, we regroup and make a pvp pt then when we see nova again your clan prs stays in town go afk and declare it a win without fighting our pvp pts then after awhile of waiting we set up exp pts again your clan goes back to ganking again I mean I love pvp and all and I never ever bow down to anyone but hey my time is precious. Btw if you notice I always say your clan cause I've never seen you in any party with those who even fight from Nova lol even on our arrange pvps with Nova you aren't included but here you are another forum warrior claiming how badass you are by bringing up a "challenge". Sad reality you're in no position to challenge anyone your clan gave up plain and simple just sit back in the corner and let us big boys run the show. 

As for the OP of this thread we want "WORLD DOMINATION" 

Image result for dr evil

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I playing in my timezone, im european... As u saw, i was part of euro fotomoto cp. I was for pvp with them and with another nova players. U was also, but seems u have some lack of memories. Im not in ur arranged pvp bcose i wasnt online, i dont play so much bcose work & familly but i do my part for clan, dont worry, for me game is what it is, something for chillout after a hard working day. And i dont detagg, cose no matter if u xp or pvp, is the same part of a game. Ur antigame clan strategy of detagging with low players and only zerg on sieges was the reason nova stoped the war now. And also ur non stop trolling/flaming in global chat dont help u with nothing, all server are tired and borred about "how good and pro are ms".  As u said, u wanna pvp only with top dogs, and the rest are in ur vision only meatshields/nofactors/randoms, but hey, what u can do w/o these ppl? U need these nabs for sieges, for entertain and give a reason for keep ur big whales, u need number for enter dragons, u need these all for pretend to be something. If you want to be something, try to respect all the people first and treat them right. I dont care u call me random, i enjoy the game with my clanmates and help each other, like other hundreds of players do in this game. Have fun. 

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"Try to respect all the people first"  lol my respect isn't demanded it's earned.  

Lol you guys been lying through your teeth that you start to believe your own lies I mean come on antigame strategy of detagging low players lol like really? Nova does it back then when they are tagging members of NFC to Nova during sieges so Nova is allowed to tag up members of NFC and yet we're not allowed to tag up members of PvE clan to MS during siege? how come? Zerg? Son you've been late to the party all of Novas supposedly wins rooted from Zerg. but hey if Nova starts to lose when other clan zerg them it's now illegal and anti-game. I mean come on this excuses shows how incompetent Renovatio's leadership is like seriously having a member of this clan cry about zerg and the reason as to why they stop pvping is a joke of itself. How incompetent can Renovatio's leadership is that they can't even recruit and make a zerg of themselves instead of crying their hearts out that they're being bullies by the toxic MS lol. Flaming and trolling has been part of L2 since forever Nova crying about it showed how the leftovers from their clan are just bunch of snowflakes in any case no point to even further humiliate a dead clan. Rest in Peace          



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The begining discussion was about server situation not about bumping ur useless ego, ur rude behaviour and verbal violence make ppl avoid ur clan, ur now the "one and only" with no more competitors and wonder why ppl dont wanna pvp with you... Bcose u dont deserve this anymore as clan. As a response for ur detagg strategy and avoiding pvp we do the same why are u care so much about that if nova is a dead clan as u said? Focus on other activities if you are so valuable and important, dont cry so much every day. But let other ppl from server tell their opinion about that, or u like to hear yourself talking alone like in global chat? 

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All I hear is a bunch of wah wah from junkariya. Back in the day Nova did this and that. None of that matters anymore. The first response to the to the thread question was blaming nova for what MS is doing to the server now. That's laughable! We're not the ones killing the server and taking over the sieges from all other low lvl clans. Why would they want to build up when you just zerg them everytime. Own some responsibility for your own actions. Instead of pointing fingers at people that quit playing the game. 

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Sweet baby jesus the worst yul besides doomcaster calling me junk like really son with how bad you are in this game you're not qualified to call anyone junk much less call me one like the difference between you and me in skills is so vast you look like an infant to me lmao. Anyways sometimes I'm not sure if Nova's recruitment policies nowadays includes to be able to speak and understand english. Cause I tried to read what katrise said and I didn't see any part wherein he is blaming Nova for what MS is doing. I mean he just literally said "And we also decided right then that anyone who helps nova on seige or dragons they was a target also"

And I swear did you even think before you wrote your statement here? 

