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Everything posted by iHyperlite

  1. i think the point of hero chat is to not allow it to be turned off. its part of the perk of being a hero. as other said tho, block the few people you cant stand and move on. personally, i block no one except those annoying rmt adena spam pm's. i just ignore ppl
  2. well, u are correct. shows how much i use in game chat...
  3. the only thing that changed was your level? did the mob change from white to green or green to light blue?
  4. hero is only forced on general chat. turn trade chat into the normal window you use and your problem is solved.
  5. its because we will all have to pay full price for cakes/maint pots on the xp event that will soon follow to fix the decreased summer subs
  6. discord is a chat program used by players to communicate while in or out of game. there is voice chat and type chat.
  7. lindvior gives dex, but it isnt worth the cost in my opinion for dmg increase. atlas earring and blessed angels is the smarter choice.
  8. this update is barely an update. more bug/tool tip fixes than features.
  9. blessed exalted are stronger and can be enchanted to +10. you also get a bunch of other items (longing, sayha tali, boost pots) with the blessed exalted pack. the quest exalted gear is trash and should be ignored for the blessed exalted from the store.
  10. good luck with your clan m8 i'm glad you found one.
  11. yea, thats more work than im willing to put in atm
  12. I know alot about many classes and game mechanics, but summoner is not one I have ever played. I cannot help on this, I apologize.
  13. Clans exist, especially pve clans with 40-50 ppl. However, your level and gear will be a major factor on if you find a good one or not. I'd say both servers have clans like this. 100% naia does I know for sure. Most clans probably require 110+ unless you are a support char, then maybe 107/108 would be OK. What is your class/level? What server r u on?
  14. That event was long long long ago m8. I haven't seen an event like that in forever. If you need images of the epic jewel icons, I believe they exists on the L2wiki
  15. What do you want to do in game? Party people or solo? How much do you want to spend? Right now, you have a support character. It is awesome for parties, won't require a ton of RL cash to make decent. But, to make the char great it will need a dd to level it properly. Regarding what char to plvl with, I will suggest a yul. On your Iss class, I would recommend swapping to swordsinger or hierophant. Both are better than the blade dancer in my opinion. Sword singer has the Archery song which is needed for pvp which still having the party buff. Hierophant has pom, the single best buff to give a dd. You can swap class at next Red libra, but it isn't a huge deal for pve.
  16. Except a dw stage 3 in Korea is equal to about 40-60 grand usd... Japan/Taiwan server always been crazy gear. I'm not saying our cost model is awesome, it's not. But what you are saying isn't true about stage 3 costs in general.
  17. What about ncoin purchases during that time?
  18. my guess is they need an updated file set from korea.
  19. today had nothing to do with cheaters... wtf... ppl need to focus
  20. so were ncoins re-imbursed for purchases? just asking... edit: i bought ios passes after maint, i am unsure if my ncoin was reimbursed as i didnt look at the value. the passes were gone, im curious if my ncoin was returned
  21. when i opened loot boxes on this event on naia, my best take was grand kain wep scroll and intermediate book imo, naia has lower rates on everything
  22. i dont even know what u are talking about. no rmt happened based on this maintenance fiasco. it seems like you are upset about a different issue unrelated to today's maint. well, yes. everyone should be enraged at what Japan/Taiwan has as rewards for the same event. unfortunately, we have all known NCsoft milks us hardcore for a long time. Today was just a hard reminder how badly they are screwing us.
  23. restore abuse is totally different than what happened today.
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