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How is it that you're so fast to comment on something so useless as this but can't respond to you community?  This game is going down the chitter at an alarming rate and you tell us you changed your email!

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12 minutes ago, Degus said:

How is it that you're so fast to comment on something so useless as this but can't respond to you community?  This game is going down the chitter at an alarming rate and you tell us you changed your email!

I feel this is a fair question.

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TODAY Me and my 3 friends, leave. 4 players and + box = 12 "players"

Google translate, sorry my english.

There is a vip system in the game, if you look, will see XP / DROP bonus, so ncsoft lowered the rates (0.50) to compensate with VIP, and this will never change.
Now p2w has arrived strong, only pendant with real money.

Good game man, OLD but GOOD, was destroyed by ower.

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21 minutes ago, Degus said:

How is it that you're so fast to comment on something so useless as this but can't respond to you community?  This game is going down the chitter at an alarming rate and you tell us you changed your email!


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Why doesn’t the staff respond to every complaint and issue that’s going on?

80% (arbitrary number) of posts chastise them in some way and offer zero worth to the conversation.  Like a bunch of elementary school children, we play the blame game, and call each other names.  Who wants to reply to that garbage?  I do find that 20% (again arbitrary) make suggestions to the problem, not just whine relentlessly with nothing productive to add to the dialogue.

Who here actually believes the “community managers” control the financial model of the game and all of the actions pertaining to actual gameplay?  They’ve learned to not give the trolls what they want, which is attention.  If we as a whole were more adult (meaning mature) in our presentation, perhaps productive dialogue could take place, but even then, there’s only so much the “community managers” can do.  I’d say the pinnacle of their assistance would be to advocate on our behalf, to the senior staff.  What else can they do?


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10 hours ago, Degus said:

How is it that you're so fast to comment on something so useless as this but can't respond to you community?  This game is going down the chitter at an alarming rate and you tell us you changed your email!

+1 to this.

Server is infested by bots. People use bots and are not even scared to admit it in public/discord etc.

But we have no update regarding the issue, nor some major bans.

We cannot play the only game that we loved. We cannot find our home, our server, and instead of having the people of NCSoft helping us and be on our side, they prefer to keep making fun of us.


Anyways, to sum up and lighten you up all:

-How's your professional career been progressing my dear?

-Things couldn't have been better. I'm a CM.


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6 hours ago, Vol0tron said:


There is always a choice.


Because this the start of p2w event you dont see now much diference between players,but in 1-2 years some players will solo farm again rb and 1 shot almost everybody in server.

This happened on naia and will happen here too.


Dont waste your time here and make a choice to save your money,time and yourself from this guys that dont know to make their jobs.


This guy said it all. There are plenty of choices around.

Creating new topics in the forum complaining WILL NOT make them act. Just stop playing and stop wasting money in L2 Store. Simple.

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Oh man thanks for the laughs! Good post. But isn't it kind of obvious why hime is able to respond so fast? Your asking a question hime can directly answer as a community moderator. I don't think hime has the authority to speak about game mechanics and updates n stuff until cleared by the devs which is why it takes longer for them to answer the other questions that get repeatedly asked in multiple threads..

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1 hour ago, Pernicious said:

Oh man thanks for the laughs! Good post. But isn't it kind of obvious why hime is able to respond so fast? Your asking a question hime can directly answer as a community moderator. I don't think hime has the authority to speak about game mechanics and updates n stuff until cleared by the devs which is why it takes longer for them to answer the other questions that get repeatedly asked in multiple threads..

The community is more than aware of this, hence why the community applies pressure whenever possible. The Mods should be able to communicate with us freely, and openly, though it is not the case. Now there are those who groan everytime the community applies pressure and then there is everyone else. That's all. 

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On 3/6/2019 at 7:45 PM, Hime said:

Huh. I think it's because I changed my email on my account last week...

Maybe I'm paranoic but ussualy email change when the user behind account change....real @Hime kicked out or that email adress could send people straight to your real social networks profile?

Why now YOU and @Juji don't make an live stream like you did on server launch to answer honest to our questions? Why don't you have and payback system for the people that you betrayed?

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On 06/03/2019 at 4:55 PM, Degus said:

How is it that you're so fast to comment on something so useless as this but can't respond to you community?  This game is going down the chitter at an alarming rate and you tell us you changed your email!

Game is ran by koreans, they will not speak for things they can't control, they will stay ethical to their job, they answer what they should and respect the korea's decision. Server is p2w because korea wants it that way. People should learn to focus their hate on things that matter, not talk c**p on community managers. This game is ran by NCSoft, you know where this is going, you can't complain about things you know it's gonna happen.

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As you can see from Hime's last response, she is still around and responding, and this is more of a forums' settings issue ;) Before this thread will further derail into a troll fest, I am locking it up.

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