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List of goods in short supply

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Hi, in another thread here I noticed that ppl have problem with high prices of some items, because they either dont drop so often as before or are more needed now or didnt appear ingame for ages. I write here small list of items which I think can be overpriced now even I understand that someone can see it in different way.


  • Rune Stone
  • Superior Giant's Codex - Mastery
  • Alien Nano Supplement Event
  • Top-grade Spirit Stone
  • Elcyum, Elcyum Crystal, Elcyum Powder
  • Bloody Armor Enhancement Stone
  • Superior Giant's Codex
  • Freya's Luck Potion (called Maphr's before)


Is possible to add these items in some of next events as drop or even better to put them as possible drop/reward of any instance (that would be probably too complicated change)?

Thanks @Juji

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5 minutes ago, Barnabas666 said:

Hi, in another thread here I noticed that ppl have problem with high prices of some items, because they either dont drop so often as before or are more needed now or didnt appear ingame for ages. I write here small list of items which I think can be overpriced now even I understand that someone can see it in different way.


  • Rune Stone
  • Superior Giant's Codex - Mastery
  • Alien Nano Supplement Event
  • Top-grade Spirit Stone
  • Elcyum, Elcyum Crystal, Elcyum Powder
  • Bloody Armor Enhancement Stone
  • Superior Giant's Codex
  • Freya's Luck Potion (called Maphr's before)


Is possible to add these items in some of next events as drop or even better to put them as possible drop/reward of any instance (that would be probably too complicated change)?

Thanks @Juji

I think the same,mostly for the rune stones

That item is used to learn skills lvl 99/101/103, on new mentee stage now, and there is NO way to farm in a logical way those items. In the way it is now, there is no way to fully understand the reach of your toon without expending money that cannot be farmed at those lvl

At least add the rune stone to the ncstore at 20 ncoins for example, so the price range will be 40kk of adena instead of 200 as is now. Or add those in the oly shop, similar to the superior codex

Plz @Juji or @Hime check on this because the market values now are literally killing the game.

Thanks in advance, and best regards

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2 hours ago, Barnabas666 said:

Hi, in another thread here I noticed that ppl have problem with high prices of some items, because they either dont drop so often as before or are more needed now or didnt appear ingame for ages. I write here small list of items which I think can be overpriced now even I understand that someone can see it in different way.


  • Rune Stone
  • Superior Giant's Codex - Mastery
  • Alien Nano Supplement Event
  • Top-grade Spirit Stone
  • Elcyum, Elcyum Crystal, Elcyum Powder
  • Bloody Armor Enhancement Stone
  • Superior Giant's Codex
  • Freya's Luck Potion (called Maphr's before)


Is possible to add these items in some of next events as drop or even better to put them as possible drop/reward of any instance (that would be probably too complicated change)?

Thanks @Juji

Agree with you on everything except for Elcyum.  Don't get me wrong, it would be nice to have them drop from an event or cheap in the store but, they aren't too hard to get.  People need them to enchant r110 so there is a strong demand for them  However, if you make them too easily accessible you are gonna kill some peoples only way of making adena (fishing).   

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4 hours ago, Barnabas666 said:

Hi, in another thread here I noticed that ppl have problem with high prices of some items, because they either dont drop so often as before or are more needed now or didnt appear ingame for ages. I write here small list of items which I think can be overpriced now even I understand that someone can see it in different way.


  • Rune Stone
  • Superior Giant's Codex - Mastery
  • Alien Nano Supplement Event
  • Top-grade Spirit Stone
  • Elcyum, Elcyum Crystal, Elcyum Powder
  • Bloody Armor Enhancement Stone
  • Superior Giant's Codex
  • Freya's Luck Potion (called Maphr's before)


Is possible to add these items in some of next events as drop or even better to put them as possible drop/reward of any instance (that would be probably too complicated change)?

Thanks @Juji

Sorry, I don't want an event that drops any of these items. They NEED to figure out a way to input these items in game so that players can regularly work towards them without needing mana to drop from Heaven.  Be it a quest, Fishing game, a special Exalted store, add it to Mammon store, Mentor store, Luxury shop, something.