37 minutes ago, Texas4Life said:

All I hear is a bunch of wah wah from junkariya. Back in the day Nova did this and that. None of that matters anymore. The first response to the to the thread question was blaming nova for what MS is doing to the server now. That's laughable! We're not the ones killing the server and taking over the sieges from all other low lvl clans. Why would they want to build up when you just zerg them everytime. Own some responsibility for your own actions. Instead of pointing fingers at people that quit playing the game. 

"Taking over the sieges from all the other low lvl clans" and "Why would they want to build up when you just zerg them everytime" hmmm ok let's see and dissect on how stupid this statement is.

Last sieges MS is running with a CC of 10 parties with at least 3-4 parties being broken and we're fighting the following alliances.

Bandidos Alliance

Losbandidos = 1 Lindvior crossbow stage 1 (approx. 5-6 parties)

FS = No dragon weapon (approx 3-4 parties)

Crows Alliance

Crows = No dragon weapon (approx 2-3 parties)

OG = No dragon weapon (approx 2-4 parties)

P1ratas = No dragon weapon (approx 2-3 parties)

Apex Alliance

Sunshine = 1 Valakas bow stage 1 and 1 Valakas Slasher stage 1 (approx 6-8 parties)

Core = No dragon weapon (approx 1-2 parties?)

DarknessReborn = No dragon weapon (1-2 party?)


From this lists you can easily see how badly thought of this guy's statement is not to mention if you really read closely on this thread the first one who really cried was a member of Renovatio lol. My honest advice to you texas is instead of wasting your time trashtalking in forums,discord and in game focus on getting better in the game if you think that after you spent thousands of $$$ in this game you'll be a top player you're heavily mistaken chump


PS: As you guys can see from those lists there's one certain alliance in Chronos that are not listed there and that's Nova alliances I do wonder why the supposedly legendary Renovatio Clan stopped sieging? But hey at least their forum warriors are active in forums and in discord :D 

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We had the same situation on NAIA.

DH ruled every single castle to a point where the complete server stopped going to siege (with expection of HUSARIA, a 14 ppl clan by that time). It was a very unhealthy situation for the server and it made many ppl. quit. On both sides. DH for the lack of competition, rest of the server for obvious reasons.

I don't play on CHRONOS and I don't care a lot what happens there, but my advice for MS would be to focus on the 3 main castles and maybe 1 or 2 other ones, but let the server fight for the rest.

It is what MAX does on NAIA. Over here even smaller clans can have a lot of fun on sieges these days.


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2 hours ago, Jinkariya said:

"Taking over the sieges from all the other low lvl clans" and "Why would they want to build up when you just zerg them everytime" hmmm ok let's see and dissect on how stupid this statement is.

Last sieges MS is running with a CC of 10 parties with at least 3-4 parties being broken and we're fighting the following alliances.

Bandidos Alliance

Losbandidos = 1 Lindvior crossbow stage 1 (approx. 5-6 parties)

FS = No dragon weapon (approx 3-4 parties)

Crows Alliance

Crows = No dragon weapon (approx 2-3 parties)

OG = No dragon weapon (approx 2-4 parties)

P1ratas = No dragon weapon (approx 2-3 parties)

Apex Alliance

Sunshine = 1 Valakas bow stage 1 and 1 Valakas Slasher stage 1 (approx 6-8 parties)

Core = No dragon weapon (approx 1-2 parties?)

DarknessReborn = No dragon weapon (1-2 party?)


This is not Interlude my friend, its not about players numbers but gear. get all those partys and put them against zureil + weineterzon pts and u will see a massacre. Now i don't need to explain any further if u fail to see that u really don't understand the game.

Saying you are not zerg just because u have less partys then the rest of the server but not taking gear in consideration. Wow, u must be a politician in rl to throw these kind of arguments everywhere and get ppl to believe what u say.

