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Everything posted by ffe

  1. make new char on the same account level it to 19 just with 2 easy quest so fast it get done use dimensional merchant icon on top of your bag icon well u need like 4000 adena for 4 pieces transfer it to your said char that dont have the armor make sure u pick the right type for your desired armor done gl
  2. finally we got some boost and grateful for that hoping in near future updates will be more and more boost for us
  3. before it was holy attribute? or not well all class got the same wind attribute, but its free
  4. there should be afew places with little lake or pond outside of safe zone where you can fish like fellmere lake
  5. maybe its a feature now
  6. if about bots, live servers always on normal status unlike the other 2 of classic's meaning its crazier on live coz it only have 2 server and I can not do unlimited blade works boxing without feel a little lags
  7. can you ask dev to change for all 30-day Lv.3 as rewards
  8. just buy from players or make warcryer
  9. write ticket to support maybe they can help u
  10. Olympiad is held from 8.00 p.m. till 12.00 p.m. (for 4 hours) on Fridays and Saturdays.
  11. next events will be far worse than this one consider us being lucky
  12. so red mobs can drop loot too?
  13. for some its useful to avoid dying at mobs, small price to cheat death xp loss for pvp-ers well sure its not fun but what can you do?
  14. think I saw Juji said he will ask dev to check on it, maybe on known bugs section
  15. it will be back if they can manage to get new anti-bot system unlike useless xigncode for now enjoy it while it lasts
  16. I tried to play one for daily quest and it worked well since people box their own can not do healing at aoe mobs never think of playing it alone, must have at least 1 damage dealer class for solo-ing
  17. its for people with alot of money to use it without shots as auto farm not bad eh
  18. why do we have so many bots on the server? that answer remain to be seen
  19. i would refer to the tales of zaken server once a guy name after a mushroom farmed the dying server then when server merge he got the best crap ever on new place
  20. never think of that I would buy 1000 in bulk and use it all it will be 50000% xp boost right
  21. actually it is 8hrs, when buffed you see it countdown for 7hrs but description says 8hrs yea i would like that too
  22. I use small macro for example /summonattack /target summon /useskill heal /delay 10 normal heal or servitor heal depends on your heal skill level and if high enough you will be empty of mana fast thats why use delay or take normal heal skill at lowest level as possible or you can add afew more chars for heal and buff /target %party1 /useskill might /useskill recharge or heal or anything you need
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