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best trio for fastest leveling


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1 thing might be good: the Flames of Invincibility

And maybe if it gives COV for the whole clan, but the Victories of Paagrio is different than COV (id say worse)

(if u think this is good for debuffs, then u gotta remember, he needs to go pretty close to apply debuffs, and then the longer the game goes, ppl will have even stronger resists. Hint: swordsinger lvl 80 song :D )

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2 hours ago, YaST said:

ES + OL + SE (for Extra MP + empower to nonstop kill)

All other combinations requiere stop killing.

Summoners getting nuke levels after 40 is 2.0

To level OL, pick a duo you'd like, basically fighter/pp or nuker/se and stick the OL in to leech. That works for EE's too since their buffs are lol too.

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The best DOU I ran back in the very early days of L2 Was that of the second post, 


SH and SE is second to none.  You can add whatever you want to that and win.


Also just saw the rest of the posts, you are 100% correct OL is BEAST mode come Clan vs. Clan PvP

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There isn't even Dominator in this first patch. I think 3rd class is only added later. Either way, you probably won't get there that fast. They will probably launch 2 or 3 patches until you reach 76, and that is being optimistic.

And Overlord is not really good until it becomes a Dominator, so I would suggest you concentrate your strenght in lvling a spoiler/crafter/buffer first, and then power level an Overlord into a Dominator as suggested by @FatHips.

But hey, the main goal is to have fun, so if you like to play with OL, forget what we said and go for it. Every class is needed, useful and important at some point in the game.

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These are just my guesses:

Fastest leveling on warlocks as they can farm like mages with unlimited mana if solo

Fastest duo probably Spellhowler+ee as emp can be earned by fishing when you sleep, farm without hp

Fastest trio: bd+necro+spellhowler - aoe, buffs from pots are sufficient.

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