It's easy to say so many nonsense when u are in the winning side. I'd like to see you saying this if it was the opposite. when fighting an enemy that can literally 1shot your whole clan, the fight last as long as celestial + ud, and your DDs hit everybody else for 5k-10k, and u come here and say you're not zerg?

 And don't come here and say MS is one clan vs x clans. I've lost the count on how many clans MS swallowed to be what it is today. 

Yet everyday i log in i see hero shout, "Ms recruiting" oh give me a break. 

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There's a lot to this story, but some of it is being left out.

1. Nova dominated the server, had the biggest zerg.

2. MS did indeed yes have two parties, what they aren't openly telling people is this. They sieged, yes. They dropped all wars and stopped attempting to even xp, they fished to 105. This made MANY of the top nova players quit. 

3. MS was so desperate to topple NOVA, which they did partially because of truffle one shotting everyone, every time, and partially due to people getting bored and quitting that they mass recruited anyone, from both servers.

4. Most of the people in MS now weren't even around for this, so they have no idea, they jumped ship joined the top dog and want pvp.

5. MS is getting frustrated due to lack of pvp, boring sieges. Guess what else isn't fun? Having two decent parties, and fighting 5, then having another 5 port in on top of you. Why waste my time? You guys say you want pvp, say you want sieges. Every, single, time i have ever fought ms this is what happens. We win, you rebuild, log all your top players trade gear for half an hour then say lets go again. You only fight when the advantage is in your court, even in sieges, one party is fighting one of ours and you don't let the fight happen. You port three additional parties.

The only way to get rid of the ms zerg? Simple. Stop engaging them, stop pvping them, stop sieging, ignore them. They will get bored of having all this gear and nothing to do and will try to form up another side, or simply will quit. It is already happening, if you guys could see the PMS from MS members you'd laugh (No I don't share PMS because I am not a 13 year old girl like choco).

P.S I am a horrible L2 player and bad at every aspect of this game, and I am a nobody. <Just to get the next 13 MS replies out of the way>

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12 hours ago, Brafrod said:

I have a question for MS ally.  The latest siege, it is apparent MS has complete control of most of the castles in Chronos, if not all.  I don't think any one can deny the MS supremacy on Chronos.  My question is now that you control the castle siege, is that what you wanted?  Is the castle siege aspect of Lineage 2 more fun for you with no activity?  The last several sieges, activity steadily decreased, APEX no long participates, from what I have seen P1rataes only has a few small parties, Crows seem to have lost interest in sieging, I saw some Los Banditos.  Is it MS's goal to make castle sieges a non activity in Lineage 2? Is there some aspect of the game about controlling castles, other than bragging rights, I do not understand?

I am not here to QQ, or whine about the pvp aspect of the game, or complain about visa warriors etc etc.  I only want to know IF there is some advantage or motivation for MS to suppress activity in castle sieges?  It is working, but is it fun?  is it worth it?  Would castle sieges be more fun with more and more people participating?

I completelu agree. Being top clan in a server is also about being smart. If u hog and shut down everything others r doing or trying to do then u just wiping the server which lead to people losing interest and quiting their effords or the game all together. If u wanna kick Chronos community while its down then, cheerio, you re doing great. If u do not change the course of your leadership then u will be bored and quiting as well in the future, cause there wont be anyone to play against or with other than mobs. Cheers

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Ok. I see u guys view as well. But being one of the guys who was there when ms was on the bottom, i have to ask. If the methods u guys say we used to push to the top was wrong and alienated most players/clans from the game, what methods should we have used to topple nova, who by the way had peppinio and a number of other heavy hitters?  What methods should we had done? All we did was the classic bottom to the top story. They say we had peeps the dropped tag to lvl. I agree. We did. I never did personally but we did have peeps to do so. So did nova. That shouldnt even b up for debate. We recruted. I mean isnt that what a clan suppose to do when trying to move up. Oh and let me say this. Im not here to smack talk. This can b a good debate. Cause like u, we see rhe lack of activity. So when i ask this question im serious. I took some months off myself. What do u suggest MS SHOULD HAVE DONE TO BEST NOVA ON THE SERVER AND WHAT SHOULD MS DO NOW TO MAKE THE SERVER COMPETITVE AGAIN? And lets see if anyone would have done what we did diffrently. Friendly debate ?

