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Guide to reduce the chance to be pk-scammed (reloaded)

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Hi all!
Someone tried to scam me with this popular method yesterday, so i want to share my exp, what ive seen, what ive learned, my thoughts, and some advices to reduce the chance or at least make things harder for the scammers.

The method
I was macro hunting on HB and this is what happened:

1) A flagged char stood next to me trying to flag me, i was using a macro with /targetnext but set on "Monsters", so i didn't flag and the guy left.

2) A low level PK stood next to me, after a few seconds i killed him with an AoE (target on a mob). I didn't flag but that made me eligible for the scamm.

3) A tank dragged me into a lonely spot, my macro was still on so i kept killing mobs. A different PK blended into the mobs killing some of them to reduce his karma, i killed him several times with my AoE's until he got me flag with the followin sequence:
Scammer goes PK and kill some mobs > I start to cast an AoE that will affect him > PK kill a last mob and go white again > I finally launch the attack but as PK is now white i got flagged.
Apparently the system set my targets on the moment that i start to cast an skill, and if there is a change before the launch (pk/flag turns white) system just ignore it and i attack him anyways.

4) A tank dragged me into a different spot without mobs and aggroed me, i was targeting him coz of the flag. Tank changed into to a different dualclass and i started to kill him with one shot. Once he was dead a box gave him ress but he didn't stand up inmediatly, he waited until the very last moment before his flag faded, once he was up two things may occur:
I kill him flagged, so he stands up inmediatly and start the process again. Or i kill him white (using the very same logic than step 3) and i go PK.
At this point i was without the macro, killing him manually, so i was on full contorl of the situation and didn't turn PK, but this is what i suppose that would happened if i had been AFK:

5) They would bring me some mobs for low down my karma, and once im white start again the process at least 3 more times. After that they would kill me and i would have drop several items to the floor. Which luckly doesn't happened.

Some advices based on my experience

I) Targetnext set always on Monsters, or better /target name-of-the-mob.
II) Include some /target %self on your macros.
III) Don't use AoE.
IV) Always keep your pk counter on 0.
V) Know your skills. Don't use skills that could flag you on macros.
VI) DO TESTS. Go into a lonely place and test all your skills/macros, put a flagged char next to you and see if you got flagged, put a PK next to the mobs and see if you dealt him some damage (you shouldn't, at all).
VII) Help other people, if you see someone dragging people, kill him, if you see a random flagged, kill him, if you see a PK, please, kill him, no matter if its the scammer or the scammed.
VIII) Share information, so more and more people will be aware of this situation and how it works.
And the most important advice of all: IX) DON'T (please) GO AFK

If you have some comments, other experiences, methods, strategies, opinions or advices please let me know.

Disclaimer 1: I had serious doubts about this post, coz someone could read it and try to become a scammer, but as i wrote before, if more people knows how this works we can find a solution and avoid this kind of things.

Disclaimer 2: Scammers* are smart, even if you follow all this advices people still can find the way to scamm you IF YOU ARE AFK, so if you are going to macro-hunting you should always keep on eye on the computer, to avoid this things.

Disclaimer 3: Ive read a lot of discussing about macro-loop, macro-afk, pk-system, RU servers, 24/7 farmers... and this thread doesn't meant to have that kind of discussion, im not saying that PK/Macro-Hunting are good or bad, im just spreading some useful information coz you could lose expensive items if you aren't aware of it.


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21 minutes ago, Maxximilian said:

Apparently the system set my targets on the moment that i start to cast an skill, and if there is a change before the launch (pk/flag turns white) system just ignore it and i attack him anyways.


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about target name mob, some have their alt toon name after a certain mobs from HB, GC

maybe can try use 2 names on target mob name, a full name because characters name can not be 2 words. I do not know if it works never test it out.

can also you target party member at the last line of macro to make sure you run back to your support box.

and try not to use shiny gear on afk macro

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On 3/31/2019 at 3:38 AM, Piro said:

about target name mob, some have their alt toon name after a certain mobs from HB, GC

maybe can try use 2 names on target mob name, a full name because characters name can not be 2 words. I do not know if it works never test it out.

can also you target party member at the last line of macro to make sure you run back to your support box.

and try not to use shiny gear on afk macro

Or just use /targetnext.



Nothing to comment about in the OP, but he clearly used a skill that either

1. Hit the people around him

2. Leaves an AoE effect behind


Using any --NORMAL-- AOE skills will not hit enemies if you target a monster, specific skills may/will however.



I should mention, this bug may have been fixed, it may not have.. so

Fortress sieges used to "expand" to the world-map, this meant if someone started a fortress siege, they could PK the defenders at any location of the map (and vice versa to attackers), this is because the game mechanics change during a fortress siege.

So, what im trying to say.. if they havent fixed the bug completely, they could abuse that too - assuming your clan have a fort.

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5 hours ago, smokas said:

gms just dont know game mechanics about pk and they think evryting its fine ... but its not .... they dont know ppl force you to make pk 

Only the lamers fall for this. Anyone with properly made macros is not affected since day one.

Just learn to play.