Events should be reserved for really cool and truly special and rare items to drop. If you ask for an event that drops this stuff, believe me, all you're going to get is a series of events that do nothing but drop this crap and not the top items. Be careful what you wish for.

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For Elcyum the response is "NO". Why? Because you can get them from farming. Spending +- 500m in baits+shots for fishing gives you +-2 Elcyum.

 I don´t see any reason for this to be available for other players through the L2Store. It would literally make fishing useless. You can buy them for 75 Hero Coins ... Too expensive.

  • Rune Stone

You get those for 25 Hero Coin or learn to play in team.

  • Superior Giant's Codex - Mastery

Start doing Olympiad

  • Alien Nano Supplement Event

Don´t need

  • Top-grade Spirit Stone

Make a friend spoiler

  • Bloody Armor Enhancement Stone

I agree those are rare. I even need those for my armor and boy it is difficult to find them. I did my R110 Bow and helmet so far.

  • Superior Giant's Codex

Start doing Olympiad

  • Freya's Luck Potion (called Maphr's before)

Maybe you need them ;)

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2 minutes ago, extase1987 said:

For Elcyum the response is "NO". Why? Because you can get them from farming. Spending +- 500m in baits+shots for fishing gives you +-2 Elcyum.

 I don´t see any reason for this to be available for other players through the L2Store. It would literally make fishing useless. You can buy them for 75 Hero Coins ... Too expensive.

  • Rune Stone

You get those for 25 Hero Coin or learn to play in team.

  • Superior Giant's Codex - Mastery

Start doing Olympiad

  • Alien Nano Supplement Event

Don´t need

  • Top-grade Spirit Stone

Make a friend spoiler

  • Bloody Armor Enhancement Stone

I agree those are rare. I even need those for my armor and boy it is difficult to find them. I did my R110 Bow and helmet so far.

  • Superior Giant's Codex

Start doing Olympiad

  • Freya's Luck Potion (called Maphr's before)

Maybe you need them ;)

My comment is about rune stone only, i think the option the lvl of the item, and the option you have to get that item do not match. 25 hero coin should be the value of the new rune stone, not the ones needed to learn skills of lvl 99/101/103. 

You are telling me that there is logic in log 14 accounts between 5 ppl to farm 2 runestones per week. so we are promoting to log account when there are queue all days of the week.

My issue with the runestones is the price vs the time a player need it. Until 105 you are  a mentee, so why do you ask a high ammount of this item with a crazy game price.It is a flaw on the gameplay design, they should remove the need of runestones on lvl 99/103. But we know that ncwest cannot modify this, so the only feasible option we have is to ask @Juji or @Hime to add this item to any of the in gameshop. 25 hero coins should be the price of the new rune, not a old item that you need on your MENTEE lvl. this is good for the new players, old ones should have the skill already learned and do not care about this.

On the other items i think the same, there are logical ways to get them. Bloody stones should not be on ncstore but it would be nice to see it on oly shop at a high mark of battle price. 


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You are telling me that there is logic in log 14 accounts between 5 ppl to farm 2 runestones per week. so we are promoting to log account when there are queue all days of the week.

You can login 3 accounts? So if you got 5x friends ingame, the 5 can at least do a boss for rune stones. Make Tyrrs GK, Tyrr Titan or Evi and you are good to go.

With friends we all started 1x iss, 1x heal, 1x evi/titan or evi on each account of our accounts only for Balok. Drop HP of Titan < 20% one BR and the boss drops fast.

Before update, it was easier since we needed less chars to login, but less damage also. We still have all 5 our 3 accounts for this.

Redo it until you get rune stones for your main character and all friends. Redo it for Adena. Once you get enough cash, buy better weapon for those characters so boss dies even faster until you reach a point where Balok dies in 1 minute or less.

At night, we usually play only our main characters iss/tank/dread/yul/heal. If one gets DC during night and doesn´t relog, one connects his second account for this special case.

People whinning are those, who don´t play with other players, or connect their 50 chars to play solo and farm solo.