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26 minutes ago, llsamyazall said:

My humble suggestion to the MS :

recruit more peoples with end-gears (like scoobz team ).

what matters is winning and not having fun as many imagine  .... gl

Ok. So recruit less geared or better yet turn away geared people. Ok. And the statement what matters is winning, well thats kinda the point of playing. But whats winning in l2 really? Everyone who has played since i was on erika has seen so many teams go up and drop off. Only mainstay fo alk these years jas been nova. So every single team out there ahs been at their neck for years. And lets not forget when they were in their prime they were like the phalanx. They went on server Tours recruiting. So in the future that may work but ww again didnt do anything that hasnt been donw before.

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2 hours ago, LadySerson said:

The only way to get rid of the ms zerg? Simple. Stop engaging them, stop pvping them, stop sieging, ignore them. They will get bored of having all this gear and nothing to do and will try to form up another side, or simply will quit. It is already happening, if you guys could see the PMS from MS members you'd laugh (No I don't share PMS because I am not a 13 year old girl like choco).

I shared a few PMs of Mutch telling me Novas plan of getting every clan on Chronos to not come to siege and to not PvP MS. Get over it Pope and stop being a crybaby. He openly shared that information anyways so why does it matter? I just think someones a little salty that they aren't allowed to PvP with their 2T Dragon Wep :D

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9 hours ago, Lo0neyTunes said:

Hi all. I respect Katrise bcose its a fair player, i learned things from him from the tank subforum, he was kind and nice helping ppl. But i cant agree with him now. There are 2 big types of ppl who enjoy games, first tend to be farmers, and the other are most pvp'ers. No matter what gear u have, starter gear or endgame, attitude is everything. I saw ppl with dragon weapons or greater jools avoiding pvp as much as they can, cose they hate pvp, oly, or maybe they dont have fingers for that. Explain me why to invest so much money in pixels only for more farm... I dont know. its lame but is their choice. I saw also talented ppl with low or medium gear getting hero, or beating stacked ppl in oly, or hunting ppl on open map, and living all lineage life for pvp. God bless them all. I have friends from each type, but i admit i respect more the last category. What happens now with game is bcose the antigame attitude of players. And ms have a part of this situation. When nova was up, 80% of ms detagged in pve clan for avoiding pvp. The same lame tactics dh do in naia vs raising star. We all know that, bcose some ppl from morning star comes from raising star. But they do the same in cronos!!! After that, some borred top dogs from nova/ms quit or merge to classic, searching for more pvp activity. So now ms have what they deserve, almost zero pvp activity, also other clans took dragons, the big pvp spenders will quit or play less, and thats all about. If u search in old topics, i throwed to whole ms clan a challenge about no detagg for 1 month, they dont accept it, i was an undergeared tank lvl 101 or 102 so i dont lie or talk bs. This game is not only about few ppl who invest kkk $ in a toon and their meatshield, its about balance. Greedy for power and greedy for win no matter how destroy this game, not ncsoft. 

Nova has the gear to pvp and win, but they choose not to. They might not have the skill to win, but they have the gear.

Nova is attempting a tactic where they force their enemies to quit by not pvping. This is the only reason sieges are not competitive. I think that is much more antigame attitude, as you say, then anything MS is doing.

And by the way it won't work. We love trashing nova and watching them coward in a corner. We won't quit anytime soon, so have fun never pvping again.