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11 hours ago, Dagger said:

Using any --NORMAL-- AOE skills will not hit enemies if you target a monster, specific skills may/will however

Im a Yul Sagittarius, I was using Multiple Arrow and Heavy Arrow Rain, those skills do hit PKs if they are next to the mobs im targeting, and most AoE does, thats why they could flag me. If you hit a PK with your macro they can flag you.

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On 3/31/2019 at 12:35 PM, SMFC said:

I guess that's why innova is removing drop from pk.. anyway NCwest should focus on issues like this, I bet that If I got scammed for items I would just quit, too much time invested would be lost

Sad to say i'm on the verge of quitting after losing +10 Gear and some jewel to this scam last week.

Just learn how to do the macro-looping.Only into 2nd days and there goes my items.

14 years of time and $$ down the drain......not going to spend $ to buy Ncoin again.


Ncsoft reverted, it's intended. No exploit.....................

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On ‎3‎/‎31‎/‎2019 at 3:12 AM, Maxximilian said:


3) A tank dragged me into a lonely spot, my macro was still on so i kept killing mobs. A different PK blended into the mobs killing some of them to reduce his karma, i killed him several times with my AoE's until he got me flag with the followin sequence:
Scammer goes PK and kill some mobs > I start to cast an AoE that will affect him > PK kill a last mob and go white again > I finally launch the attack but as PK is now white i got flagged.
Apparently the system set my targets on the moment that i start to cast an skill, and if there is a change before the launch (pk/flag turns white) system just ignore it and i attack him anyways.



there is split second when you about to turning white from purple and your toon will target purple or red toon and the red toon use monster collection to get xp and de-karma.

I found out nextarget to mobs is safer and you need to be on map that is close environment such as refinery so your toon can not move far.

If you target your box support they can drag that char with tank even using token or target %party so the best is target %self.

target name can be rewrite with pets and it can be rename easily.

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the easiest way to fix this is to remove drop from pk count or just add when you kill pet to give you pk point coz now when you pk pet it gives you 0 pk count and then when some1 kill you become pk just  make pets not give pk or to give 1 pk point I dont thing is so hard to do that. I all ready drop 1 bloody wepon coz this exploit still working and admins giving me same answer all times no afk macro I saw player try scam I make screens and he still not banned ……. may be all must make 1 low char and go all lands farm wepons is that you want nc soft ….. must rename game "robber age3"

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Mosst efficient method to avoid problem described is to stop using your credit card.

If your have settings to hunt monsters only and your AOE still confuse players with monsters then stop buying ncoins and L2 store items till bug is fixed.

If your paid L2 store items, services and benefits (cake, potions, buff, xp scroll, runes) are not delivered to you because they expire in proces of ""non" harassment then stop buying them. Specially if NCsoft refuse to refund you by themselves or to take amount of ncoins spend from aggressors and give to you.

Simple, vote with your credit card, only way of efficient dialog with ncsoft.

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Nice post, man.


There are obviously 2 bugs here:

- 1st one is: the player can get karma without PK, if kill some pet. Its simply not right: you suppose to get PK AND karma, not only karma.In other words, when you kill someone in karma you not supposed to get karma/pk, you supposed to get reputation :)))

- 2nd one: why you hit the karma-player, when you target a mob???!!!!. You dont hit flagged players in the same situation. Karma or not, its still player = PC not NPC, so that is 100% BUG as well.

The combination of these 2 bugs lead to the horrible consequences: lot of players, puted in illegal karma and dropped / scammed.

This, in combination with NCSOFT full absence of support, lead to 1-2K less players and lot of unhappy ppl.



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They tried to do it to me this morning and i was using aoe and snare with my feoh ,of course i was watching .I got  a pk like in 30 sec after they appeared , i wanted to see what they will do.After first pk  i saw my toon teleported somewhere i didnt even saw where it was.How they bleep they teleport me? I just went to ch  after that  to remove pk.I agree with sleepingpower above.I wont give any more money for this game if they dont respect me.I  kill mobs not anything else to loose my precious items i got with money and many hours of gameplay.I will cancel next month and prestige pack .Enough is enough.Nc dont respect us when they allow scammers to do it.They should fix those problems and ban those scumbags asap.

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there is a scrolls for that (to teleport KAMRA players).. you can obtain them from Olly manager :).

Its not the problem: bugs are. There are 2 bugs. even blind man can see that.. GMs remains deaf .. I have only 1 explanation: they are corrupted and get % from these scamms via G2Gcom :))


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8 minutes ago, Toooldforthis said:

They tried to do it to me this morning and i was using aoe and snare with my feoh ,of course i was watching .I got  a pk like in 30 sec after they appeared , i wanted to see what they will do.After first pk  i saw my toon teleported somewhere i didnt even saw where it was.How they bleep they teleport me? I just went to ch  after that  to remove pk.I agree with sleepingpower above.I wont give any more money for this game if they dont respect me.I  kill mobs not anything else to loose my precious items i got with money and many hours of gameplay.I will cancel next month and prestige pack .Enough is enough.Nc dont respect us when they allow scammers to do it.They should fix those problems and ban those scumbags asap.


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