Recommendation: ALT+Y and put a friend there.

About login queue, my 2 & 3 account are only 2mins ingame together! Then I log them off.

Calculations with 5000 real players:

5000 x 2 min for 2char per Balok not at the same time = 10.000 min with 2 chars = 166.66 hours = +- 7hours of game time where there are 5k users logged 2 chars in if they would all do Balok like we do in 2 min just for us.

Means during 7 hours the servers would be at 10k characters ingame.

Problem is that greedy players connect 3x chars all the time. Our supreme farmers from server echos I got log even more (up to 50 accounts WTF!). That´s the reason why all spots are taken after 105, 107, 109. People log "dead" characters for leeching xp and doing adena.

I would suggest 0 Adena drop, mobs drop weapon/armor/enchant scrolls/rune stone/everything from mentee store, instance bosses drop other high end stuff, dropped items are bound to player and can´t be traded.

Catacombs/Necropolis -> entrance with full 7 char group for 1 hour where you could farm high end stuff for your character since you can´t trade it anymore.

Problem is: current Special Hunting zone are open for all, means those for 1 hour are open to all players, if they would create a separate special hunting zone, where only you would be inside it would be far better for exp farm.

This would reduce the "adena" farm since there is 0 reason for Adena since you can´t drop it.

LStore: talisman, jewels, artifact, gem, agathion, forgotten books, enchant increase stone etc. You want it? You pay for it.

It is supposed to be a game where you do pvp, not 90% of time only farm, farm and farm adena.

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2 hours ago, extase1987 said:

At night, we usually play only our main characters iss/tank/dread/yul/heal. If one gets DC during night and doesn´t relog, one connects his second account for this special case.

People whinning are those, who don´t play with other players, or connect their 50 chars to play solo and farm solo.

Recommendation: ALT+Y and put a friend there.

About login queue, my 2 & 3 account are only 2mins ingame together! Then I log them off.

Problem is that greedy players connect 3x chars all the time. Our supreme farmers from server echos I got log even more (up to 50 accounts WTF!). That´s the reason why all spots are taken after 105, 107, 109. People log "dead" characters for leeching xp and doing adena.

Problem is: current Special Hunting zone are open for all, means those for 1 hour are open to all players, if they would create a separate special hunting zone, where only you would be inside it would be far better for exp farm.

This would reduce the "adena" farm since there is 0 reason for Adena since you can´t drop it.

It is supposed to be a game where you do pvp, not 90% of time only farm, farm and farm adena.

A few things (sorry for my english)

I am a old player, my toons are in the game since 2012. Not the most veteran, not the most new. just in the middle, at the start of f2p.

I had my fun on farming istina/ballok/octavis/tauti with my cp, a long time ago. Now if you get dc inside ballok with any of your toons you can losse the one that do damage and cant relog because of queue. I have been on sieges, on mass pvp, compited on olys on old bartz with my wynn and all the fun things of 

What i say for the runes is not for me, my toons have all the skills learned (well, my dread now got a new skill so i should buy the runes). It is for anyone that want to start the game. to me the use of rune stones for skills 97/99/101/103 is a design flaw on the gameplay. But the ncwest dev cannot make changes on that. That is the cause i ask it to be put in shop. TO HELP NEW PLAYERS. 

In my case, i just do IT with my clanies because of the exp and the box with the adena, and let only one of my toons fishing to make more adena. I can slowly gear me up, but the newbies do not have a fancy rod or gear to pass from one toon another to kill faster the instances

I second the need of separated hunting zones (idk why they made it like open field instead of instance. maybe easy to code the charge per minute)

You say this is a game where do you pvp all time, well now it really is (or a macro game or a gacha game idk). it was not like that (have you tried to lvl up a toon in C1-C4 chronicles?) there was a lot of real farming in party there, hell even selling buff for adena. 

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6 hours ago, extase1987 said:

You can login 3 accounts? So if you got 5x friends ingame, the 5 can at least do a boss for rune stones. Make Tyrrs GK, Tyrr Titan or Evi and you are good to go.

