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NOT WORKING (IOS/SI DROP) - Actual reason of massive non activity of players

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Greetings @Juji @Hime

With all the proper respect I attend to represent a large group of players who we all agree this recent change in adena drop at Stronghold is just not working for most players at the moment. Some of us have been working on characters for years to be able to even get to level 110, now it is just not even appealing to go for the free hour daily also including the fact that it is a PVP area where you can't really macro AFK or kill mobs without any worry as at Storm Isle, which makes no sense. So this is an issue for a lot of us now, we've donated and invested a lot of time and effort to make a level 110 character able to farm at Stronghold, and now is just dead time (?). Is this gonna be changed soon enough or not?


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It would be great to change drop amount back to the "mistake" levels. For weeks/months other guys benefited from it. They took the money and ran. They already screwed the economy and prices still haven't dropped for 99% of stuff, even though the adena drop rates were "fixed" over a month ago now. This just confirms that the talking point from whoever complained about the drop amount was dumb. Sorry, no other way to put it. Prices are sky high, because everyone overcharges, not because there were a few people with more adena than others. That will always be the case. But now the rest of us no longer have a way to catch up.

As for PVP, to me that was not an issue. Yes, some people PVP there. But for most part, if you only have an hour to make as much adena as possible, you aren't going to waste too much time PVP. Find a spot, start killing mobs.

Also, I never go AFK, The adena boost skill is random, so you have to be at your keyboard, if you want to use your skills that help how fast you kill. No amount of AFK macro will do that better than live person.




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8 hours ago, ElizabethSan said:

Greetings @Juji @Hime

With all the proper respect I attend to represent a large group of players who we all agree this recent change in adena drop at Stronghold is just not working for most players at the moment. Some of us have been working on characters for years to be able to even get to level 110, now it is just not even appealing to go for the free hour daily also including the fact that it is a PVP area where you can't really macro AFK or kill mobs without any worry as at Storm Isle, which makes no sense. So this is an issue for a lot of us now, we've donated and invested a lot of time and effort to make a level 110 character able to farm at Stronghold, and now is just dead time


There is your problem, you've invested instead of played.... sorry the door have hit you in the back, very hard.

Also, excused6 me, but you've leveled your character to farm exactly golden altar? Consider repurposing that char of yours, you've made a bad decision.

For me it's working and I'm 109, dunno how it doesn't for you....I guess the door effect is stronger than I thought...

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16 hours ago, mixa said:

There is your problem, you've invested instead of played.... sorry the door have hit you in the back, very hard.

Also, excused6 me, but you've leveled your character to farm exactly golden altar? Consider repurposing that char of yours, you've made a bad decision.

For me it's working and I'm 109, dunno how it doesn't for you....I guess the door effect is stronger than I thought...

Well is not really your problem.. Only the GMs concern if 50% of their players leave the server and stop donating, you don't really care about this matter just for sure to be able to poorly farm anywhere would be ok I guess this only happens to conformist players like  yourself, pretty sure that for farming 109 you would have to not AOE and at LEAST have over 1T gear on your character because you got level penalty, which makes it only possible if you donated too and as a spender I would be pissed if I can't farm at a place I've been wanting to go for years now nerfed :D Of course you would only care about yourself and not NCsoft business, that's the selfish human nature itself, be as selfish as you can be and try to be in the way of as many people as you can... I am not the only one thinking to leave because of this "Change" and anyone would notice the high inactivity of players right now also the emptyness of IOS at any time at the day when it used to be crowded. Useless time, useless player comments.

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They just answered your question, by nerfing the buff by 50%.  As I said in my previous post do you think they care about what we want?  The GM's don't even play the game they support, you know the saying "No one cares because it's not them that is affected".  NC Soft does not care what WE/YOU want they only care people continue to feed them money and as long as we are feeding them money they are happy and will do as they please.  Cause if your investing in them/donating to them you MUST be happy, you keep giving them money.

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7 hours ago, ElizabethSan said:

I would be pissed if I can't farm at a place I've been wanting to go for years now nerfed :D 

How can you have wanted to play in that instanced zone for years when it's only been added since August 8, 2019....

The drop rates are working as intended because they were decreased to encourage increased Ncoin purchasing.

