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Everything posted by iHyperlite

  1. if u are a dagger, u can sit in fake death with the dialog box open. but you cannot open a dialog box while dead or fake death. A dead person also cant click to enter. regarding the disadvantage: the 1st to flag can be attacked by all freely. you risk a pk which if that happens, gg. standing at the npc, not flagging back, is the smartest play to take that raid because it is normal field rules (flag/pk/war in effect). also, whoever clicks fastest takes that dragon. and if we think ppl who always take valakas are doing it with hands, you would be sadly mistaken. even the cc of 40+ is loaded by 1-5 players... everything about the valakas raid is setup to try and take the raid with minimal pvp. it doesnt make any sense.
  2. valakas can be stolen by who clicks faster and it is not a pvp zone. if you wanna prevent that, you have to flag first or pk, both of which put you at a disadvantage to click. edit: half the dragons are disabled atm. so maybe they need to re-enable them too while were at it.
  3. The current system is broken bc there is no "benefit" to holding an active war. The entire aspect of afk xp + my teleports creates a massive benefit to the attacking player. The afk person has no way to actively defend against the attack, so why would anyone keep an open war? The other issue is the penalty for leaving a clan is insignificant. There needs to be a much bigger penalty for leaving a clan. My suggestion is a 14 day penalty when leaving a clan for any player over level 110. This will prevent anyone who detags after siege completed to not be able to participate in the defense of the next castle siege while tagged. This could definitely be done to our current war system to try and force people to not detag without much change. The 1st issue I noted about afk ganking, well i dont have good solution for that yet. But, if everyone stays tagged in the 1st place, things might be better.
  4. L2 store with ncoin. Then spend them at the beauty npc in town.
  5. I was on naia. Now I'm on chronos. Yes, they are different. Chronos has a substantially better market on most all items. There are a few oddities that aren't this way, but most all gear is more abundant on chronos, more red cats, more ++ weps, more God jewels, more stage 1/2. The entire economy is better on chronos. Both servers lack b Vala, dragon rings, and a few other things missing from events the last 3 months.
  6. The old apps don't change glow color after +20. This is why it was removed.
  7. ill ask conan, but from what i have seen its no dif.
  8. How much enchant do you want to get
  9. Man, we just had an xp event... The pocketbooks needs to recoup
  10. Chronos is a live server, not classic. If you started on a live servers, you should get permanent gear from the quests tarti gives in gludio. Chronos is us time zone, naia is Europeans rome zone. Outside of that, the other servers are classic servers for a different game product.
  11. Mobs are not weak to a specific element anymore. You don't need opposite elements for more dmg. As for holy being a good option. Yes, it is because most people stack dark to protect against cursed weps.
  12. What skills are you using in your macro? Are you using target to taunt in the options or target to monster?
  13. Are you playing the normal or classic version of the game? Which server r u on?
  14. Try to buy mysterious shots only. They have no weight.
  15. Add alts to your friend list, then use the mail system. You can click next the to where you type in the "to" on the mail and click from your friend list so you never mistype a name.
  16. re-press alt+p think of it like a toggle you turn on and off
  17. most people create a 2nd acc with an iss on it to solo, or they join a pug group and party random ppl. you can also buy cocktails or use self buffs that are lower lvl.
  18. ToA on naia was a pve clan that had ppl trying to start wars all the time on us. We actively told members what skills to not use, reminded them to set target to monster, and actively closed wars after each maint. if we had a problem member who always was the culprit, we eventually figured it out and kicked them. im not disagreeing that the current system is a pain in the ass for this. but many of these inadvertent wars can be prevented by members who listen and follow directions.
  19. a dual class cannot have a mentor. once your main reaches 105, you can no longer be a mentee or have a mentor. if you mean a duelist (the tyr warrior class), yes it can have a mentee. However, it is not as super popular tyr to play in pve.
  20. beleth magic circle has alot of animations going on. as @Connex said, try lowering graphic settings or playing in Alt+P mode when going there. (Alt+P will set you to minimum graphics settings instantly)
  21. most parties will want prestige. however, low lvls it may not be as much of a problem. 110+ though, prestige is pretty much needed to make adena.
  22. Grind is always the answer To the OP, at 99 you need to leave blazing swamp. Try to find people who setup afk xp at your timezones to kill with. This will eventually get you into the dailies in aden. Also, joining a clan can help but 99 is a bit low for that. You want 105+ then the true game starts. 99-105 shouldn't take forever.
  23. Dailies, instance zones, grind, siege, pvp, raid
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