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Huge lag


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19 hours ago, Lophora said:

Is the latency problem back? Today all day i have big lag and big delay in skills use/buffs and normal attack @Juji@Hime

Sorry bro. The server have NO LAG and NO DISCONNECTS. It's the ISP... Send a ticket and wait. If they do not response that. I give you a R100 weapon!

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@danti don't troll ppl.. everyone knows the server delay/lag went up due to the x-mas trees etc event and went extreme after Juji "fixed" the raid boss respawn


the issue lies with the actual game server and not the ISP connection, everyone has the same problem and I see the same behavior on my pc that's connected normally as well on the gaming pc that uses direct vpn tunnel to the game server so yeah absolutely not ISP related

@Juji fix your game man, just not ok that players can kill 2 groups of mobs on stronghold timed zone and then has to wait for the dead mobs to fade before they finally respawn.. people actually spend NCoins for those passes and then I'm not even talking about those that uses boost items that are very expensive as well..

this must be one of the few games were players actually pay more for worse services!!

pardon my harsh words but the server situation is beyond acceptable and even with a so called 50% XP boost ppl actually make less XP atm cause of that.

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There has really been something happening. I ran full boost in storm island Thursday evening, and last night. Last night I was easily 250T worth of exp down compared to the night before. That's 41T/hour difference. When I'm running full boost and not getting what I've basically paid for and paid for the instance...............

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43 minutes ago, Draecke said:

@danti don't troll ppl.. everyone knows the server delay/lag went up due to the x-mas trees etc event and went extreme after Juji "fixed" the raid boss respawn


the issue lies with the actual game server and not the ISP connection, everyone has the same problem and I see the same behavior on my pc that's connected normally as well on the gaming pc that uses direct vpn tunnel to the game server so yeah absolutely not ISP related

@Juji fix your game man, just not ok that players can kill 2 groups of mobs on stronghold timed zone and then has to wait for the dead mobs to fade before they finally respawn.. people actually spend NCoins for those passes and then I'm not even talking about those that uses boost items that are very expensive as well..

this must be one of the few games were players actually pay more for worse services!!

pardon my harsh words but the server situation is beyond acceptable and even with a so called 50% XP boost ppl actually make less XP atm cause of that.

That !!!!!

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