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7 hours ago, ElizabethSan said:

Well is not really your problem.. Only the GMs concern if 50% of their players leave the server and stop donating

Although i partly agree with your original statement, i strongly disagree with the quoted statement, people here will never stop donating, people buy stuff and promotions before they even know what they are, they literaly beg for promotions and then cry coz a) they did not get what they thought they were paying for and b) some1 else got the new items by paying crazy amounts and they are overpowered.

People pay coz there is no other way to gather resources. The problem is not jut the 107 adena farming area for people with trillions of gear. The adena droping problem is concerning all lvls. The steady nerfs are what drives people to pay out of necessity to progress, not to get that little extra bit to enjoy the game. Most of the needed gear to enter IOS is not obtained by in game means, your jewels brooches, cloaks, some rings/earnings some shirts, some circlets, artifacts agathions and so on. Not gonna bother making estimations about the real money equivalence that a character "investment" costs which is many cases reach absurd levels.

Many years ago i played  a different game (name doesn't really matter) which had rmt that eventually got out of hand coz people wanted to dominate the pvp and not actually play(like here!). At some point they closed down their servers. You know the thing that people cried the most? "I payed x amount of money in this game,  i want my money back". To the people saying i donated X amount and can;t do Y thing anymore and to all the heavy spenders: did your get your moneys worth out of this game so far? if yes i don't get what separates your complains from the rest of the people that also don't get adenas that correspond to their lvl. If no, i really don;t get why you keep donating heavy amounts.

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8 hours ago, ElizabethSan said:

Well is not really your problem.. Only the GMs concern if 50% of their players leave the server and stop donating, you don't really care about this matter just for sure to be able to poorly farm anywhere would be ok I guess this only happens to conformist players like  yourself, pretty sure that for farming 109 you would have to not AOE and at LEAST have over 1T gear on your character because you got level penalty, which makes it only possible if you donated too and as a spender I would be pissed if I can't farm at a place I've been wanting to go for years now nerfed :D Of course you would only care about yourself and not NCsoft business, that's the selfish human nature itself, be as selfish as you can be and try to be in the way of as many people as you can... I am not the only one thinking to leave because of this "Change" and anyone would notice the high inactivity of players right now also the emptyness of IOS at any time at the day when it used to be crowded. Useless time, useless player comments.

They have lost way more players in the past, tbh its YOUR concern if players leave, since you`re invested in this.The GMs will just move on and you`ll be left in the corner and your $$$ gone poof xD

I have decent gear, but unlike rands like you, I almost never need to "pay", I like to actually play the game instead, you know, a game, it's meant to be played.Oh well you may not even know this...

How did you want to go to a place to farm for years when it didn't exist for years....delusional or smth?

I don't care about NC's business, not be cause I`m selfish, but be cause its not my problem to care about.

Today there is another nerf to IoS, but I bet you won't quit, please prove me wrong xD 

Rands like you don't matter in anything in this game, you might think you do, but in the end you're the victims of everything.Enjoy your stay.

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18 hours ago, b0uff0s said:

Although i partly agree with your original statement, i strongly disagree with the quoted statement, people here will never stop donating, people buy stuff and promotions before they even know what they are, they literaly beg for promotions and then cry coz a) they did not get what they thought they were paying for and b) some1 else got the new items by paying crazy amounts and they are overpowered.

People pay coz there is no other way to gather resources. The problem is not jut the 107 adena farming area for people with trillions of gear. The adena droping problem is concerning all lvls. The steady nerfs are what drives people to pay out of necessity to progress, not to get that little extra bit to enjoy the game. Most of the needed gear to enter IOS is not obtained by in game means, your jewels brooches, cloaks, some rings/earnings some shirts, some circlets, artifacts agathions and so on. Not gonna bother making estimations about the real money equivalence that a character "investment" costs which is many cases reach absurd levels.

Many years ago i played  a different game (name doesn't really matter) which had rmt that eventually got out of hand coz people wanted to dominate the pvp and not actually play(like here!). At some point they closed down their servers. You know the thing that people cried the most? "I payed x amount of money in this game,  i want my money back". To the people saying i donated X amount and can;t do Y thing anymore and to all the heavy spenders: did your get your moneys worth out of this game so far? if yes i don't get what separates your complains from the rest of the people that also don't get adenas that correspond to their lvl. If no, i really don;t get why you keep donating heavy amounts.

I've been ranting just like this since 2011. ¬¬

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