With friends we all started 1x iss, 1x heal, 1x evi/titan or evi on each account of our accounts only for Balok. Drop HP of Titan < 20% one BR and the boss drops fast.

Before update, it was easier since we needed less chars to login, but less damage also. We still have all 5 our 3 accounts for this.

Redo it until you get rune stones for your main character and all friends. Redo it for Adena. Once you get enough cash, buy better weapon for those characters so boss dies even faster until you reach a point where Balok dies in 1 minute or less.

This "solution" always males me laugh ??

So let's say 5 people, me and 4 friends log 3 char to do balok twice a week and share drops.

If drop rate is 100% (well it should be if char range is correct), it will take 20 weeks so more than 4 months to get enough stone to learn one skill per actual players (not online character).

Of course it will takes 3x Times so more than a year ? if you want to learn skill on each char u have, well even more if u have chars such as Iss with several skills to use.

About the adena part u will mostly drop BEAR and BEWR, while it's always good, let's be honest, it will be nothing close to the amour u'll need to buy any armor or weapon.

So yes you can POTENTIALLY do that  but except if you're some kind of farmer with dedicated accounts just to do Balok all day long, it won't take you very far...

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2 minutes ago, Djos said:

This "solution" always males me laugh ??

So let's say 5 people, me and 4 friends log 3 char to do balok twice a week and share drops.

If drop rate is 100% (well it should be if char range is correct), it will take 20 weeks so more than 4 months to get enough stone to learn one skill per actual players (not online character).

Of course it will takes 3x Times so more than a year ? if you want to learn skill on each char u have, well even more if u have chars such as Iss with several skills to use.

About the adena part u will mostly drop BEAR and BEWR, while it's always good, let's be honest, it will be nothing close to the amour u'll need to buy any armor or weapon.

So yes you can POTENTIALLY do that  but except if you're some kind of farmer with dedicated accounts just to do Balok all day long, it won't take you very far...

if see in the past.... we was farming runes many years to learn skills. And was ok. But now people want get 105lvl in 2 days and all skills. Cannot be like this. Ned put little bit time on that.

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33 minutes ago, Ambicija said:

if see in the past.... we was farming runes many years to learn skills. And was ok. But now people want get 105lvl in 2 days and all skills. Cannot be like this. Ned put little bit time on that.

Well sorry but i think u see the situation in a twisted way ?

If I follow u reasonment back in C3/C4 A grade armor and lvl 12 SA for a weapon were very hard to get, almost impossible if u weren't in a big clan (not even talking about s grade ?)

Few update later ... new stuff is introduced....A and S grade became easier to get...a little bit later A grade was sold in shop, solo players could drop s/s80 grade everyday >>>> easier to get items 

Same goes for skills with spellbooks with time and update, skills became easier to get.

There's some kind of logic, u want new players to be able to catch up and compete (in some way at least) with old players. It's a necessary thing to keep challenge in the game, a thing that L2 severly lacks today... i mean look at the IG chat, only competition is about who will get highest lvl/enchant on a store only available item...well let's talk about design flaw ??

Yes, it was harder before, and it's normal design, in the same time, older things were easier to get.

Nowadays game allows players to catch up in level but that's all, after they are stuck in either buying IG currency or either leveling afk/alt army to farm fishing/mentees/instances in a false hope to catch up.

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11 minutes ago, Djos said:

Well sorry but i think u see the situation in a twisted way ?

If I follow u reasonment back in C3/C4 A grade armor and lvl 12 SA for a weapon were very hard to get, almost impossible if u weren't in a big clan (not even talking about s grade ?)

Few update later ... new stuff is introduced....A and S grade became easier to get...a little bit later A grade was sold in shop, solo players could drop s/s80 grade everyday >>>> easier to get items 

Same goes for skills with spellbooks with time and update, skills became easier to get.

There's some kind of logic, u want new players to be able to catch up and compete (in some way at least) with old players. It's a necessary thing to keep challenge in the game, a thing that L2 severly lacks today... i mean look at the IG chat, only competition is about who will get highest lvl/enchant on a store only available item...well let's talk about design flaw ??

