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Everything posted by mixa

  1. The chance is 5%, non-comulative. Each try is low chance + Korean random. In my case I've made 2 cloaks legendary, both Elmore. First it took me 11 scrolls and the second one (more recent like 2 months ago or so) took 21 scrolls. There used to be 50/50 Legendary scroll, but it was kind of expensive and it still could have fall. You still have the option to use it, but for some reason the exchange option for it is gone, so these are practically non-existent at the moment.
  2. These don't really drop anywhere nowdays. Certain quests used to give them, like Kartia, but I'm not sure if they do either now.
  3. He is not kidding about the Aion thing. The early code of L3 was stolen by ex-employies and there was a huge scandal back then. The project was ultimately cancelled. Also there are no such plans, it's s dying game and NCsoft is much more interested into mobile games now. Also the databases and everything are property of NCSoft and not the account holders, including ALL items and everything related. Not enough money if any are interested in L2 anymore and I'm quite confident that there won't be any change of engine and /or complete graphics overhaul. Just be happy with what you have as it is and as long as it lasts.
  4. You don't need to buy anything if you don't feel like it.
  5. That was artificially introduced by NCSoft.
  6. Not gonna happen. The libra versions in Korea are going haywire, so better use those, until they have the option at all.
  7. There are many ways to get adena in this game, but as 99% of the players, you should focus on the L2Store for your main income source.
  8. Try to find a CP.Also this is for the Live servers, not classic.
  9. Olympiad is a weird thing on classic, but it's a change for quite some time now.May be looking stupid for the moment, but it might become rather fun rather funny in the future.These recent changed brought some fresh new elements to it.
  10. You can always change back your money if you feel scammed. Easy as that. Let us know how it goes.
  11. Just monitor your character more often and move it back to it's spot if you get "killed" by a cursed weapon.
  12. Well, I've to agree on this. Can't call the there white black.
  13. It might be related to the new debuff categories that were introduced with the last update. Juji can check that out, how the auras work now and what affects them as in terms of lendrate and residence, but this might take some digging and a lot of time, which he probably doesn't have.
  14. I would say that this is quite intentional and I don't see NCKorea changing it anytime soon. Satisfied?
  15. 1. Something in your side, my toons rarely dc. 2. Spoil is intentionally nerfed and overall made obsolete way if obtaining mats, this is the same on live. 3.No 4. This is a game feature, not a bug. PS. Buying anything doesn't give you any special rights or priority on anything (as in most places). If you don't like the product, you can opt to return it in a reasonable amount of time. This will get you perma banned, but you can do that.
  16. Never. Stop asking, Juji already answered this.
  17. mixa


    Don't bother with bloody weapons and such. Get a Tauti 1-handed axe, eventually with Mystic SA for about 10b. That's all you'll ever need.
  18. I can see that, but these things come from a place that nobody reads here. In the other regions you can do the same as here, so definitely not a bug either. Someday, maybe.
  19. @Jural It used to be like that, but it ain't no more.
  20. Probably a text error. Try reporting it to the support though.
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