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Everything posted by Mete

  1. So ... vote with your wallets. I certainly am not spending a dime on this.
  2. If servers go down, they know, they get alerts. Most commonly since lost arc launched is problems upstream of the server, within AWS infrastracture, that is more of a netsplit than a server down (meaning some people stay online, some people can't connect for 2-3-5 minutes.
  3. so why on earth are you pinging the website lineage2.com and thinking you are pinging the game servers? those have completely different ips
  4. It was a limited time event item, afaik the weapon enchants were only available during the last run of the night market coin event
  5. nobody's quitting L2 to go be taken financially hostage by another ncsoft game
  6. iss are the buffer classes (hierophant, spectral dancer, sword muse, dominator, doomcryer) othell are the dagger classes ( ghost hunter, wind rider, fortune seeker, adventurer)
  7. Striders weren't deleted, you just can't make new ones cause the quests are gone. If you had one, you still have it
  8. Mete


    Maestro's fine, it's a decent Tyrr and can be played with less real life money. People tend to be weird ... wow titan is the best tyrr nobody play anything else. Sure, Titan with 50 grand of real life money is amazing. Realistically most people will never get to that point.
  9. Can you reach end game as F2P. Sure. Are you willing to play 24/7 for the next 10 years? ps the game has very little to offer aside from grinding for exp, and grinding for items. Epic raids are perma killed by 3 people, instances, well there are 4 or 5 that you do every day and get bored of pretty quickly.
  10. you get hero coins when you use your ncoin to buy items from the store. For example, 1 Eva's Treasure chest that costs 80 Ncoin will give you 2 hero coins. Every item in the l2store has in the description the amount of hero coin you get if you buy it. You also get hero coins from the subscription (prestige pack) -> https://www.lineage2.com/shop/prestige
  11. exalted weapon enchants were only briefly available though an event, night market coin if memory serves me right
  12. stone of destiny resets all skills, it says so in the description. if you are changing within the same archetype (yul to yul, othell to othell etc) and wish to retain COMMON skills (in your case heartbreaker, blood stab, chain blow etc) enchants you needed to use chaos essence
  13. blessed exalted +0 is not that different to simple exalted. The benefit of blessed exalted is you can get a +10 set safely. Beyond that, FOS 105 needed 110+ parties before the update, same applies to Krofin, Ashen etc. These instances were never suitable for 105 players, even if the sign at the door says 105
  14. What hell is wrong with you? People exploit a bug AND YOU LET THEM KEEP THE FRUITS OF THE EXPLOIT???
  15. a) I 'm 120, I d happily pay 100m for 24 hours of rose b) you can't farm crisis in exalted at 105.You will literally do 0 damage. So yeah, your heroic acts and billions of adena are imaginary
  16. You should have it free for lowbies and 100m for high levels. Lowbies don't even farm 30m/day if they play 24 hours
  17. Those changes were requested by japan, and do not exist in Korea. Korea decided to include them in all export versions of the game. Apparently "our" version will not include them, which is not a bad thing, even though I personally wouldn't have been affected by them
  18. supply <-> demand Chronos spends more on events, has a bigger supply of items and lower prices. Naia doesn't, supply is smaller, prices are high. Whether you like it or no there is no way for this game to be played F2P en masse
  19. They don't allow the race change because they need to create animations for all races for etheia classes, and they obviously don't want to do that. Yeah yeah I know, you are a tyrr now, but you 're still an ertheia, and there is no easy way for them to say if you are an ertheia but not an ertheia class, then race change, if not, then you can't
  20. Current ncoin prices in Naia are 12 mil/coin. Chronos is slightly lower. Those are the market prices. Now if you personally can find someone buying ncoin at 20 or 25mil ... good for you. The bulk of the playerbase transacts at market prices. If you need dawn crystals, it's a decent event. If you don't, don't participate
  21. You will get a random bloodthirsty weapon. In broad tems the equivalent of a dragon weapon fragment. Maybe a bow, maybe a dagger, maybe anything. If it is a bow you will need 48 Akamanah bloods to turn in into a proper weapon. Bloods are obtained once a day, by the person left holding Akamanah at the end of swords. So 99% of the time a member of one of the top clans on your server. Those are mostly held off the market and either sold RMT style or given to clan members to make a weapon. Once in a blue moon a random will luck into getting the sword last (happened to me twice) and some bloods will trickle into the market, usually pretty expensive. On top of that, thanks to the recent slayer event, most people that can afford "top" weapons (Dragon/Bloodies) already got them, so the market for fragments/bloodthirsties is pretty thin.
  22. I have no idea, right now 1-85 takes half an hour, I have no clue what happens if you summon your hatchling as you kill mobs. Theoretically it will get some exp, how much I don't know. Overall the pet system is gone. All you can get are pets from clan halls, and what 99.99% of people do with them is use them as markers for macros... walk to pet do something, walk to party member, do something else, etc.
  23. because anything under Lvl 110 level is irrelevant. IMO they should give perma vit for anybody under 110, not just a 7 day rune. Games progress. In the beginning getting to 20 was a grind. 40 took months, heck doing the class change quest took a good few weeks. As the game progresses lower levels are triviliazed.
  24. it's an AFK grinder (game now has a built in bot function) that may or may not be fun once you get to end game. The game has multiple systems (jewels, artifacts, agathions etc) that you will have to pay rl money to acquire, and a massive amount of grinding for exp, adena etc. It's kinda like a mobile game you run in the background and check on 2-3 times a day, and occasionally dip into your wallet to help gear your character. If that sounds fun to you, Chronos is generally the better populated server that has a decent market. Naia is predominantly people trying and failing to F2P, with a dead market.
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