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Everything posted by iHyperlite

  1. Yea, transfers are done manually. Support staff won't be able to help. @Jujican though
  2. Read this thread: https://forums.lineage2.com/topic/19977-homunculus-instructions/
  3. regarding nymph, ive asked multiple people who have it and have been told p atk power = patk. you should be able to see your stats adjust. edit: fallen angel ring has the same discrepancy in the item tool tip but passive is correct.
  4. shadow reverse works well if u have all mobs attacking u (go in with mass trick to pull em all). only works where mobs are closer tho.
  5. for adena drop to be boosted for the party, all characters must have prestige pack. even if the character is in a different region in game (but still in party). the only adena boost that is character dependant is the increase adena passive buff from the dual class skills. drop runes behave the same way as prestige rune. all chars must have it to work. xp runes are dependant on the individual character boost. the party just affects what xp is given to all members, then your boost adjusts from there. even if soeone has no xp runes, it doesnt affect the person who has them. edit: on adena, if u make 1kk/hour with 1 person, each char should make 500k/hour when in party with prestige. it keeps dividing equally. If 1 char misses prestige, everyone looses the bonus
  6. Yes, AH is bugged on naia. Any fix planned?
  7. A ghost hunter's focus is back stabs on the rear of the target. The wind rider is all about the flanks, spoiler has no front facing penalty and is similar to adventurer in that it can stab a front facing mob without penalty. However, they won't hit as hard as a ghost hunter from the rear.
  8. Without a dragon/cursed wep, it is very hard to get to the attack element needed to make a difference on 115+ mobs. Skill power / skill crit dmg / p atk crit dmg is the correct 3 fighter artifacts to use.
  9. Prestige and drop runes works in a manner that all party members must have them to reap the benefits. On the xp event, I stick a lvl 110 char with prestige in town, then I go to farm toi in the duo, but truly as a solo. I get the bonus xp of the server setting applied in solo while also getting full benefits of prestige and drop runes. Im guessing the change affects our ability to do this.
  10. Yes. The prices aren't a discount. Hence, a joke Edit: Ncsoft clearly assumes south America does not use the us dollar electronically in wide fashion. This is an incorrect assumption and the sales on some of these packs will be little to none.
  11. Well, people wanted a fix for the chests and we got a fix. Glad I got my la vies already, their prices just doubled. Also, @Juji @Hime the cost of gem powders is, yet again, very disappointing. Core got cloaks and God jewels. All other regions have a substantially lower cost structure for these things. Why has ours stayed the same as the 1st event 4+ years ago?
  12. I'm not saying it's a good deal. I've heard the south American sale was a joke for many ppl in the poorer countries. Was just passing on the info.
  13. More pvp To be fair, many zones could be re-coded to allow more mob groups. But that's way out of ncwest's hands. They won't do this, don't worry.
  14. https://www.lineage2.com/news/latin-america-ncoin-sale
  15. No new servers imo. They should up capacity and merge the 2 we have.
  16. no party bonus, but we got 7 days worth of vit items (nevits, storms) so thats amazing.
  17. Not possible. The most interaction the servers get is durng dimension events (oly, dim siege, future toi floors in update). On dim siege, you can chat. No trading is possible cross server.
  18. Yes you can at the Blacksmith in town I believe m8, this is a step in the right direction. I'm not sure what you want. That exalted 3rd sa is very strong for little to no money.
  19. This is unfortunately the way L2 works many times. I see this as an attempt to decrease the gear gap between top players and non top players. This is a good change. Btw, I own a shilen 6. It literally just lost a ton of value.
  20. It depends where you are talking. There aren't any true party zones like ketra/varka for the lvls you are describing. An ISS and 6 dd's would be good xp, but way too many chars for most of those spots in my opinion. On dd's, all aoe. Edit: to a proper 7 man Tank / iss / healer / yul / yul / Feoh / tyr or yul
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