Yes, it was harder before, and it's normal design, in the same time, older things were easier to get.

Nowadays game allows players to catch up in level but that's all, after they are stuck in either buying IG currency or either leveling afk/alt army to farm fishing/mentees/instances in a false hope to catch up.

Skills the same many years. Approx no changes. Just now we get new skils after 110 - and need greater runes. But greater runes to get.... Aprox impossible now.

Yes I agree - admins must to put in the event runes. Because prices 1 year ago for rune was 40-45kk - now 200-300kk - its not normal.  Nccoins prices now ~2.4, 1 year ago was ~ 1.6-1.8 (if good remember) so normal price in this period for rune ~60-90kk - but not 300kk like now. But this also.. runes need not because a lot new people, need - it because people now lvl up whole army's - and want for all this 7-10 acc all skills.

Im play 7 yeas in Naia. And my boxes have just some (most important rune skills). Not need to learn all skills - this skills never not will use.

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25 minutes ago, Ambicija said:

Skills the same many years. Approx no changes. Just now we get new skils after 110 - and need greater runes. But greater runes to get.... Aprox impossible now.

Yes I agree - admins must to put in the event runes. Because prices 1 year ago for rune was 40-45kk - now 200-300kk - its not normal.  Nccoins prices now ~2.4, 1 year ago was ~ 1.6-1.8 (if good remember) so normal price in this period for rune ~60-90kk - but not 300kk like now. But this also.. runes need not because a lot new people, need - it because people now lvl up whole army's - and want for all this 7-10 acc all skills.

Im play 7 yeas in Naia. And my boxes have just some (most important rune skills). Not need to learn all skills - this skills never not will use.

About skills i was talking about spellbooks : u needed them at first, well even badly sometimes, and then they weren't needed to earn skills : logic cause u want people to catch up and since there's fewer low lvl players they were becoming harder to get.

When you were farming rune stones it was a major game content, now it just looks like some old item where ways allowing to get them didn't get updated. As you said, now the high end objective is to get greater rune so previous items should become easier to get. There's clearly a lack of content.

Same goes for gear as it looks like the only things available are high-end player leftovers...no creation, no dynamism, nothing...

As i said :

> C3/C4 : D in shop / C grade in luxury

> Gracia : C in shop / B in luxury

> GoD : B in shop / A in luxury

See ? There's some logic in there. Plus it allows to set some price basis.

What items do you have today in shop ?

All new people get is non tradable/transferable/enchantable/sellable items to "protect" from the bot interference and hide the fact that there is actually no viable way to get anything by playing the game (well there is ether crafting system which is both a joke and an insult to the dwarf class) 

Yeah i know it sounds like some old random talking again about years ago, but hey, i assume it ?

On a final note, as i said in another post, the fact that u measure items value through NCoin conversion really shows what gone wrong with this game.

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1 hour ago, Djos said:

About skills i was talking about spellbooks : u needed them at first, well even badly sometimes, and then they weren't needed to earn skills : logic cause u want people to catch up and since there's fewer low lvl players they were becoming harder to get.

When you were farming rune stones it was a major game content, now it just looks like some old item where ways allowing to get them didn't get updated. As you said, now the high end objective is to get greater rune so previous items should become easier to get. There's clearly a lack of content.

Same goes for gear as it looks like the only things available are high-end player leftovers...no creation, no dynamism, nothing...

As i said :

> C3/C4 : D in shop / C grade in luxury

> Gracia : C in shop / low B in luxury

> GoD : B in shop / low/mid A in luxury   (+ unidentified->bound low S-grade Arcana Mace Draconic Bow etc)

> Tauti or Glory Days : C in Shop / low B + low/mid A in luxury (removed unidentified items from NPC + drop tables)

See ? There's some logic in there. Plus it allows to set some price basis.

What items do you have today in shop ?

All new people get is non tradable/transferable/enchantable/sellable items to "protect" from the bot interference and hide the fact that there is actually no viable way to get anything by playing the game (well there is ether crafting system which is both a joke and an insult to the dwarf class) 

Yeah i know it sounds like some old random talking again about years ago, but hey, i assume it ?

