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Lineage 2 PK system pool

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You simply do not understand it as I see! You do not get it :(  


Problem is not the system it is the WAY YOU OBTAIN GEAR and THE PRICE YOU PAY FOR IT … 

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Sooner or later you will get a troll in some zone, I don't know what lvl are you, or your gear, but there are ppl who will abuse their power over lower tier players just for the sake of it.

When 1 toon costs 150 000 NCoin Gearwise and the other 2 500 000 NCoin Gearwise, you simply get 1 shot, while you hit the other guy for 179 dmg per him or even 0 :) 

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Just now, Dawe said:

If an equip on +4 PK player gets destroyed, PK scammer will come to your afk farming toon, give you 4 or more pk points, and your equip gets destroyed.

you have ways to avoid that. While this affects 20% of the players the new change will affect 95% of it. The other 5% beeing the bullies.

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23 minutes ago, Dawe said:

If an equip on +4 PK player gets destroyed, PK scammer will come to your afk farming toon, give you 4 or more pk points, and your equip gets destroyed.

nowhere they said that equips will be destroyed... if u die with +4 ++ pk, your punishment is to lose exp... =P

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OMG majority of the people are clueless favoring (75% vs 25% out of 74 samples) the OLD system of PK with forced PK scamming prevalent daily.  What is wrong with them?  I like the new system WAY better.

Not only I don't have to worry about losing really expensive items but I can also go MESS with loud mouths who I just want to KILL them for fun.

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As a person who has farmed my shadow slasher with balok q, venirs, and giants codexes i couldn't leave my macro unattended. Now i can leave my macro without a worry and this lets me make more new chars for quests. Is that bad or good? And like Argus said people abuse power in this game but that happens in every game so i guess we just have to learn how to deal with it. And about items you can farm adenas in game but to buy decent gear it takes a very long time. For my bloody Set +8 it took nearly 4 weeks of farming quests making new chars and instances.

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9 hours ago, Justarandomguy said:

As a person who has farmed my shadow slasher with balok q, venirs, and giants codexes i couldn't leave my macro unattended. Now i can leave my macro without a worry and this lets me make more new chars for quests. Is that bad or good? And like Argus said people abuse power in this game but that happens in every game so i guess we just have to learn how to deal with it. And about items you can farm adenas in game but to buy decent gear it takes a very long time. For my bloody Set +8 it took nearly 4 weeks of farming quests making new chars and instances.

You don't know what are you talking about.. if you leave your character on macro for some time and you're around me and messing with my mobs while I'm doing quest I will PK you and all your boxes without a problem and without consequences for me and will continue to play. Would you like that? And I will do it every time. Or imagine you are somewhere with a xp party with all boosts on and someone comes messing with your pt and pk you all with 1-2 shots. You will cry the server. I bet.

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Don't worry people.

We have xgencode to protect us from script warriors.

Fact that i cant find it in running processes does not mater, we believe that nc soft delivered their product with almost a year  of testing and must bee perfect.

Lagometer  show how much time we (lagging) are behind Korea with this update and that show how much time our testers worked hard to deliver product without bugs and overseen mistakes.

Have fun, pvp scripts are on, bots are on and no pk penalty.

As mixa say just do  your macro right and all issues, bugs and everything else people complain for immediately disappear.

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On 17/05/2019 at 2:05 PM, SleepingPower said:

Don't worry people.

We have xgencode to protect us from script warriors.

Fact that i cant find it in running processes does not mater, we believe that nc soft delivered their product with almost a year  of testing and must bee perfect.

Lagometer  show how much time we (lagging) are behind Korea with this update and that show how much time our testers worked hard to deliver product without bugs and overseen mistakes.

Have fun, pvp scripts are on, bots are on and no pk penalty.

As mixa say just do  your macro right and all issues, bugs and everything else people complain for immediately disappear.

a game without punishment of pk is ridiculous

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@Congliostron I don't know why you think that?  I think more players will come back, the opposite.  I think more people have quit from losing expensive items due to PK scammer than those who did not loose items.  That is the reason your voice is the dominant voice, the one still complaining about the change being bad - you who have not lost items due to pk scam.

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8 hours ago, GhostintheShell said:

@Congliostron I don't know why you think that?  I think more players will come back, the opposite.  I think more people have quit from losing expensive items due to PK scammer than those who did not loose items.  That is the reason your voice is the dominant voice, the one still complaining about the change being bad - you who have not lost items due to pk scam.

you can not force your ideas of amusement at all, for example punishment by pk could be a 24-hour debuff that reduces the power and abilities of the avatar, according to the number of pks


lack of balance in the game and this would help a lot, especially the players who do not have good equipment

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The idea behind the new PK system is good but it needs to be balanced is some way. The balance can be achieved with different sorts of penalties. Personally I would like to see something like a time limited XP/SP block. "If you choose PK then you can’t PVE".

Breaking or dropping gear when chaotic was kind of drastic.

Bottom line:

1 PK = 24 hrs of XP block (this will give the player a chaotic debuff, blocking all incoming XP and SP)

For each new PK during the rebuff is active the player receive an additional 2 hrs penalty and the debuff timer resets back to 24 hours plus the additional 2 hours. 3 PKs during an active debuff will result in 28 hours of penalty and so on.

When the debuff time run out, the player can proceed with PvE as normal.

High level players don’t care much about XP/SP, they want the PVP but it must be some penalty for those also to protect the players who is still very dependent on the PVE part of the game.

So additional chaotic debuff penalties could be:

- Cannot receive rewards from PVE quests

- Cannot pick up items from PVE hunting like monster loot or Adena drops

- Cannot enter party matching

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