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Oh and 1 more thing. I want this to b clear. At no point nor will i blame nova for anything. They used their methods, we used ours. But what im asking is what would have been a bettet method to beat them. Everyone says we did so much wrong. So that means u guys know the right way. And i wanna see whats the better way. Nova isnt the blame for the server current situation. But in my honest opinion we r not the problem either. I have my own personal belief on what it is. Ill share if needed. But again i say I am not blaming nova for anything. This is about y so many people blame ms for how they play the game. Notice one major thing here guys. Y R WE ONLY TALKING ABOUT SEIGES? HOW COME THESE LIL CLANS THATS TRYING SO HARD BUT BEING STEPPED ON, HOW COME THEY ONLY WANNA FIGHT AT SEIGES WHEN ALL THE HEAVY HITTERS R OUT. AND THEN EXSPECT TO WIN?  This is a conversation about peeps not being able to compete at seiges. One suggestion from me to tip the balance of things is to start lil wars with other lil clans . Once this happens people will start recruiting like crazy which will make teams stronger. U canr just hop in on sunday at lvl 104 or 5 and exspect to kill someone whos 108 playing with his same team he been playing with. I think small wars will bring the server back to life. LOW LVL LESS GEARED CLANS STOP BEING FRIENDLY AND MAKE A FEW ENEMIES. Doing this will eventually make clans statt thinking bigher and really compete. Just my opinion

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2 hours ago, LadySerson said:

There's a lot to this story, but some of it is being left out.

1. Nova dominated the server, had the biggest zerg.

2. MS did indeed yes have two parties, what they aren't openly telling people is this. They sieged, yes. They dropped all wars and stopped attempting to even xp, they fished to 105. This made MANY of the top nova players quit. 

3. MS was so desperate to topple NOVA, which they did partially because of truffle one shotting everyone, every time, and partially due to people getting bored and quitting that they mass recruited anyone, from both servers.

4. Most of the people in MS now weren't even around for this, so they have no idea, they jumped ship joined the top dog and want pvp.

5. MS is getting frustrated due to lack of pvp, boring sieges. Guess what else isn't fun? Having two decent parties, and fighting 5, then having another 5 port in on top of you. Why waste my time? You guys say you want pvp, say you want sieges. Every, single, time i have ever fought ms this is what happens. We win, you rebuild, log all your top players trade gear for half an hour then say lets go again. You only fight when the advantage is in your court, even in sieges, one party is fighting one of ours and you don't let the fight happen. You port three additional parties.

The only way to get rid of the ms zerg? Simple. Stop engaging them, stop pvping them, stop sieging, ignore them. They will get bored of having all this gear and nothing to do and will try to form up another side, or simply will quit. It is already happening, if you guys could see the PMS from MS members you'd laugh (No I don't share PMS because I am not a 13 year old girl like choco).

P.S I am a horrible L2 player and bad at every aspect of this game, and I am a nobody. <Just to get the next 13 MS replies out of the way>

This is bs, ive offered nova multiple times to pick a castle, any castle and MS will only leave 2 groups there the entire siege. They refuse this offer every time.

In addition, nova was the clan that would only let one group pvp. They would trade all gear into 1 cp and still lose. it would take 30 minutes for them to get the gear together, then they lose one fight and log out. So nova was never competition.

MS allows even the weakest group to pvp whenever they want. Nova is the clan that only pvps if they can guarantee a victory, and right now they have 0 chance to win so they don't pvp lol. Its not suprising at all, we always knew nova was a joke.



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Reading this topic I got confused cuz i rly can remeber that days when Nova was bigger and diffrent is they didn't trash talk about small clans(atleast i can't remember).

Naming MS won on this siege is not true as well they lost 2 castle and get 1. Ofc they are top clan now that's why i dont get it why they are so proud for killing some lower geared ppl are u rly proud of it, dont telling u shouldn't, it's just game.

@jinkariya u telling LB cooperaiting with Crows but what else they can do?? if u count all DW they have its still less then MS have, telling they have more pts then ms dosen't metter when u can aoe kill half of them.

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1 - Nova zerged Chronos, MS quit fighting, even Zureil pt moved for a while to Core. Nova players started to quit due to boredom.

2 - Merge happened. Luckily for MS, Zaken players leaned more to MS side than Nova's.

3 - MS leftovers + Truffle's Troupe made MS climb to the top. Fight was fair and good, but MS still couldn't cast Aden due to game mechanics and stuff.

4 - MS started to Mass Recruit even people from others servers to fight Nova leading them to finally cast Aden.

5 - MS zerged Chronos, Nova people started to quit game and Nova finally quit fighting.

6 - Now, it's time for MS boredom. Enjoy it!

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