On a final note, as i said in another post, the fact that u measure items value through NCoin conversion really shows what gone wrong with this game.

Adjustments aren't always an improvement, when they had B-grade in regular NPC it was ALL B-grade... then they put only low B-grade back in luxury shop. The Crafting system was reworked though so you could buy Recipes and Mats from an NPC(no grade to S80).

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Here is a solution to rune stones issue, since we didn't get any replacements for the clan supply box in clan shop, I suggest @Juji / @Hime and the devs to consider putting rune stone not tradable (it won't affect market) into the clan shop for clan lv8 to replace the supply box they deleted with this update. this way for a certain amount of fame it would be possible to get some rune stones to learn our skills and it would greatly help new players and old players alts characters to get their skills, you could even make it to use fame and let's say 10m adena to take one. people would be very happy to finally learn their skills. Please consider this suggestion, I think it's a great one, thank you.

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So far I haven't taken advantage of new stuff in game. I level just fine. I also have not learned all of my skills that require rune stones. I level just fine. I probably won't get the greater rune stone any time soon either. I level just fine. Fact is, I just discovered this morning that I can hunt greens in some areas with just a rose, archer buffs and old archer skills (Pinpoint shot, Multiple Arrow, Quick Shot).

My point  is that there is always another way to build a character for most classes that lets players continue to level, even if it isn't as fast or with all of the dazzling, shiny skills. Yes, there should be a way to get rune stones more cheaply, but it's not the end of the world if we don't get them right away. Please fix the other high priority stuff that's wrong with the game.

And for God's sake, either get rid of queue or stop people from being able to log more than 2 accounts.

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6 hours ago, ShadowSerenade said:

So far I haven't taken advantage of new stuff in game. I level just fine. I also have not learned all of my skills that require rune stones. I level just fine. I probably won't get the greater rune stone any time soon either. I level just fine. Fact is, I just discovered this morning that I can hunt greens in some areas with just a rose, archer buffs and old archer skills (Pinpoint shot, Multiple Arrow, Quick Shot).

My point  is that there is always another way to build a character for most classes that lets players continue to level, even if it isn't as fast or with all of the dazzling, shiny skills. Yes, there should be a way to get rune stones more cheaply, but it's not the end of the world if we don't get them right away. Please fix the other high priority stuff that's wrong with the game.

And for God's sake, either get rid of queue or stop people from being able to log more than 2 accounts.

Leveling character is not hard nowadays, it's getting stuff which becomes complicated.

Today getting rune stones requises a crazy amount of adena cause game severly lacks ways to get them by playing.

Yes you can do without them, especially as an archer, but if you're are let's say an ISS main, you'll will find it become harder to find party at 106 if you haven't these "shiny skills".

There is several things to fix I do agree, melee lag, queue...but most are technical issues. In term of game design rune stone problem is pretty obvious.

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On 5/2/2020 at 6:41 PM, Barnabas666 said:

Hi, in another thread here I noticed that ppl have problem with high prices of some items, because they either dont drop so often as before or are more needed now or didnt appear ingame for ages. I write here small list of items which I think can be overpriced now even I understand that someone can see it in different way.


  • Rune Stone
  • Superior Giant's Codex - Mastery
  • Alien Nano Supplement Event
  • Top-grade Spirit Stone
  • Elcyum, Elcyum Crystal, Elcyum Powder
  • Bloody Armor Enhancement Stone
  • Superior Giant's Codex
  • Freya's Luck Potion (called Maphr's before)


Is possible to add these items in some of next events as drop or even better to put them as possible drop/reward of any instance (that would be probably too complicated change)?

Thanks @Juji

Market presents inflationary spiral. All these items used to be 1/3 - 1/4 of their current price, not long ago. Dunno if it's the high demand, the  huge increase in income from TZ or because they were removed from some NPC's  / Bosses.

In any case logging 10 boxes just to fish- farm Elcyum or putting items on L2 store boxes is not the answer.

Market needs fixing else we ll go back to 500 regular players + 2000 boxes.

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