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Everything posted by iHyperlite

  1. theyre re-setting the server, no one is getting anything tho...
  2. it was reported immidiately by multiple people. are you stating they should ban ppl and leave the servers un-rolled back?
  3. there are a handful of players who have all the adena on each server. these players also have top items. buying items on the AH that the masses turned in for isnt a bug, exploit, or anything. its a poorly ran maintenance and a server roll back is fine. if the person who made a stage 3 on the claws is banned, so would every single person who tried to enchant after maint, regardless if they know of the bug or not. bit rediculous expectation for bans to be issued on that.
  4. u will get your adena / dragon slayers / golds back and your original weapon. please try again and i wish u luck.
  5. how is it abusing a bug if the npc to give items was giving the wrong items? this is ncsoft's fault, not the users. a server roll back is appropriate here, not bans.
  6. will the server transfers that were processed remain? will all ncoin purchases be reset?
  7. and a 20% discount up to the same ncoin amount spent during the event weeks on event items.
  8. this is japan/taiwan's rewards. everone there has stage 3 and 20 cloaks and stage 6 god jewels now we know why... and yet we all still sit here and spend money to get screwed...
  9. if they leave as is, dont roll back, dont let the masses participate and buy chests as well to obtain new rewards, ill quit too. with the money i spent the last 2 weeks on the event, i would have made stage 2 dragon daggers for the same cost. thats shit if they do nothing
  10. @Juji +10 reward is a destro scroll for ancient kingdom cloak 15-18 / +12 is a dragon claw like, i just spent a ton enchanting this past week and would have done it all dif if i knew we'd get these rewards today.
  11. @Juji @Hime @LIME come on, how havent you done an emergency maint yet?
  12. @Juji u may wanna check event stick turn in roll back some stuff... weapon values just totally changed... or re-enable the event purchase and let us all try fairly. letting ppl keep these items is def not a cool outcome to the current situation.
  13. both sides click to agree is extremely carebear, sorry. that is a poor idea and doesnt function in any way like how a real life war or in game war works, regardless of declaration. if the clan that was declared against wants to fight back and flag and kill, they should also then accept the war status as attacking back is also an act of war. you dont get to freely kill ppl who declare on you and never accept bro, come on... your solution also doesnt address the lack of detag penalty, which is why everyone moves to 14 man clans. you're main focus is staying warless with 15+ man clans to pve freely without any consequences or effort from your members to not attack ppl. its kind of the opposite of what this thread is pushing to do.
  14. core is getting the neutral zone update, maybe this is prep for us to get it early like the ketra update?
  15. You will re-enable server transfers after the 16th? for both servers to freely go to the other server?
  16. U got up to speed fast Welcome back to this lovely addiction we have.
  17. People complain about non target aoes opening a war in the current system. You say that's a game problem, not a clan war problem. OK, fine. Call it whatever you want, but they are related, and can be discussed as such. To your direct question: if I declare on a clan, and they kill my clan members 5 times, they should open war. I am fine the the declared status and 5 kills. The detag issue is my only complaint in this thread. I think the war declaration system is fine. I think the 5 kills to open a war is fine. I dislike people flagging with non target aoe's, but I'm sort of whatever on that. The stuff about dragons, etc. All dragons should be pvp zones like at swords and siege.
  18. It seems like a boring class to me, but I typically dislike hybrid classes. I think it's good in pvp, but not so much in pve. Maybe no one plays one correct, I dunno.
  19. Are you asking in general or to my posts? I have stated pretty clearly what I think the problem is. There is no reason to stay in a clan of more than 14 people in the current state of the game. There is no benefit to holding a war and no penalty for ending or detaging. People detag right after siege, and join 14- man clans to pve for 13 days, only to retag up for siege, rinse, repeat. This is not how the clan and war system is supposed to work. There is also the aspect of non target aoe's inadvertently starting wars because the 5 kill mechanism is abused by some people. I have suggested a couple of things to combat these, as have other people. 1 solution is making the penalty for leaving a clan on lvl 110+ people 14 days. This would prevent them from sieging under their main tag on the defense siege 2 weeks later. Another solution is to remove the 14 man protection of war status for a clan. Another solution is to revamp how wars are accepted and started. Another solution is to make non target aoe's behave according to how the in game target selection is set to (monster, pc, taunt) to prevent inadvertent flagging. I don't honestly see how anyone can read through the non toxic comments in this thread and still wonder what we are discussing, no offense m8.
  20. @Juji @Hime @LIME Have you guys brought up the current issues with the dev team yet based on this thread? Do we need ppl to submit a bunch of petitions to have you look at this? Please advise.
  21. and go red, then they attack your red and you cant do anything about it. they swap cc leader, their problem is solved. so are you going to pk all 40+ toons? and how will you prevent them from res'ing themselves after you pk? thats alot of karma.... edit: i think you missed my comment where 1 person is driving 20+ toons on 1 pc. swapping cc leader is no issue.
  22. i wonder if the aspect of non target aoe's inadvertantly flagging someone who is set to target to mob, if that was fixed, would there be a way to open war on an afk person? i think not unless they fought back. maybe ncsoft needs to look at the non target aoe mechanics outside of a siege/combat zone. Maybe the skill mechanics can change based on target to taunt/pc/mob and.or current zone settings
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